The Reborn Girl's Path to Glory

Chapter 176 - Induction

An accident happened to the pregnancy of the Crown Prince’s side concubine at the Lantern Festival Feast. This issue was so severe that even the Crown Princess couldn’t bear with the consequence!

Before Song Yixiao talked about the ins and outs of the matter, Noble Consort Cui had managed to rush here, followed by two colorfully-dressed imperial maids. They were Yuguo, maid of the Empress Dowager, and Fangyu, maid of the Empress.

“Auntie! Auntie! My babies… Am I losing them?” Upon seeing the Noble Consort, Cui Jianlian took a deep breath and suddenly burst into tears. “Please save them! Please!”

“Jianlian, there there!” Cui Jianlian was the Noble Consort’s favorite niece, who was expecting twins. Now she was extremely grieved with her dress stained by blood, which made the Noble Consort feel so sorrowful that she had no time to correct Cui Jianlian’s way of addressing her. The Noble Consort hurriedly walked forward to hold her hands to comfort her, “Don’t think too much. The doctors are around the corner, who will help save your babies! I’ll be here for you. You’ll be fine. Do you hear me?”

She shed tears before completing her words. The Noble Consort had born babies before. When she saw the blood on the ground, she knew that Cui Jianlian’s babies were in danger.

She tried to suppress her anger and decided to ask about the ins and outs of the matter after Cui Jianlian’s condition became stable. Suddenly, Xiaoman said with indignation, “Your Highness, the Side Concubine was fine before. It is due to Lady of Yan that…”

Even though Noble Consort was always crafty and unrevealing, she couldn’t help flaring up now. She turned around and gazed at Song Yixiao, “Lady of Yan?”

“Your Highness, I am not a kid. How can I be that stupid to hurt a side concubine of the Crown Prince at the imperial feast?” Song Yixiao stared at her angry eyes too, saying calmly, “I think the maid is rather dubious!”

“Mother, I haven’t had the time to inquire about the ins and outs, but Lady of Yan has made a good point!” The Crown Princess stepped forward and winked at Noble Consort Cui behind Song Yixiao’s back. “Lady of Yan is Xubai’s wife, who is also one of our relatives. Why would she come into conflict with Jianlian? I think we shouldn’t jump to the conclusion before learning what has happened!”

Realizing that she emphasized “Xubai”, Noble Consort Cui glanced at Yuguo and managed to give up scolding, “Then tell us what happened!”

Song Yixiao was about to talk when the doctors finally arrived. The Noble Consort and the Crown Princess immediately ordered the doctors to check on Cui Jianlian. After a while, the two doctors both asserted that the abortion drug had taken effect well and that it was impossible to keep the pregnancy. “Luckily, Her Highness the Side Concubine has been six months pregnant. If we expedite the child delivery now, the babies should be able to come out!”

As to whether the babies could survive, it was God to decide!

Noble Consort Cui and the Crown Princess felt shocked to hear that. After a while, the doctors reminded scrupulously that Cui Jianlian’s condition was not good. If they didn’t make a prompt decision, Cui Jianlian’s life would be at risk too. The Noble Consort finally said sobbingly, “So be it!”

There were rules about the sickness and death in the imperial palace. In particular, Cui Jianlian was not only a junior but also a side concubine. Therefore, even if she was in a lot of pain now, she couldn’t take the induction drug until she was carried back to the Eastern Palace.

Noble Consort Cui still felt worried so she decided to send words to the Empress Dowager and the Empress and she would follow to the Eastern Palace for decision-making herself.

Yet, the Crown Princess reminded her. “This is Jianlian’s first pregnancy and it is twins. I’m afraid that it will take some time, but the Lantern Festival Feast can’t last the whole night. We cannot keep Yixiao in the palace for the whole night. I would like to stay and find out the truth, but Jianlian and her maid seem to disbelieve me too. Mother, what do you suggest I should do?”

“She is too painful to stay clear-minded. Don’t take it seriously!” Noble Consort Cui still didn’t know that Cui Jianlian had criticized the Crown Princess before. Now she couldn’t help frowning. Cui Jianlian was too young and naive. Even if she really suspected the Crown Princess, she shouldn’t have voiced it out in public!

The Empress Dowager just said applausively that the Crown Princess became thinner for looking after the pregnant side concubine!

Hence, Cui Jianlian’s censure on the Crown Princess would be a slap on the face of the Empress Dowager!

