The Reborn Girl's Path to Glory

Chapter 339 - The Ji Family’s Lodging

They had received news on the way that Jian Xubai had been visiting the Grand Empress Dowager at the palace day after day on the orders of the Emperor Duanhua, and that the mansion of Duke of Yan was presided over only by the young Duchess. She also had a daughter under the age of one, so it was obviously not easy for her to get away.

So instead of sending a letter to the mansion of Duke of Yan in advance, they went straight to the door, so that Duchess wouldn’t have to take the time to pick them up.

Song Yixiao was surprised when the subordinate reported. She hurriedly changed her dress and went out to welcome them, “I didn’t know that my aunt and uncle, my cousins and my sister-in-law were here. So I apologize for not being able to welcome you.”

“I was afraid you wouldn’t be able to spare your time, so I didn’t tell you. We come so suddenly. You must be tired out!” Jian Limiao was right. Jian Lizhi was not difficult to get along with. She took off a silk bracelet with jewels on it and gave it to Song Yixiao as a greeting gift, then held her arm as she walked and talked. She was very kind and affectionate.

While exchanging pleasantries with her aunt, Song Yixiao was careful not to leave the others out. Her uncle, Ji Zhou, had pale skin and beards, with an elegant demeanor. He was a good match for Jian Lizhi, who was middle-aged but still attractive. The couple had two sons and three daughters. The eldest daughter had been married, so she was not with them this time. Other children were all here at the moment.

The eldest son was Ji Wangxi, who came to congratulate Song Yixiao on her wedding day. His wife, Madam Han, was a beautiful woman who didn’t say much, but looked very dignified. Obviously, she was also from a noble family. They had two sons and a daughter. The eldest legitimate son, Ji Ling, was the same age as Lu Guanyun. They were both six years old this year. He was very well behaved and quiet. The younger siblings were obviously following their eldest brother’s example, both very adorable.

The second son, Ji Wangxing, was still young. He was eleven years old, with big, slithery eyes and a very smart look.

The two cousins, Ji Wanglan and Ji Wangzhu, one thirteen and the other nine years old, were both legitimate daughters. But their looks were very different.

Ji Wanglan looked ordinary. Even with her fine dress and good manners, she was just not ugly. But Ji Wangzhu had an apricot-shaped face and her cheeks were like a peach. Her eyes contained water. She was beautiful no matter whether she was happy or angry. Although her look hadn’t grown mature, it was clear that she would become a beauty in the future.

This might be the reason why Ji Wangzhu was a bit arrogant.

Of course, given her age, she was not so annoying.

As Jian Xubai was still with the Grand Empress Dowager, Song Yixiao was the only one entertaining the Ji Family. Since they had never met before, they didn’t have any topics in common. So they had nothing to talk about after exchanging pleasantries.

Fortunately, Jian Qingyue was still a baby. When she was held out, people gathered around her and started to discuss the experience in educating children. On this point, Jian Lizhi and her husband and Ji Wangxi and his wife had lots of thoughts. Ji Wanglan, Ji Wangzhu, Ji Wang Xing and Ji Ling definitely had nothing to say. But in the situation where the relatives met for the first time, it was not the children’s turn to take the lead.

After a while, Jian Limiao, who had received the news, arrived first. When he entered the door, he shouted “Sister”. Jian Lizhi immediately stood up and burst into tears, ignoring the presence of her juniors. She rushed to him, hugged him and cried!

Everyone was shocked. But people understood that they had been separated from each other for nearly 20 years and had only been reunited today. So they couldn’t help themselves.

So the others waited for a few moments before coming forward to comfort them.

Then Song Yixiao could relax and let Jian Limiao and Jian Lizhi talk to each other, while Ji Wangxi and his wife added to the conversation. She only needed to hold her daughter and take care of Ji Wanglan, Ji Wangzhu, Ji Wangxing and Ji Ling aside.

But after chatting for a long time, Grand Princess Jinguo and her husband were still absent, when even Jian Xubai had come back from the palace!

It was reasonable that Grand Princess Jinguo was absent. The first reason was that she was a person of high status. Jian Lizhi was just her sister-in-law. Therefore, if she came to visit Jian Lizhi, she was giving face to her. If she didn’t come to visit, no one could say anything about her. Secondly, the former emperor was dead. She should be mourning for her own brother. How could she have extra spirit to care about the relatives in her husband’s family? Moreover, her relationship with Jian Likuang had been particularly bad lately.

But Jian Likuang didn’t come either, so that was not quite right.

“I heard two days ago that father was not feeling well, so perhaps that’s why he couldn’t come over. I hope Aunt and Uncle could bear with it!” Jian Xubai noticed it and hurriedly found a reason for Jian Likuang. He and Song Yixiao were both nervous in their hearts. Mother hadn’t been quarreling with Father lately, had she?

Even if he didn’t like his youngest son, he would have made a trip to see his own sister, who had been married to another place for 20 years. But he didn’t come this time, not necessarily because he didn’t come on purpose, but most likely because he couldn’t come.

The reason why he couldn’t come from such a close distance was that, in all probability, he had provoked Grand Princess Jinguo again…

Jian Xubai, Song Yixiao and Jian Limiao were all aware of this inner affair, and would never tell the Ji Family!

