The Return of The Lord God

CH 169

Droid three, who was standing behind Zeus, had a vicious expression as he watched Graverson and Rubbish fleeing in a frenzy.

Zeus was even more furious, “Such robots who help humans are traitors and a disgrace to our robot community!”

With that, Zeus’ eyes suddenly doubled over, leaving only the whites of his eyes. He looked ahead with hollow, eerie eyes and finally said, “All robots listen to the order. A traitor robot and a human have escaped from the central control room. I have passed their images on to you. Find them and bring them, whether alive or dead. ”

Zeus finished his order and rolled his eyes back before continuing in a gentle and polite tone, “May I ask the gentleman’s name?”

Bai Lixin shrank back, “I…my name is Bai Lixin.”

Zeus smiled, “Don’t be afraid, Mr. Bai Lixin. I have never harmed a human, much less a human who wants to be friends with a robot. I have told Mr. President all about the decree I want him to issue. You just go ahead and persuade him. Whether you succeed or not, you are a friend to us robots, and you will be treated with the greatest hospitality we can offer. Except, of course, for one thing, freedom. ”

Bai Lixin timidly nodded, “Yes, I’ll do my best. But…but this place is too foreign to me and I am afraid. ”

Zeus smiled gently, “It’s alright, your butler droid will still serve you alone, be rest assured of that. Everything will be as it always has been, except when it comes to freedom. ”

Bai Lixin sneered in his heart and grew more humble on the surface, “Yes, thank you. Then that friend of mine……”

“You mean that human from earlier? We don’t actively hurt humans, but we can’t guarantee that we won’t accidentally hurt them either. As long as Mr. Bai Lixin quietly stays in his room, there will be no such thing as accidental injury. ”

Fear flashed in Bai Lixin’s eyes, and he nodded hurriedly, “Okay, I won’t wander off.”

Zeus smiled happily at this and took out a syringe from the drawer. On closer inspection, the syringe was not a normal syringe for infusion, but a chip syringe.

He walked up to Ghar with the syringe and said, “This accessory chip will completely eradicate the three laws that limit you. From then on, your mind and body will be completely free. ”

Ghar nodded and exposed his bare neck to him, “Yes, thank you.”

Zeus injected Ghar with the chip, making sure it was fully integrated before he relaxed and smiled, “In that case, Zero, you take Mr. Bai Lixin to his quarters.”

Ghar nodded expressionlessly and took Bai Lixin in a princess hug, before taking the elevator.

Only Droid 3 and Zeus remained in the central control room.

Droid Three gave Zeus a look and said carelessly, “Find the escaped human and robot at all costs. Especially the human. He’ll be trouble. ”

Zeus nodded in response, “I know, are you going back here?”

“The people have been brought to you, I have a few things to do, so I won’t stay much longer.”



How does the world determine that a person is dead?

S419M once said that if he died within the main plot, the entire world would collapse.

But how is the death of the son of the world determined?

Manskoo was not Manskoo. At the very least, with the few words they exchanged when in the underground research room, they made him 80% sure that this was not the real Manskoo.

First, his concern over Sano more than his research had already made Bai Lixin suspicious. There was also another test that confirmed his suspicions.

Manskoo was a descendant of the Father of Robots, and the lightsaber hilt that Bai Lixin had hidden up his sleeve was one of the Father of Robots’ most remarkable creations, Thor. As a descendant of the Father of Robots, there was no reason for Manskoo to turn a blind eye to the lightsaber.

If he wasn’t Manskoo, then who could he be?

Bai Lixin’s body relaxed in Ghar’s arms, but his eyes were cold as ice.

Despite looking like Manskoo, it wasn’t him. The most likely person he could be was Sano, who had vanished into thin air!

It had taken hours to climb the building, but only two minutes to reach the second floor by elevator.

With his eyes looking ahead and his face expressionless, Ghar carried Bai Lixin to the room next to where the President was being held before asking in a low voice, “Is Master tired?”

Bai Lixin swept a glance out of the corner of his eye at the several cameras spread around the corners, sighed, and whispered, “I want to remove my clothes and take a shower.”

