The Revenge Turned To Love

Chapter 166 - Mishi Is Your Wife!

Xian in his room was on the balcony, thinking about why his family was lying to him. "How to throw away Bai from here? But isn\'t it my fault to take her here in the first place. Bai keeps saying that I love him despite knowing the truth. Why is she doing this?," thought Xian.

"Should I ask my family about my past?," murmured Xuan. "No, I can\'t. If they wanted to tell me then would\'ve told me earlier. Should I talk with Chang? Yes, I should ask him if I was ever related to Mishi?," thought Xian when his head started aching.

Again he saw a flash in which he was holding the hands of a woman in the car. He tried seeing the face but wasn\'t able to. "Blood," murmured Xian and opened his eyes. His breaths were heavy and his head was still aching. He came inside his room and laid on the bed, trying to relax himself.

After a few moments when he was stable, he picked his phone from the bedside table and called someone. Talking with the person for a while he felt good and closed his eyes.

"Mishi, I don\'t know what happened between us but one thing I\'m sure about is that you were the one whom I love but after that accident I lost memories, same happened with you. The memory of marrying you can\'t be my imagination. I\'ve to know at any cost what\'s this Bai doing here?," murmured Xian.

Lau Lan knocked at the door and told him that dinner is ready. Xuan got up from the bed and left with him towards the table. Sitting beside her mother, he observed that everyone wasn\'t liking the presence of Bai.

Noticing this he turned his eyes to Bai who was smiling while eating. He noticed Yin who was sad and found the mark of fingers on her cheek.

Worriedly Xian asked, "Yin, what happened to your face?" hearing this Bai choked and started coughing. Xian looked at Bai who was drinking water from the glass.

"You know how delicate my skin is. I was touching that place for quite long and then marks appeared. Xuan didn\'t find the answer satisfactory to him but didn\'t say anything. Eating their suppers they all went to their respective rooms.


In the morning, Chang was getting ready to leave for the office when Mishi came there. Knocking at the door she entered the room. Chang helped Mishi in sitting at the chair there.

"You should\'ve called for me," said Chang.

"It\'s fine. Chang, I have decided to go for the work. I talked with Zhao regarding this and he said I can join his company," said Mishi excitedly.

"You can join our family company. Why join his company?," questioned Chang.

"Actually I thought of joining mine but then Zhao\'s phone came last night. He told me that he needs a General manager for his company. He thinks me as a potential one," stated Mishi.

"But that\'s a hotel. It\'s not a company," reasoned Chang.

"No, no. A hotel has many departments. It\'s not like I\'ll be the manager in his hotel but in the official building of \'The Bliss\'. I wasn\'t able to refute him," murmured Mishi.

Chang didn\'t want to make her join that company so he said, "why don\'t you join brother Xian\'s company?"

Mishi raised her head to look at him in surprise. "Why would I join that? I told you Zhao asked for me earlier so I can\'t refuse him," stated Mishi.

Chang took a pause and asked her when she had to join. "From today onwards," replied Mishi while smiling.

"What? Sisi, your foot isn\'t healed completely yet," muttered Chang.

"So what? Shouldn\'t I do work? I\'m bored here. I want to work," said Mishi adamantly. Chang then noticed that she was already in her professional suit. "Okay you can join in but…."

Mishi cut his words and said, "I know I have to take care of myself too. Don\'t worry I\'ve made the arrangements. The driver uncle who came to meet me told him to do the same for me. He also agreed and I think he has already reached outside our house," said Mishi excitedly.

Chang smiled seeing her excitement and at the same time was worried as she was going to the workplace of Zhao. But because Mishi wanted to so he couldn\'t refuse her.

"I even talked with uncle Yaixi and aunt Ginni about this. They are also happy and supported me for this." Mishi told Chang and then got up from the chair. Adjusting his tie, Mishi said, "brother, you\'ve to give justice to the people. Don\'t worry too much about me."

"How couldn\'t I? You and Chun are my life. The day you got into the accident I was scared to hell. I thought I\'d lost you like our parents but you made it. I\'m not able to collect any evidence against Bai. I don\'t know when will you recall the things and be with brother Xian," thought Chang when Mishi jerked him.

"What happened? Where are you lost to?," asked Mingmei.

"Ahh, nothing. Let\'s go. I have three cases hearing today so can\'t get late," stated Chang and then helped Mishi in going out.

As they came out of the gate, Shui Zhang helped Mishi in getting into the car. She thanked him. "Uncle, please drive her safely to the office," said Chang.

"Don\'t worry. I\'ll perform my duties and responsibilities well," assured Shui Zhang to Chang and got into the car. Seeing them off, Chang got into his car and left for the court.

In the car Mishi was talking with Zhao which made Zhao happy. He hung up after Mishi said his voice wasn\'t coming clear. Sitting on his arm chair, he smiled.

"I won\'t let you go this time. I remember the day, Xian told me that he would destroy me. I will destroy him by making you mine.


Xian was buttoning up his shirt when he recalled yesterday\'s incident where Mishi helped him in wearing a tie. A smile escaped from his mouth which Bai noticed who had come to the room at that instant only.

"Why are you smiling, Xian?," questioned Bai. The smile from Xian\'s lips disappeared as he didn\'t want her to come there.

"Why did I in the first place call her here? Now, she comes here every now and then. I\'m not only uncomfortable with her presence but it\'s also disturbing for me," thought Xian.

"Bai, let\'s talk in the evening. I\'ve an urgent meeting to attend. If I\'ll not be able to reach there at the right time, I\'ll lose that deal," stated Xian. Bai nodded and told him he should go.

Xian thanked her for the understanding when Bai said, "Xian, let\'s go on a dinner. I won\'t listen to you this time. It has been a long time when we two aren\'t going anywhere."

Xian wanted to refuse immediately but then he thought. "If I refuse her, she will think I\'m pushing her away. For now I don\'t know her true intentions. So I should agree to this."

"Of course, Bai. You don\'t have to ask about such things. I was also thinking the same. Where do I have to cone?," asked Xian with a warm, gentle smile.

"I\'ve not decided yet. I\'ll message you at noon and then we can go," said Bai with a smile and then hugged Xian. Xian was getting disgusted by her touch but for now he had to act or had to act till he knew the entire truth.

Xian made her grip release from him and said, "Bai, I should leave now. Let\'s meet later in the evening." Bai nodded and wished him luck. As Xian left from there, Bai\'s face expressions changed.

"Why is he behaving like this? I have to check on him today evening. It seems like he\'s pushing me away and it seems as if he is getting his memory back. In the evening I\'ll see what he will do when I will execute my plan," murmured Bai and then smiled cunningly.

Xian in the car, was on call with Chang. "Brother, have you reached? I\'m waiting for you in the parking lot," said Chang looking around.

"Chang, I\'m almost there," said Xian and entered the open air parking lot. He honked the horn and Chang turned back. He was happy seeing him. Xian parked the car and then stepped down, wearing a face mask.

Chang hugged Xian tightly and then took him inside from there. In the cabinet, they both sat opposite each other.

"Chang, I just want to know the truth. I don\'t know why I\'m feeling strange? I don\'t know why my family isn\'t saying anything? I\'ve told you already on the call about the flashes I\'m getting. I just want to know how Mishi and I are related in the past?," asked Xian.

"Mishi is your wife," stated Chang with a smile.


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