The Reborn Girl's Path to Glory

Chapter 196 - Internal and External Trouble

How could Qiu Shuxia and his peers let Prince of Yi take over the job?

Yet, Emperor Xianjia was not a push-over!

Instantly, he thumped the table in anger, “Spring ploughing is around the corner! The situation in the northern borderland has just settled down! There are so many affairs to be discussed about after the New Year holidays! Now as the court is just opened, you are demanding to abolish the Crown Prince, negligent of the national affairs and people’s livelihood. Yet, you kept saying that you were thinking for the good of the country! I’ve tolerated it!”

“Then you demanded to investigate the case of the Crown Prince thoroughly, which I’ve permitted!”

“Now that I assign the investigation job to the uncle of the Crown Prince, you still have objection!”

The imperial tea bowl made of sweet white porcelain with the painting of native land on it and the golden edge, along with the growl of Emperor Xianjia, was thrown on the brick harshly, “Why don’t you decide who will be the crown prince?!”

“And who will take over my seat!”


“I don’t dare!” After all, Emperor Xianjia was in office for 20 years. Reassured and emboldened as Qiu Shuxia was, he realized that the emperor really flared up, and then hastened to kneel down to apologize, “I’m terrified!”

“Since you are terrified, why are you talking so prolixly?!” Emperor Xianjia glanced at the officials prostrating on the ground, including the Crown Prince, and then suddenly stood up, kicked over his desk and left with a flick of his sleeves, “Do as I order now!”

When the emperor went away, the officials finally got up and looked each other in the eye. They realized that Emperor Xianjia was determined to show partiality for the Crown Prince and forcibly assigned the task to Prince of Yi by storming out in anger!

“That’s okay!” Seeing through his peers’ worry, Qiu Shuxia didn’t look happy but he still managed to be calm. He looked at the Crown Prince and his men, snorting, “His Majesty intends to let Prince of Yi investigate the matter thoroughly, but does Prince of Yi dare to meddle into this?”

His peers all took a tumble and then lowered their heads for rumination.

On the contrary, the Crown Prince’s supporters fell into fretful silence.

“Since Father has assigned the task to my uncle, I’ll be proven innocent after my uncle finishes the investigation.” After a while, the Crown Prince composed himself while being stared by Jian Xubai and then encouraged his men in a gentle voice, “Liu Zhenxi has sided with Qiu Shuxia since a long time ago. Now he must be sent by Prince of Zhao to confess openly for the purpose of driving a wedge. How can we lose our head only for what an outsider said?”

Actually, what Liu Zhenxi just said proved that it was not a big deal that Cui Jianlian conspired against Song Yixiao while it was lethal that Jin Suke’s son and Lu Yicheng’s wife Madam Huang were also involved!

The former rendered what the Crown Prince had against Jin Suke dispensable. Jin Suke promised to side with the Crown Prince for his unworthy descendants. Now that this matter was disclosed, it was hard to say whether he would keep following the Crown Prince unless the Crown Prince solved the problem perfectly!

The power of the head of the Six Ministries over the court was rather essential for the Crown Prince, Prince of Wei and Prince of Zhao.

If he turned away from the Crown Prince for this matter, it would be a huge blow to the Eastern Palace in terms of morale, capability and reputation.

However, Madam Huang, by contrast was more vicious!

Because even the legitimate cousin of the Crown Prince, Jian Xubai believed that Madam Huang worked for the Crown Princess!

Now the consequence of Cui Jianlian’s matter was that Cui Jianlian lost all reputation and died with her twins!

Putting aside the court, it was not the vindictive Song Yixiao but the virtuous Crown Princess who harvested most!

The Crown Princess not only got rid of a potent rival in love but also neither of the twins given a lot of attention by the seniors could survive!

Under the circumstance, Madam Huang was related to what Cui Jianlian did before. Even if the Noble Consort, the Cui Family and the Crown Prince could stop pursuing the matter from the perspective of the overall scheme of things, how could they not doubt that Madam Huang was actually ordered by the Crown Princess to approach Cui Jianlian and egg her on to make the big mistake just in order to prevent the positions of the Crown Princess and her son from shaking.

