The Revenge Turned To Love

Chapter 186 - Xian Ruined My Life!

Mark came inside Mishi\'s hotel room. Talking with her for a while he told her to follow him and carried her trolley bag. Mishi did the same and left the hotel with him. After an hour, they reached the airport.

"Mishi, I have booked your ticket. Here take this. Go safely and call me once you\'ll be there," stated Mark.

Mishi took the ticket from him and thanked him. Mark caressed her head. "Go now. Yin and I will meet you after two weeks. Till then take care of yourself," said Mark. Mishi nodded and told Mark that he should leave too.

Mark looked around and then looked at the time. "Hmm… bye, Mishi." Saying this Mark left the airport. Mishi too went towards terminal 2 and got into the plane.

An hour later, she landed in Beijing. From there, she first went to her home and then from there she left for Beijing Central Jail in her car.

Zhao called her while she was driving. She parked her car sideways and then took Zhao\'s call.

"Mishi, sorry I wasn\'t able to answer your call. How are you?" Zhao asked.

"I\'m good. Zhao, I\'m in Beijing," replied Mishi and looked at the time.

"Beijing? What happened? You-" Mishi didn\'t let Zhao speak and said, "Bai called me and told me she\'s in jail. I\'m going there to meet her. That\'s why I called you to ask you whether you\'ll come or not?" Mishi asked finally.

"Mishi, I\'m coming. You don\'t go there alone. Where are you?" Zhao asked.

"I\'m driving. Come to Beijing central jail. I\'ll see you there," stated Mishi. Zhao agreed and told her if he would get late, then she would\'ve to wait for him. Mishi agreed and then hung up the call.

Zhao called his secretary there. "What\'s Bai planning?" Thought Zhao when his secretary came there. He told his secretary to cancel the meeting and then left for Beijing Central Jail.

Mishi arrived at the jail and found Zhao was already there, waiting for her. Mishi stepped down the car and thanked him for coming there.

"Don\'t say thanks. It\'s my duty as a friend," stated Zhao. They went inside and after talking with jail officers, Mishi and Zhan went with an officer further inside to meet with Bai Lao.

"What happened to her?" Mishi asked the jailer out of nervousness.

"She is a murder accused. But judging her state for a few days it has been found that she is losing her mind. It\'s like she has become violent. Her family doesn\'t come here. Officers might send her to the mental asylum as she hit three jailmates," stated the jailer.

Mishi couldn\'t believe her ears and her eyes turned watery. Zhao was also not able to digest this fact that Bai has lost her senses. They arrived at the meeting room.

"At a time, only one person can meet," said the jailer. Zhao told Mishi to go in. Mishi went inside and sat on the chair there. The glass window was the barrier between them.

As she sat, she saw through the glass that Bai had entered the room. Her head had bandages and it looked like she was severely injured. Tears started flowing from Mishi\'s eyes but she wiped them off.

As Bai sat on the chair, Mishi kept staring at her. "What happened to you?" Mishi asked in a broken voice.

"Xian made me like this," answered Bai. Mishi got shocked hearing Xian\'s name.

"What do you mean, Bai?" Mishi asked, wanting to know why Bai took Xian\'s name.

"Don\'t you know him?" Bai asked.

Mishi looked at Bai. "I know him through my siblings," replied Mishi. "Also, I had an accident so I have lost my memories," said Mishi.

Bai nodded. "You\'re Xian\'s wife. You both are married," stated Bai. Mishi looked at Bai with a shocking look.

"You both were into an accident. I was accused of murdering you two. The evidence isn\'t enough and they aren\'t listening to me. This is all because of Xian. Your husband ruined my life. He not only accused me, killing your parents but also accused me in your accident.

Xian ruined my life. Two years ago, he met you and married you forcefully to take revenge from you. But you started loving her when he showed his true colours. He threw you out all because of Yin. She blackmailed you and then they accused me of that too.

Your siblings hate me. I called at your home so many times but no one let me talk to you. My family, they left me long ago. Now, here they all say I\'m mad, I need treatment. See the wound on my head. I was being thrashed by some jail inmates. My life is ruined all because of Xian and you." Bai stressed her final words.

"I?" Mishi asked while crying. Tears weren\'t stopping from her eyes.

"Do you think I can murder you and your husband? Murder your parents? Indeed I took your signature on the property papers on the request of my husband but I never did that.

I was the first love of Xian. Breaking up with him cost me losing my freedom. I wish I wouldn\'t have met you two." Bai said these words with an expressionless face.

Mishi put her palm on her mouth while sobbing. "Do- don\'t say this. I- I don\'t remember anything. Bai, what can I do for you? I- I-"

Bai cut Mishi\'s words. "Don\'t do anything for me. You ruined my life. I was being told as a mental patient. Soon I\'ll go to a mental asylum and I don\'t think I\'ll ever be able to prove to them that I\'m not mental. I wish you could be my real sister but the relations which aren\'t related by blood always hurt the most.

I did every single thing for you when your parents died. Your siblings who today hate my presence, they wouldn\'t be able to reach there if I hadn\'t helped you. You all think Xian as almighty but in reality he\'s the one who made me this.

Mishi, you have to remember this face of mine till your death. Your husband turned me into a mental person so you\'ve to remember this face. Let\'s not meet each other after today. Thanks for coming here. If I\'ll die then you and your husband will be the reason for my death." Saying this Bai got up from the chair and left.

Mishi on the other hand kept crying until the jail officer there told her to go out. As she came out of the room, Zhao saw Mishi\'s crying face.

"Why are you crying?" Zhao asked worriedly and wiped off the tears from Mishi\'s face. The jailer told them they should leave. Zhao supported Mishi and left the jail. Outside the jail, Zhao called his secretary and told him to take his car as he had to drop Mishi home.

Zhao made Mishi sit in the car. Mishi\'s tears weren\'t stopping. He drove away from there. As they arrived home, Zhao took Mishi inside her home till her room. He made her drink water and then told her not to cry.

"Xian is my husband. She said, Xian and I ruined her life. She\'s being sent to a mental asylum… I didn\'t do anything. I don\'t remember anything," blabbered Mishi while crying.

Zhao pulled her into a hug and caressed her head. "Don\'t think about that. She has lost her mind. I asked the officer there," muttered Zhao.

"She told Mishi that Xian is her husband? She ruined my plan," thought Zhao.

"Zhao- Zhao, why didn\'t anyone tell me this? Do you know about this? Do you know that Xian and I- do you know that Bai-" Mishi murmured.

"Shh… sorry for not telling you. I was told not to tell you as your doctor wants to give you time. You two have lost your memories because of a car accident. Bai tried murdering you both so don\'t listen to her," said Zhao.

"She said she\'s not behind this. I don\'t know Zhao. Her face is coming in front of my eyes and it\'s feeling like it\'s all happened because of me. The way she was telling the things- it feels I am the reason for this condition of hers.

Why did everyone lie to me? Xian got close to me by lying- Why? If he\'s my husband he would\'ve told me… why did he do that to Bai? He broke up with her and then ruined her life- according to Bai," muttered Mishi.

"Calm down Mishi. You don\'t have to think this much. Talk with him after he returns to Beijing," said Zhao, caressing Mishi\'s head lovingly. Mishi felt nauseated so she ran to the washroom and threw up. Zhao went after her and found her on the floor, unconscious.

"Mishi," Zhao called her name while patting her cheek. He carried her to the room and called the doctor.

"What has Bai done? Why did she tell you every single thing?" Zhao murmured, looking worriedly at Mishi.