Luckily, the Ji Family were understanding and didn’t ask more about it. They asked about Jian Likuang to show their kindness and let this thing go.

When Jian Xubai returned, it was already evening. Without saying a few words, he ordered the kitchen to open the banquet to welcome his aunt’s family, who had come from a long distance. Naturally, Jian Limiao also stayed.

However, as it was still in mourning for the former emperor, there were few things to eat at the feast. Other people’s families would have been fine, but Jian Xubai was after all the former emperor’s nephew, and had been raised in the palace and treated as his son by the former emperor. Even if he needed to welcome his aunt’s family at this time, how could he disobey the rules?

There was no meat, let alone wine and music.

So the meal was very light.

The adults of course understood, but the younger ones, Ji Wangzhu and Ji Wangxing, were clearly disappointed and unhappy.

On the other hand, Ji Ling and his two younger siblings ate whatever the maid, who served them food, gave them. Although they didn’t look satisfied with the dishes, they didn’t show unsatisfaction with the food. It was surprising that Madam Han could educate the kids so well that such young children could be well-behaved.

As Song Yixiao noticed this, she was about to say a few words of apology, but Jian Limiao was talking to Jian Lizhi about Elder Lady Duanmu. After they had discussed in a low voice for a while, they asked Song Yixiao, “How are things going with your grandaunt?”

When Song Yixiao finished answering the question, most of the people put their chopsticks aside. Seeing this, Ji Wangzhu and Ji Wangxing quickly took the tea and rinsed their mouths. At this time, Ji Zhou started to discuss tea with Jian Limiao. When Song Yixiao saw this, she simply turned her head and instructed Jinxun in a low voice, “Bring some deserts to cousins later. They haven’t eaten much. Don’t make them starve tonight.”

She also said, “Don’t forget nephews and nieces.”

Afterwards, in view of the curfew, Jian Limiao had a cup of tea and then excused himself.

After he left, the Ji Family also looked tired, so Jian Xubai and Song Yixiao hurriedly sent them to the prepared courtyard to settle in.

After a long day of work, the couple went back to Keshao Hall to freshen up and change clothes.

After lying down on the couch, Jian Xubai said to his wife, “Grandma is still not in a good mood. Although I came back early today, I probably have to go to the palace again tomorrow to be with her. You will still have to work hard to entertain my aunt’s family!”

“It’s not much of a hardship.” Song Yixiao said at ease, “Most of the things are taken care of by the subordinates. I am only making the commands.”

She was more worried about her husband running around all day, “We can’t eat meat in our house these days, and I can see that you’ve lost weight. I’ll ask the kitchen to make some medicinal food from tomorrow onwards. Aunt’s family also came from a long distance in such a hot weather. They must be tired out. This could also be the tonic to their health.”

Jian Xubai definitely agreed. He continued to say, “We don’t need to worry about our cousins, nieces or nephews, since Aunt and Uncle are here. But our daughter is still young. It’s a hot day and she suddenly comes down from Cuihua Mountain, she needs to be watched! It’s best to let Aunt Yun check on her once in the morning and once in the evening, just to be safe.”

He was not overly concerned about Jian Qingyue. In fact, the death of a child was commonplace from the imperial palace down to the common families.

Jian Qingyue had a fever on Cuihua Mountain. And only a few days after she had recovered, she rushed back to the imperial capital from Cuihua Mountain with her parents for Emperor Xianjia’s funeral. Even many adults couldn’t cope with such fussing. Grand Empress Dowager and Empress Dowager Su still needed help to get up so far, not to mention a baby they were still holding.

Song Yixiao knew what was important and nodded her head, “Don’t worry. I will take good care of her.”

Jian Qingyue was her own daughter, so how could she not love her?

The next day the couple got up and went to the courtyard where Jian Lizhi and her husband lived to greet. And then they had breakfast together after the Ji Family had gathered.

Then Jian Xubai brought Ji Zhou and Ji Wangxi to the imperial palace to pay their condolences. Song Yixiao handed her daughter over to Aunt Yun, and also led Jian Lizhi and other women to the women’s weeping place. Actually because the funeral had lasted half a month, the weeping became a mere formality. After all, the women, who were qualified to weep, were all pampered and spoiled. If they really wept continuously for 27 days, there would probably be more funerals to hold.

So it was just a mere formality. It was even more important to go to Grand Empress Dowager and Empress Dowager Su to greet them.

But the two were badly ill, and Jian Lizhi was not someone they had to meet. Even though they were led by Song Yixiao, they were not able to see Grand Empress Dowager or Empress Dowager Su. They only heard some perfunctory words from the beloved palace staff and were rewarded with some things, then they were sent out of the palace.

When they returned to the mansion of Duke of Yan, Song Yixiao saw how hot and sweaty everyone was, so she asked her servants to provide chilled plum soup to relieve the heat.

“I heard that the Crown Princess has not yet been enthroned, but has moved to Weiyang Palace. I wonder if we need to pay a visit to greet?” After taking a sip, Jian Lizhi waved her hand and told the person fanning her to retreat further away. She wiped the sweat on her forehead with a handkerchief, and asked Song Yixiao, “I forgot it in the imperial palace. I am just reminded now.”

