The Return of The Lord God

CH 161

Bai Lixin was stunned, “But what if he is?”

“Manskoo is my maker, so I know him. You wouldn’t like a man like him. ”

Bai Lixin would have exploded if someone else had said that about his identified lover, but Ghar’s words just made him curious, “Then tell me, what kind of man is he?”

Ghar paused for a few seconds, seemingly thinking of a summarized word, and finally said, “A worldly man.”

“Oh?” Bai Lixin raised an eyebrow and smiled, “Then tell me, what kind of man am I?”

There was a longer pause this time before Ghar replied, “A misty one, Master.”

“A misty one? What do you mean by that? ”

“Ethereal, so unlike the people of this world.”

Bai Lixin was silent. Ghar was right, he was indeed not a person of this world. In the end, he was just a wisp of a ghost.

Although Ghar was only a robot, his analytical skills really surprised him.

“I’m actually not sure if he is. I just wanted to go and confirm it.” Bai Lixin gave a laugh and said, helplessly.”

“Not sure if he is? Does master not know what his lover looks like? ” Tell me and I will make sure that kind of person never appears to you.

Bai Lixin looked into Ghar’s indifferent eyes and said, “I would be fine if I knew what he looked like.” But who allowed his lover to be so mischievous and appear differently in each world? Well, actually, his appearance was also different in every world too.

“So, you want to go to Helium just to make sure that Dr. Manskoo is your lover, not to make Dr. Manskoo your lover? What if he is not your lover? ” Ghar continued to press the issue.

“If not, then I will continue my search until I find him.”

“Master, did you take me in because I was made by Dr. Manskoo?”

Ghar said this in his usual flat tone, and it sounded particularly sincere. Bai Lixin could not help but feel a pang of weakness in his heart.

“This…it was indeed because of that at first.” Bai Lixin stiffened and replied.

“So once you find out that Dr. Manskoo is not your lover, will you discard me? Just as my previous masters did? Throw me away like a piece of scrap.”

Bai Lixin’s heart gave a hard jerk when he heard Ghar ask if he would be abandoned, “Certainly not! Although I first took you in for other reasons, people have feelings. I would never do something like that, especially after all the time we have spent together. ”

“People have feelings…master, do you think robots have feelings? Do you think robots only think through preprogrammed programs, or are there emotions derived from the programs that are uniquely robotic? Does the program manipulate the robot, or does the robot really have emotions? ”

“If the program manipulates the robot, why do the robots’ personalities vary so much instead of being identical? Why is Droid 3 perfect while I’m filled with a violent factor and Rubbish is such a clean character? Are we all failures? Is it because something is wrong with our programming? Or have we generated our minds and have our own unique personalities? ”

“When I think about these questions, am I thinking on my own, or is the thinking program in the central system making me initiate such questions?” Ghar continued to throw out question after question, “If it is that robots have developed minds of their own, then should humans still have the right to determine the future of robots? Can they just dismantle them and decide whether they live or die? Can they send them to the junkyard without the consent of the robots themselves? ”

Bai Lixin looked at the serious-looking Ghar and shook his head apologetically, “I’m sorry, I haven’t given these questions much thought. I’ll smooth this out with you when my head clears a bit. ”

Ghar nodded, “Okay, I get it. We’ll talk about it later.”

The two had reached the crafting room as they talked.There was a bright light leaking from inside through the doorway.

Ghar gently pushed the door open, and Bai Lixin saw a brightly glowing robot looking down at his body.

This robot’s body was much smaller than the one Rubbish had originally been in, measuring only about the same height as Bai Lixin’s. For aesthetic purposes, the top of his head, shoulders, waist, and knees were light blue.

Hearing the movements at the door, the robot that was surveying its body raised its head and said excitedly, “Ah, Lord Bai Lixin, hello.”

Because Rubbish was a first-generation robot, most of his body was made of copper and iron, which was both cheap and impractical. The materials only added to the bulkiness of the robot, but did not accentuate its flexibility.

Bai Lixin smiled when he saw Rubbish’s face and said, “So cute.”

The outer ring of Rubbish’s face was white, with a black screen in the middle. His round head was much larger than the average adult’s proportions. Two blue grids of light representing the eyes were symmetrically laid on the face, and the black grid lines representing the mouth were laid underneath, where the three grid lights were now forming a confused expression.

Bai Lixin jumped out of Ghar’s arms and circled Rubbish several times.

Each joint was finely connected, the chip and kinetic energy and switches well protected within the white painted metal. A curved shape extended beneath the wrist to provide maximum protection for Waste’s finely shaped mechanical hand.

Bai Lixin stood tall next to Rubbish. When he realised he was about a third of a head taller than Rubbish, he reached out and patted Rubbish’s smooth head, “You’re so cute, Rubbish.”

Rubby tilted his head with a “0.0” expression, “Do I look cool, Lord Bai Lixin? ”

Bai Lixin gave a thumbs up and said, “Very cool!”

Rubbish: >w