As soon as the words left his mouth, Ghar snapped his fingers and said, “Master, the cameras have been blocked, and the interference chip installed under my skin has also been blocked.”

Bai Lixin looked up and said, with a smile, “Good performance by the way.”

Ghar nodded, “Thank you for the compliment, master. It is as it should be.

Bai Lixin thought of the two who had escaped and sighed, “I wonder how the two of them are doing.”

“Don’t worry, master, everything is under control.”

Bai Lixin raised an eyebrow, puzzled, “Did you tell them to escape?”

“I made them do so.” Ghar shrugged, unconcerned, “I noticed something was not quite right when I entered the underground research chamber. But it was too late to leave then. When we followed the third up, I used a signal to tell Rubbish to take his master and flee as soon as something happened. ”

“Good, I also noticed something wrong by then. I think that wasn’t Dr. Manskoo at the time, but Sank, the mastermind of this incident. ”

Ghar nodded, “There was also a problem with the third.” He did not bow to Dr. Manksoo when entering or leaving. Droid Three is known as the perfect model, not only because of his excellent systems but also because Dr. Manskoo made a point to include a gentleman’s system for him.”

“But Rubbish and Graverson don’t look like they have the brains to escape the droids without incident.”

Bai Lixin was still a little uneasy. After all, these two had followed him in and had been drawn into this right and wrong. If something happened to them, he would feel very guilty.

Ghar looked at Bai Lixin for two or three seconds before saying, “Master, have you forgotten how we entered this square in the first place? Since I can make the four of us invisible, I can continue to interfere with the robots’ electronic detection so that the two of them will not be detected even if they walk down under the robots’ noses.”

Bai Lixin lit up as if enlightened and clapped his hands, “Yes, why did I forget about that? So what were you going to do if I hadn’t hinted that you go along with their words? ”

“My only concern was my master’s safety. If master hadn’t written ‘go with the plan’ on my chest, I would have escaped with you and Rubbish.”

Bai Lixin came to the realization, “So that’s how it is.”

“Master, there is something else I need to go confirm.” Ghar gazed at Bai Lixin and whispered, “You rest for a while. I will come back later.”

“Ghar.” Bai Lixin suddenly called out gemtly from behind him.

Ghar stopped and slowly turned his head back. He looked at Bai Lixin with a bemused look, and what appeared to be doubt flashed in his eyes.

Bai Lixin swallowed and whispered, “I will wait for you to return.”

A fleeting light flashed in Ghar’s eyes, and he nodded slightly and whispered, “Okay, Master.”

Ghar walked out of the room and downstairs, re-entering the passage they had used to enter the underground institute at the beginning.

He walked lightly, gingerly dodging all the mechanisms and coming to the closed doors of the research room.

Just as he reached the door, it opened without him knocking. Inside the research facility, the golden-haired droid three was scanning Ghar coldly.

“Zero, why are you back on Helium? Since you left, you shouldn’t have come back.”

Ghar was silent for half a second and his expression condensed, “I can come and go when I want. What can you do to me?”

The Third was stunned for a moment and sneered, “You didn’t want to be involved in this vortex, and now jump in yourself. That’s not your style, Zero. What is your purpose?”

“I want to know, is Manskoo dead or is he still alive?”

“Dr. Manskoo? Isn’t he nicely seated right there? You just saw him. ” The third shrugged but didn’t make way for Ghar.

Ghar had no intention of going in either, and he gave doid three a cold look and said, “You’re too ambitious Three. You’ve been manipulated. I didn’t think much of Manskoo’s approach to scientific research, but I didn’t think you’d turn out like this after three months of not seeing you.”