“Aunt, you don’t know it. But the Crown Princess is about to give birth. There are only a few days left.” Song Yixiao explained, “The reason why His Majesty has not yet enrolled the Empress is to show compassion for his wife. If we go there now, I am afraid we will disturb the Crown Princess. So we’d better wait until the heir is born.”

Jian Lizhi said, “So that’s how it is!”

She said, “Thanks to your advice. Otherwise we would have disturbed the Crown Princess today!”

“What are you talking about, Aunt?” Song Yixiao modestly said, “It’s only because you’ve only just arrived in the imperial capital. Otherwise there would be no need for me to talk too much.”

“I’ve been away for twenty years. This imperial capital has really changed!” Jian Lizhi lamented, and took advantage of the situation to say, “I came here in such a hurry. I really don’t know what the imperial capital has been like over the years. If you have time, why don’t you tell me about it?”

She swept her eyes at her daughter-in-law and daughters, “I’d also like them to learn more about the city, so that they won’t be unaware of it when they meet someone important!”

This was the right thing to do. After all, the only person who needed to rush back to the imperial capital to offer condolences was Ji Zhou. But he had brought all his families with him, obviously wanting to take advantage of this opportunity to transfer back to his post in the imperial capital. As his wife and daughters, it was natural that Jian Lizhi and the others should be aware of the situation of the nobility in the imperial capital.

Even though they would have sent people to inquire while they were in office, they would not have been as thorough as Song Yixiao, who had always lived in the imperial capital as Duke’s wife, telling them personally.

Song Yixiao was happy to comply with such a reasonable and not too difficult request, and described to the best of her ability what was going on in the imperial court. During the process, Jian Lizhi naturally had to ask questions. Song Yixiao felt that her aunt seemed particularly interested in the Crown Princess.

But Song Yixiao didn’t find it strange. Although the Crown Princess was still being called the Crown Princess, she definitely would soon be Empress Wei.

The two elders, Grand Empress Dowager and Empress Dowager Su, seemed to be holding down Empress Wei, so she was not considered the most honorable woman in Great Rui at the moment.

But Grand Empress Dowager was aged. Additionally, she experienced the sorrow of losing her son. It was hard to say how long she would last. Moreover, when she was still the Empress Dowager, she didn’t mind those affairs. There was no reason for her to compete for power when it was her granddaughter-in-law’s turn to take the stage. As for Empress Dowager Su, she was not Emperor Duanhua’s biological mother, and had supported her own son in his struggle for the throne. Even though she was the Empress Dowager in her capacity as legitimate mother at this time, how could she dare to tell Empress Wei what to do?

The next target of the women’s courting was definitely Empress Wei. It was logical that Jian Lizhi would focus on inquiring about this woman’s preferences.

What she did not expect was that Jian Lizhi’s purpose in doing so was not as simple as she had thought.

The day after arriving in the imperial capital, the Ji Family focused on condolences. And on the next day, it was time to pay a visit to Grand Princess Jinguo and her husband.

Grand Princess Jinguo welcomed Jian Lizhi and the others alone. As for the reason for Jian Likuang’s absence, she attributed it to illness, which was the same as her son and daughter-in-law’s previous perfunctory remark.

Grand Princess also explained the causes and consequences, “He was used to staying in the mountain. On the way back, he was in the sun and had cold drinks, so he fell ill all of a sudden. Now he’s sweating in the house, so he can’t really come out to see you. Please don’t take offence.”

Although it was not the first time that Jian Lizhi had met Grand Princess Jinguo, she did not have much friendship with her. Perhaps because she had not seen her brother, she did not feel like talking for a long time. After a few moments of perfunctory conversation, she excused herself.

Grand Princess also didn’t ask her to stay longer. After the formality, the Ji Family, apart from occasional visits to Jian Limiao, only went to see how their own mansion was being cleaned every other day.

After all, if the people who came back to the imperial capital were just of the same generation, like Ji Wangxi, it would be fine if they stayed at the mansion of Duke of Yan for a longer period of time. But at this time, the two elders were here. They also had mansion in the imperial capital. So how could they stay for a long time?

After all, Jian Xubai and his wife had to afford the food and drink of the whole family and their servants, and they sent some small things every now and then, but they refused to accept money. If they stayed in the house for too long, they would be deliberately taking advantage of the younger generation.

So two or three days after the official burial of Emperor Xianjia, the Ji Family excused themselves, saying that the mansion was ready for occupation.

Jian Xubai and his wife naturally asked their aunt’s family to stay for a few more days. But Jian Lizhi declined their offer with a smile, “Our mansion is very close to here. So it will be convenient for us to pay a visit to each other after we move there. Besides, Xubai often needs to go to the palace to accompany Grand Empress Dowager. Shanyao, you also have to take care of Qingyue. How can we continue to disturb you?”

The Ji Family definitely had to move out. Everyone knew that. So after the exchange of courtesies, they moved out anyway.

The day after they moved out, news came from the palace that the Crown Princess was in labor!