The Richest Man In the World:Just sign in every day to get 1 million

Chatper 3

Liang Weinan returned to the office, feeling that he was going to be blown up by Su Ye.

After a while, he picked up the phone and dialed.

"Hey, Sanzi, find some time to help me tidy up alone."

"Okay, second brother."

Liang Weinan gave Su Ye\'s information to the other party.

He has Su Ye\'s information, including address and parental relationship, etc.

After putting down the phone, Liang Weinan became more and more angry.

Pick up the phone again.

"Hey, wait for a notice to be issued. The Jiangcheng Internet Association has blocked a person named Su Ye."

"Okay, vice president, I will issue a notice immediately."

Liang Weinan smiled sullenly.

I said hello in both black and white, aren\'t you, Su Ye, awesome?

Let\'s see if you will beg me for mercy today.

Young people have never been beaten by the society, and they always think that the boss is the second child and the third child.

Today, your Lord Liang will teach you a lesson.


Su Ye naturally didn\'t know Liang Weinan\'s actions.

He did regret it a bit after he left the company.

Resigning means that he will lose 1 million a day.

Damn, impulsive, impulsive.

Now he had to look for a job again. He drove back to his rented house, sorted out his resume, and prepared to go to the Talent Market of Youth Innovation Park.

Su Ye\'s goal is very simple.

It doesn\'t matter if it\'s money or not, the main thing is that the evening shift leaves work early, the boss doesn\'t force it, and the colleagues don\'t care about it.

Youth Entrepreneurship Park is a newly built park in Jiangcheng last year, specially prepared for the Internet industry.

After Su Ye came over in a hurry, it was 10 o\'clock.

"XX company recruits a customer service representative with a base salary of 1800 and a high commission."

"XX company is recruiting a channel manager, the salary is interviewed, and the treatment is excellent."

"XX company is recruiting troops,..."

Because it is not a weekend, there are many enterprise booths in the talent market, but relatively few people come to apply for jobs.

Su Ye walked around and looked around, and finally found a company he liked.

"XX company is recruiting office clerks, from 9 to 6 on weekends, with a salary of 1500, and those with high ability can be interviewed."

That\'s right.

This is what Su Ye wants to find.

The company was responsible for recruiting a thin girl wearing glasses.

"Hello, are you still recruiting office clerks?"

"Oh, Hello."

Yang Lili was dozing off, and answered Su Ye\'s question quickly.

When she rubbed her eyes and saw the person opposite clearly, her mouth couldn\'t help opening wide, wide open.

"Well, this boy is too handsome."

"Is he my Prince Charming?"

Su Ye stared speechlessly at the girl in front of her who had no image and opened her mouth so wide that she was almost drooling.

"Hello, is this clerk position still recruiting?"

"Recruit, recruit."

Yang Lili stood up, took out a chair and set it up for Su Ye.

When she thought of having such a handsome boy in her company in the future, she couldn\'t control herself.

"You are applying for a clerk, right? Have you brought your resume?"

Su Ye handed the prepared resume to Yang Lili and waited for the other party\'s response.

"Born in 1997..."

"Birthday March 5th..."

"Pisces, I don\'t know if I am compatible with a Capricorn."

"Graduated from Jiangcheng University majoring in Internet, uh, isn\'t this the year?"

"This little brother just graduated, maybe I still have a chance."

"Yang Lili, come on, you have to fight for happiness by yourself."

"Father is 48 years old and mother is 46 years old. They work in a toy factory in Xucheng."

"Hey, my father is still the director of the factory, not bad, not bad."

Yang Lili looked at Su Ye\'s resume, and in a short while, she had chosen the names of the future two children, which kindergarten to go to, what schoolbag to buy, and how often she would go to the playground.

"Your information is in line with our company\'s requirements, and I will hand over my resume to our HR manager at noon."

"By the way, I want to ask, when will you be able to join the job at the earliest."

"at any time."

Yang Lili was excited in her heart, but her face was calm.
"Okay, I will let you know as soon as I have news."


Su Ye stood up and was about to leave.

At this moment, Yang Lili\'s cell phone rang suddenly.

She looked at the caller ID and waved to Su Ye, "Wait a minute, our manager is calling."

"Hello, Manager Ren, hello."

"Xiao Yang, just now the Internet Association issued a notice that all companies in Jiangcheng are not allowed to hire a single person."


"Don\'t follow me, it\'s a man named Su Ye, pay attention."

"Su Ye?"

With the phone between her ears and shoulders, Yang Lili quickly flipped through Su Ye\'s resume.

"Why are you not allowed to hire him?"

"Don\'t ask me why, this is what Mr. Zhang called me just now, just recruit it."

"All right."

Yang Lili hung up the phone and looked at Su Ye helplessly.

"Sorry, you, you, you may not be suitable for our company."


Su Ye was puzzled.

Didn\'t you just say that I am very suitable?

It\'s not suitable for a phone call.

It\'s a joke.

But when he saw Yang Lili\'s appearance, he didn\'t say much.

Take the resume out of her hand, turn around and leave.

Next, Su Ye went to 4-5 companies to submit resumes.

Those in charge of recruiting were very welcoming at the beginning and had a good attitude.

But as soon as I got Su Ye\'s resume.

His face changed in an instant.

One by one hesitantly rejected Su Ye.

It wasn\'t until 12 noon that Su Ye felt hot and hungry, so he had to stop to deliver his resume.

At this time, no matter how slow his reaction was, he realized that something was wrong.

Going to a company and failing to submit a resume is justified.

Failed to go to so many houses.

There must be something strange in this.


"Liang Papi."

It was only him, and Su Ye hadn\'t offended anyone recently.

Only when he left the job in the morning, Liang Weinan spoke harshly to him.

Said that he couldn\'t find a job and went home to eat dirt.

However, this guy actually has such great energy that he can command the entire company in Jiangcheng by himself?

Su Ye didn\'t believe it.

He put this matter aside and will settle it after dinner.

I still don\'t believe it, the entire Jiangcheng can cover the sky with just one hand.

Suddenly, Su Ye\'s cell phone rang.

"Liang Papi."

Su Ye glanced at it and hung up immediately.

This guy is definitely here to see his own jokes.

As a result, just after hanging up, the call came in again.

Su Ye hung up on his phone more than 10 times, but Liang Weinan continued to call persistently.


"Boy, I heard that you are going to meet..."

Before Liang Weinan finished speaking, Su Ye hung up on him.

Liang Weinan on the other end of the phone was furious.

But he didn\'t continue to make fun of himself.

He believed that by tonight, Su Ye would crawl back like a dog, kneel down in front of him and beg him to give him a way out.

Do your cool Spring and Autumn dream.

Liang Weinan smiled triumphantly, as if he had seen Su Ye begging for mercy.

After Su Ye hung up the phone, his eyes turned.

I saw a poster.

Jiangcheng Youth Entrepreneurship Park Entrepreneurship Support Program...