The Crown Princess was the legitimate wife selected for the Crown Prince by Emperor Xianjia. Her father and elder brother were Emperor Xianjia’s trusted officials as well as the Crown Prince’s most capable and loyal subordinates. Yet, their loyalty must be based on the stable positions of the Crown Princess and her son!

Now that Liu Zhenxi disclosed what Madam Huang had done, it was like inserting a stubborn thorn between the Crown Prince and his wife. In this case, how could the Wei Family not worry that the Crown Prince might pursue this matter in the future? After all, Cui Jianlian was the niece of Noble Consort Cui. The relation by blood couldn’t be put aside simply due to temporary disappointment!

Since the Wei Family were worried and apprehensive, it was hard to say whether they would support the Eastern Palace wholeheartedly!

If the Crown Prince and the Yue Family became ambivalent, what would the other people of the Crown Prince think?

That’s to say, Prince of Zhao’s supporters put the Crown Prince and his people into a situation of internal and external trouble with Liu Zhenxi only!

Therefore, the Crown Prince hinted first that Emperor Xianjia still took his side. With the emperor’s support, it showed that his position was still stable; then he reminded his supporters not to be taken in!

“But how can his words reassure the people completely? There must be ill feelings anyway!” Jian Xubai returned to his mansion and said to his wife in private, “Actually, the Crown Prince is still too inexperienced. After being suppressed by Qiu Shuxia at court, he didn’t get to respond in time. Actually, when Liu Zhenxi just stood up, he should have managed to stop him talking further!”

After all, “In that case, what could Liu Zhenxi do since he stepped forward and asked for punishment under the order of Qiu Shuxia? We didn’t expect that Prince of Zhao and his people would be so decisive and manage to persuade him to sacrifice himself. Therefore, we were struck off guard. Then even if we didn’t know their plan, it was always right to obstruct them!”

Song Yixiao asked in surprise, “Since you’ve thought of it and the Crown Prince didn’t step forward to justify himself, why didn’t you say something?”

“You don’t know the tricks of the trade since you are not in the trade!” Jian Xubai broke into laughter and pinched her nose. As his hand was flapped away by her with feigned anger, he said, “You are more talented and beautiful than Lu Kou’er and Lu Chai’er, but when you were in Prince of Hengshan’s mansion, would you show your advantages in front of the visitors?”

“Of course not!” Song Yixiao blurted out and then finally took a tumble, “You were afraid of stealing the thunder of the Crown Prince?”

Jian Xubai nodded his head and said, “Uncle’s attitude was clearly shown. Even if I didn’t step forward, the Crown Prince wouldn’t be driven into a corner. Why would I bother then? After all, the throne will be passed to the Crown Prince. If Uncle and the Crown Prince believe that I am smarter and more excellent than the Crown Prince, what will they think then?”

Emperor Xianjia and the Crown Prince always doted on him, but as the emperor and the heir, their instinct sensitivity towards the throne determined that Jian Xubai who was also in court couldn’t enjoy their indulgence and protection as he did in the childhood!

Song Yixiao heaved a sigh and stroked his face, “You must be really tired!”

“Then why don’t you give me some reward?” Jian Xubai bit her fingers lightly and put down the curtain with a snigger…

The next day when Song Yixiao woke up, he had left the mansion early.

By estimation, now there was a fierce battle of tongue in the court. Song Yixiao couldn’t help worrying about her husband. After all, this time Prince of Zhao and Prince of Wei worked together and came to make trouble furiously, making the Crown Prince lag behind. Jian Xubai had to not only ensure that the Crown Prince wouldn’t collapse but also avoid being suspected by the emperor for being in the limelight. How hard it was for him to walk a fine line!

She was too upset to ask about what happened in the mansion. While she was talking with Qiaoqin absent-minded, a maid came to report, “Here comes Fifth Young Lady!”

“Wuying?” Song Yixiao hurriedly rushed to the second gate to receive her. After a while, Nie Wuying came inside. When they greeted each other, Nie Wuying asked with a frown, “Yixiao, is there anything wrong these days? On the way here, I felt that the passers-by in the street all looked weird and nervous!”

