The Return of The Lord God

CH 219

But it wasn’t because of Hallyvette that Mansley retired. Mansley was originally a perfect partner for Jeffrey, but later developed feelings in the process of their partnership. Mansley’s older brother fell in love with Jeffrey unilaterally. While Jeffrey regarded him as a good friend, this prompted Mansley to leave Jeffrey.

Bai Lixin was dumbfounded.

After leaving, Mansley went back to the countryside, and it so happened that Hallyvette had been sent there. Since he had nothing better to do, he took on the burden of looking after Hallyvette.

It is no wonder that Hallyvette, who had been so quick to turn people away, had a good friendship with Mansley.

As Bai Lixin came to the realization, he heard Mansley say, “I’ve been following The Original Song Contest. Do you have any plans to release an album shortly? ”

Bai Lixin thought hard about it and replied, “Brother Mansley, the next song I plan to sing is the opposite of “The Call.” A singer is often easily defined. He may sing a hundred songs, with only one or two classics, and those one or two classics will define the singer. Is he the prince of love songs or the king of folklore? I want to show a different side of myself before I’m defined and see how the audience reacts. As for putting out an album, that’s something that I still have to discuss with my manager, Mr. Yayaxi. ”

“Oh,” Mansley nodded and smiled, “If my brother-in-law doesn’t mind, you can come to me when you shoot the music video for the album.”

Bai Lixin’s eyes lit up, “Really?”

“Naturally, but it’s not because you’re my brother-in-law, it’s your singing voice and attitude, Mitchell. Keep it up and you could become immortal! ”

Bai Lixin nodded heavily, “I am grateful for your kind words. I will not let you down.”

Mansley chatted with Hallyvette for a few more moments before leaving.

As the night wore on, Bai Lixin’s pheromones began to escape again,and Bai Lixin, who thought he could escape, sighed and was once again done in by Hallyvette.

Time flew by, and in the blink of an eye, two months had passed.

During these two months, Bai Lixin had taken on a few more jobs, mostly in small entertainment shows to warm up. His song “The Call” had become a rapid hit on the internet, with over 300 million hits and over 100 million downloads.

The Original Song Contest quickly took the top spot in the ratings for entertainment shows, with almost all the attention on the network devoted to the remote competition.

Not only because of the superb performances of the singers in it but also because of the sharp comments of the three heavyweight judges, which were called a work of conscience by a host of fans.

After having participated in several variety shows, when Yayaxi offered a job, Bai Lixin politely rejected it.

Over-consumption of himself would only bring about his demise, and constantly exposing himself when he has only just risen to stardom is not good in the long run. Not to mention the fact that, from time to time, he is asked to perform “The Call.” It will not be the last song, and he did not want it to be the pinnacle of his career.

Yayaxi couldn’t force it when Bai Lixin refused. So, in the month leading up to the next competition, Bai Lixin took a break, doing no work and focusing solely on his song.

The other two artists under Yayaxi were also pushed to work immediately they came into the limelight because of the competition. But unlike Bai Lixin, the two did not turn down offers as they came to the competition in the hope that it would increase their exposure. However, their energy to write songs was instead lessened by the non-stop work, and they were unable to work on their songs calmly.

The competition after the auditions is called the qualifying round. No matter how many people passed the first auditions, only sixteen would go to the qualifying round. In other words, 24 people had to be eliminated before the competition could continue.

The judging process is made up of the judges’ scores and the audience’s scores, with 70% of the judges’ scores and 30% of the audience’s scores.

A week before the entry competition, Bai Lixin and the others were called backstage for a draw.This time, Bai Lixin did not draw number 1 again, but number 32, which made him the last contestant.

In contrast, his other two companions drew numbers within the first ten. Ten contestants would go at a time, and then be scored one by one. All forty scores would finally be compared, and the top sixteen would advance to the qualifying round.

On the day of the draw, Bai Lixin met Haizi.

Haizi also saw Bai Lixin and lit up. He rushed up to him and naturally held his hands, “Mitchell, what number did you draw?”

“Hi Nigelus,” Bai Lixin smiled as he pulled his hand out of Haizi’s, “Number 32, and you?”

“Me, haha, I drew number 1 this time.”

“Oh, congratulations. I was number 1 last time. ”

Haizi showed off his big white teeth as he smiled brightly, “I know, you were amazing in the first round!”