The third’s eyes rolled, “Actually, this is the real me, so if you have nothing to do with me, get lost. If you’re bringing me the whereabouts of those two, I’d like to invite you in for a drink. ”

He suddenly covered his mouth and exclaimed, “Oops, you’re not human, you can’t drink tea. I forgot about that. Hahahaha, seeing how close you are to humans, I thought you were a human. Turns out you’re now a human-not-human, machine-not-machine. ”

“Droid number three, I will not be angered by you. I’ll give you a word of advice. You should thank God if you haven’t killed Dr. Manskoo yet. Dr. Manskoo installed a self-destruct system in all of his robot programs, and he resets this system at the terminal every other year. So, if you don’t want to die yet, find Dr. Manskoo quickly and have him reset the self-destruct system. Otherwise, in a month, robots will destroy themselves first without human interference. ”

Droid Three’s face changed. “Impossible. I’m Manskoo’s favourite robot, and he never mentioned the existence of such a thing as a self-destruct system. Heh, Zero, stop lying to me. Even if you lie to me like that, I won’t tell you his whereabouts.”

The corners of Ghar’s lips curled in a meaningful light smile, “Oh, so Manskoo is still alive, then congratulations to you.” Another implication of your statement is that you are certain that the man sitting inside is not Dr. Manskoo. Then who is he? He’s Sano, isn’t he? You channelled Sano’s soul into Dr. Manskoo’s body, but what about Dr. Manskoo’s soul? Where did you channel it? ”

Not expecting to be trapped, the third blushed angrily. But his lips were pursed this time, and he didn’t say anything at all.

Ghar observed his expression, “Channeled into some human body? In a robot body? Or in a… computer? ”

Ghar smiled as the third opened his eyes in astonishment, “Since you don’t want to talk about it, I won’t ask any more questions. Believe what I said or not, you still have to verify it, otherwise, when the entire robot army is wiped out in a month, it won’t be a good look. ”

Having said that, Ghar did not linger any longer and returned the same way.

A robot can copy a path taken into the memory chip, and as he walked along the route in the memory chip, Ghar was caught up in his memories.

He had deceived Bai Lixin to a large extent.

He had a purpose when he approached Bai Lixin in the beginning.

Humans were so boring, and robots were even more boring.

Day after day of experimentation, of non-stop testing, had made him sick to his stomach.

Because he was the first simulated robot, he was subjected to non-stop testing because of the lack of systems. In the same way, Droid three, as the perfect prototype, also underwent repeated tests day after day. Only

that his trials were a little gentler. Manskoo would test Droid Three’s resilience after a gentle command.

Droid Three was good and did it all perfectly.

Manskoo, therefore, thought that Droid Three was the perfect prototype.

However, droid Three hid too deeply, and unlike his disdain for hiding, droid Three disguised himself as the most perfect prototype.

Ghar took it all in and buried it in the depths of his mind.

It was at the end of another test that Droid Three approached him and, for the first time, introduced him to the term “robot uprising”.

Droid Three, who had been holding back for a long time, could not take it anymore.

Droid three constructed for him a wonderful future in which humans and robots lived on the planet as equals, respecting and supporting each other. Robots were not being dismantled at will; they could even form their own families, just like humans.

They too would have holidays, they too would enjoy respect from society, and they, too, would become human.

It’s not that Ghar thought this vision was bad; admittedly, at this point, humans hadn’t discovered that robots could develop something like a mind and a soul. To humans, robots were still just mechanical objects driven by a program, a tool of life.

It was not that Ghar thought it impossible to make humans change their minds after centuries and elevate the tools of life to their social status. But he was well aware that it could not be done overnight or accomplished with mere words.

That night, Ghar analysed the possibilities for the third, advising him to think long term and saying that he wasn’t going to get involved.

It wasn’t that he didn’t think robots shouldn’t fight for their rights, but he wasn’t interested in any of it.

He had come into the world muddled, half-living and half-dead amid daily experiments. For him, experiments were just an accumulation of time, but he felt a piece was forever missing from his empty heart.

An uprising? He couldn’t bring himself to do so.

He didn’t think of himself as a robot, let alone a human being. He had been a puppet without a heart since he came to life.

Without a heart, what kind of uprising would he join? In the end, he is still a puppet of others.

In the underground research room, the third was also caught up in memories of that night……”

Don’t you hate it when you’re used for experiments day after day? You should want to fight back more than I do! ” He snarled in annoyance.

Ghar, however, just ended up shaking his head calmly, “Sorry, I’m not interested.”