“Qiu Shuxia has proposed abolishing the Crown Prince in court and the fight for the throne has become open from the under-the-table status!” Song Yixiao smiled bitterly and pondered, “How can the residents in the imperial capital not feel frightened and panicked?”

But she just said casually, “It seemed that Uncle Qiu impeached His Highness the Crown Prince yesterday?”

“Isn’t Uncle Qiu the uncle of His Highness the Crown Prince?” Nie Wuying was startled, “Why does he oppose the Crown Prince?”

This was a long story, which involved the seniors too. Song Yixiao was pondering over the wording when Nie Wuying waved her hands and said, “Forget it! These issues in court sound like a real pain. I don’t want to know now!”

Then she talked of her intention, “It will be Mother’s birthday in two days. I’ve prepared a gift for her but I’m not sure whether it is appropriate. Would you please help take a look at it?”

Song Yixiao replied smilingly, “Let’s look at it in the warm chamber then! It is warm there and outside the window is a red plum tree blossoming now. I remember you like plum blossoms!”

As expected, Nie Wuying’s eyes glistened instantly, “I knew you loved me!”

This day, Song Yixiao helped review the present list and treated her to lunch. It was not until the afternoon that Nie Wuying left with a bundle of red plum blossoms.

After seeing her off, Song Yixiao immediately stopped smiling and returned to her internal chamber for rumination with a frown.

After a while, Jinxun crept into the room with tea. Her arrival reminded Song Yixiao of something. Song Yixiao instantly ordered her, “Send someone to the You Family and the Fu Family to inquire about their whereabouts!”

Jinxun couldn’t help asking, “Didn’t the You Family leave the imperial capital with Ms. Zhao?”

“Send some trustworthy to catch up with them and give them some presents!” Song Yixiao got silent after saying that. Of course she knew that the You Family had been banished to 800 miles away. She was not worried before. After all, it was the Empress Dowager’s idea to banish them. Since the Empress Dowager approved of Jian Xubai’s request, she would let her subordinates to show some mercy for the You Family.

However, due to the fight for the throne, Qiu Shuxia managed to persuade Liu Zhenxi to disclose this scandal that was supposed to be covered. How could Song Yixiao not worry that the Empress Dowager and Emperor Xianjia would kill the people in the know for the interest of the Crown Prince?

Thanks to Jian Xubai, Song Yixiao might be able to survive.

But Ms. Zhao and her relative who were forgiven by the Empress Dowager might not be safe now!

However, when she was about to let Jinxun send some people to protect or remind them, she couldn’t help smiling bitterly. Her manpower was too little and weak to protect even her backyard. How could they undertake the task?

Hence, she had to wait for her husband to come back and begged him to do the favor by pouting and trying all her sweet wiles!

Song Yixiao heaved a sigh and then said, “Send someone to ask about the Fu Family first!”

She had no other choice but to observe the Fu Family’s consequence to figure out whether Ms. Zhao and her family were safe.

More than two hours later, the information that the servant brought was not that good, “The Fu Family all left the imperial capital two days ago. It is said that they have gone to a rich relative for shelter in Shu!”

“The Fu Family are not rich in the imperial capital but they are not poor either. Do they need to go that far to Shu for shelter?” Song Yixiao was surprised to hear that and pondered, “I’m afraid that they must have gone to the hell instead!”

She rolled her bracelet for a while before asking the servant to leave.

By the time when Jian Xubai came back, she was about to tell him about it. However, Jian Xubai told her a piece of bad news first, “Why do you think Liu Zhenxi volunteered to plead guilty yesterday?”

Song Yixiao said, “Was it a desperate act?”

Based on the Cui Family’s promise, the Liu Family wouldn’t last long.

“Liu Zhenxi’s eldest legitimate son, Liu Zhiyin was adopted by Qiu Shuxia in secret three days ago,” Jian Xubai said calmly, which took her by surprise, “Now his family name becomes Qiu so his full name is Qiu Zhiyin!”