“Thanks for the compliment. You did great that day too.”

“Thank you, thank you.” Haizi and Bai Lixin walked around the corner together, and he asked, “Speaking of which, I don’t seem to see you at the company often. Are you always at home working on songs? ”

Bai Lixin nodded after a moment’s contemplation, “Yes, but I usually practise during the day for fear of disturbing the neighbors.”

“Oh, is there a special music room in your house? I’m curious. It would be nice to visit Mitchell’s house sometime. What direction is it? ” Haizi’s eyes shone brightly.

Bai Lixin gave a slight pause and smiled more affectionately, “Speaking of which, it seems that Nigelus lives in the company flat.”

Haizi hesitated for a moment and nodded, “Yes, I’m from out of town and have no family here, so I’m staying in the company flat.”

“Oh, you’re from out of town. Where are you from? I thought you were originally from the Imperial City from your accent. ”

Haizi hesitated again before coughing, “I’m, er, from a very remote little village in the east of the empire. I’m afraid you wouldn’t know about it. ”

“Oh, since Nigelus won’t reveal it, I’m not at liberty to ask more. By the way, I have some family matters, so I have to go. We will talk next time we meet.” Bai Lixin hooked his lips and smiled gently as he extended a hand and said, “Goodbye.”

Haizi was almost embarrassed by his questions, and quickly reached out to shake his hand, “Yes, Mitchell, take care of yourself.”

“I will, goodbye.”

It was only after Haizi had seen Bai Lixin walk away that he suddenly realised that he hadn’t gotten to know where he lived. How did it turn out for Mitchel to ask about his origins? How on earth had he been trapped into this?

As he looked at the place where Bai Lixin had left, he narrowed his eyes slightly and a glint appeared in his pupils.

I’m afraid that this little beauty I have taken a fancy to is not as simple as he appeared. He licked his lower lip and smiled. But that made him more attractive, didn’t it? The more mysterious and difficult the treasure is, the more it will arouse one’s heart.

Looking at his number 1 badge, Haizi also packed up and left.

He arrived at the music company and had just reached the corner of his floor when he saw a man leaning at his door. At first glance, Haizi almost thought it was Mitchell waiting for him, and he was about to walk up excitedly when he suddenly saw the man’s blonde hair and gave a sudden start, taking a closer look at the man.

The figure was similar to Mitchell’s, but the blond hair…

Imperial singing voice – Jonas?

What was he doing here?

Haizi suddenly remembered Mr. Borg’s purpose three months ago. Could it be that Jonas saw that Mr. Borg had failed and intended to come and negotiate for himself?

That was the only reason why Jonas was here, right?

Coughing softly, Haizi deliberately made a few heavy footsteps and appeared in the corridor.

Jonas was waiting impatiently, and when he heard the footsteps, he stood up and looked at Haizi with a smile, “Hello, Nigelus.”

A look of surprise crossed his face, “Senior Jonas, I didn’t expect to meet you here. What a coincidence.”

“No coincidence, I was waiting for you.”

Haizi said with a smile, ” Jonas came all the way here to see me? Come on in.” With that, he opened the door to the music room and welcomed Jonas inside.

The room was a mess, which Haizi had not had time to clean up in his haste to leave. There were piles of paper scraps scattered on the floor, and a lot of sheet music lay cluttered on the table. When Jonas saw the mess, his brow furrowed inscrutably and he laughed, “Nigelus is a music maniac.”

Haizi scratched his head in embarrassment and quickly cleaned up the sofa and table. “I’m sorry to have made you laugh, senior. I just went out to draw the order for the original song contest and didn’t have time to clean up. ”

“That’s okay, I work in the same environment, so it seems we’re quite similar to each other.” Jonas looked around the sofa, finally choosing a spot that looked best to him and sat down.

Haizi chuckled, pretending to be confused, “Really, what an honour…senior Jonas just said he had come to see me… is there something important you’ve come to see me about?”

“It’s nothing important,” Jonas laughed, “I listened to your song for the original song competition and loved it. My next album is coming up soon, and I happen to have a song on it that needs backing vocals. I think you would be perfect for it, so I’d like to invite you to the recording of my album. I don’t know if you’d be interested, or if it’s too much of a surprise for me to ask.”