The Richest Man In the World:Just sign in every day to get 1 million

Chatper 38

the next day.

Su Ye was the first one to come to the company excitedly.

Today is the fifteenth day in a row.

According to his previous experience of checking in at the starting point, there will be rewards for 3 consecutive days, 7 days, 15 days, and 30 days.

He was really looking forward to the reward he would get today.

"Mr. Su, the artists in our operations department have completed the production of art resources."

Wang Yifei came to the office and said.

"Come on, let\'s go take a look together."

After looking at the artist\'s work, Su Ye nodded.

This level is much better than the draft I gave myself before.

It seems that this person just needs to be forced.

"Luo, Brother Chen, come here."

Su Ye almost habitually called Director Luo.

Asking Chen Nanfeng to upload the picture material as soon as possible, Su Ye saw a...

Well, it\'s still not that pretty interface.

Whether it is a friend interface, a group chat interface, or a dialogue window, QQ zone.

The overall feeling is the same as that of QQ more than 10 years ago.

So corny.

"Wow, not bad, Wang Xiaojing\'s level is really good."

"This interface is as good as Mumu\'s ten streets."

"That\'s right, I feel like none of the current chat software can do it."

Seeing the reactions of the people around him, Su Ye almost became depressed.

That\'s it?

Are you so amazed?

Is it that good?

Wang Xiaojing, who is a master artist, also squinted at Su Ye\'s reaction.

"President Su, what do you think?"

After the Director Luo incident, the employees felt a sense of awe towards Su Ye.

So Wang Xiaojing speaks in a low voice.

"Um, not bad."

Su Ye said something perfunctory, and Wang Xiaojing knew from Su Ye\'s attitude that he must be dissatisfied.


This is already my most satisfying drawing.

I sent the manuscript to my university teacher in the middle of the night last night, and even the teacher said that I am the best.

Mr. Su, it may be due to high demands.

"President Su, don\'t tell me, this art interface has been changed."

"It\'s completely different from before."

"After going online, you can absolutely beat Mumu and the others."

Wang Yifei was also full of praise.

"Does everyone feel good?"

Su Ye turned around and asked, "Since everyone thinks it\'s possible, let the technical department take the lead and arrange internal testing starting today."

"If there is a problem, correct it in time."

"If there is no problem, it is tentatively scheduled to be officially launched on National Day on October 1."

"Okay, President Su."

Wang Yifei and Chen Nanfeng agreed together.

After completing the initial work, Su Ye\'s mood improved.

"By the way, Wang Xiaojing, didn\'t you bring your cat?"


Wang Xiaojing froze for a moment before reacting.

"Boss Su, I haven\'t brought it here yet, I always find it inconvenient."

"No inconvenience."

"Even if you bring them here, if you are tired from work, you can pet the cat to relax."

"Pick the cat?"

"What is cat licking?"

"I\'ve only heard of Lu..." Before he could finish speaking, a colleague covered his mouth and took him away.

"Also, remember to tell Li Qianqian about the cat food."

Su Ye returned to the office without waiting for Wang Xiaojing to respond.

Wang Yifei noticed Su Ye\'s last look, glanced at Bai Shan secretly and nodded.

"Wang Yifei, can I really bring the cat here tomorrow?"

"Of course it is possible. What President Su has promised, why not."
"Okay, then I\'ll bring all three cats at home."

Wang Xiaojing had stars in her eyes, with a fantasy look on her face.

"Cough cough."

"Wang Xiaojing, let\'s prepare a few more sets of space decoration templates that Mr. Su mentioned."

"Complete it as soon as possible, so as to cooperate with the progress of the business."


Su Ye sat on the office chair.

I have to say that Hera Taman\'s chair is really comfortable to sit on.

Su Ye didn\'t feel particularly tired after working overtime that day.

He is thinking.

Now the work on the production side is complete.

The next step is to consider the launch and promotion.

The easiest way to promote is to advertise.

One of the tricks commonly used by major Internet companies is to place advertisements on the three major platforms and Longhan 123.

Longhan 123 is a website navigation website similar to Hao 123 in the previous life.

Su Ye remembered.

The Hao 123 website in the previous life was considered the largest, the earliest navigation website, and of course the one with the most food.

The above sorts and summarizes each website by category.

Su Ye is very familiar with this website.

He had never bothered to record any URLs before, and he had been using computers in Internet cafes in his previous life.

Therefore, the utilization rate of Hao 123 is very high.

The current Longhan 123, Su Ye opened the website and browsed it, and found that it was basically the same as what he saw in his previous life.

Ordinary websites are marked in black.

Those who have advertised will add a "hot" sign after the website name.

Su Ye wrote down Longhan 123 in his notebook and ticked the back.

As for the advertising space of the three major platforms.

He doesn\'t have any ideas.

Su Ye, who has been engaged in the Internet field before, understands that advertising on these three major platforms is basically a waste of money.

In addition to showing the strength of the company, the number of converted users is very impressive.

Still have to find other channels.

looking for... looking for...

Su Ye has been finding his off-duty time, but he has not found his ideal promotion channel.

Forget it, let\'s get off work first.

Sending off the employees one by one at the door, Su Ye closed the door and started clocking in.

After all, Su Ye was a little embarrassed to be seen next to the punch card machine yesterday.

"Punch in!"


"The host punched in successfully and got 2 million yuan of funds" (deposited into the bank card by default)


"The host has signed in for 15 consecutive days to achieve the sign-in reward."

"Rewards are being distributed..."

"Please check the host in the left drawer of the desk."

"Looking in a desk drawer?"

"Can\'t the system tell me what it is?"

Su Ye murmured to himself, turned and returned to the office.

The left drawer was originally empty, but when Su Ye checked the drawer, she found that there was an extra document inside.

"A document again."

"Could it be some kind of transfer letter for the building?"

Su Ye checked the document and found that it was a financial report.

[Houlang Company\'s annual financial report and analysis]

Looking at the document in his hand, Su Ye was a little confused for a moment.

He has now obtained 3 consecutive signing rewards by checking in.

The first time I signed in for 3 consecutive days, I got a transportation tool.

The second time you signed in for 7 days in a row, you got the skill of the code master.

The third time I signed in for 15 consecutive days and got a financial report.

What the hell?

Brother System, are you out of money?

I obviously have a company myself, why would you give me the financial analysis report of other companies.

Do you want me to be the financial director of their company?