In this case, she didn’t dare to go to the Eastern Palace then. Otherwise, she would be rendered as a person who suspected the Empress Dowager’s injustice and queried the Crown Princess’s virtue!

Apart from that, she also had to show trust for the Crown Princess. “It is well-known that you always regard her as a sister. Now that she is in trouble, who else can she rely on but you? Good girl, please forgive her this time for my sake. When she gets well and doesn’t apologize to you sincerely, I will punish her too!”

Noble Consort Cui was suspicious anyway so she said, “This happened so suddenly that I’m afraid that you will be overwhelmed. Why don’t you bring a person or two of mine to help you?”

The Crown Princess agreed respectfully and ordered the maids to fetch the screen and put it before the bed. Then a sedan was carried inside so that Cui Jianlian could get into the sedan with the help of the maids. They left for the Eastern Palace then.

Noble Consort Cui watched the sedan leave. When she turned to Song Yixiao, she had come to her sense, “Today is a happy day. I was talking delightedly with the Virtuous Consort and other concubines when I suddenly heard of such news. Hence, I was too flurried! If I offended you just now, please forgive me for the sake of His Majesty and Xubai!”

“Please don’t put it this way.” Song Yixiao hastened to say humbly, “Just now I was also startled when there was suddenly blood under the dress of the Side Concubine! I can relate to your feelings. You only called me, which was pretty reasonable. No need to talk about forgiving.”

Noble Consort Cui observed her peaceful look, with a bit of grimness crossing her eyes, saying, “The room is too dirty. Let’s go somewhere else and talk!”

“If we must go somewhere else, I would like to make a request!” Song Yixiao didn’t move at all, saying, “Please beckon one or more doctors to examine my clothes and my maid’s in case for anything bad for Her Highness the Side Concubine!”

When Noble Consort Cui seemed to say something, she spoke first, “I feel no qualms now, but my verbal statement without any proof is not enough. Moreover, Her Highness the Side Concubine’s pregnancy is rather important. If we don’t get to the bottom of it, how can we convince all?”

Noble Consort Cui didn’t object to such examination. Now of course she would like to push the boat along with the current. “I am not suspecting you. However, I heard that when Jianlian’s accident happened, only you and your maid were in the room apart from her and hers. If we don’t look into this carefully, we can’t give an explanation then.”

Since she said so, Yuguo and Fangyu didn’t object then. Therefore, the Noble Consort sent for doctors again while Song Yixiao and Jinxun went behind the screen and took off all their clothes and accessories in front of Yuguo, Fangyu and the maids of the Noble Consort. All the things were put on the trays so that the maids could take them out for the doctors to have a check.

When Song Yixiao only had underclothes on her, she put her hands on the clothes and looked around, who seemed to search for something to cover her body. Yuguo realized that and frowned a bit. Then she asked Song Yixiao to wait and walked out to tell the Noble Consort, “Your Highness, Lady of Yan has not been convicted yet and she is a first-rank titled lady anyway. Is it appropriate to let the doctors see her underclothes?”

Then she added, “There are a few maids of the Empress Dowager, who also have some medical knowledge. If you are okay with it, I can ask them to come here!”

How could Noble Consort Cui dare to say that she disbelieved the people of the Empress Dowager?

After a while, both the doctors and the maids stated that none of Song Yixiao’s and Jinxun’s things was harmful to pregnant women.

After dressing up, Song Yixiao came out and said, “It was me who came into the room first. Others may suspect that I can hide the harmful things in the room! Your Highness, please have the room checked too!”

“Nonsense!” Jinguo Grand Princess and Commandery Princess Qingjiang arrived too. The Grand Princess heard Song Yixiao’s words and snorted, “This is the side hall for all the guests to get changed, not for your sole use! You arrived only a minute before Side Concubine Cui. Who knows how many people else came here before you? How could the things found in the room be considered as yours?”

One of the maids that Yuguo invited here chimed in, “Lady of Yan, your proposed doing is not necessary. If the thing can hurt the Side Concubine secretly, there must be some traces left on the clothes or accessories of yours or your maid’s. Since we found nothing on the clothes and accessories, there is no problem with the room then.”

She added, “If Your Highness doesn’t believe my words, you may go to the Imperial Academy of Medicine for confirmation. Even the president will have the same judgement.”

Noble Consort Cui responded with a forced smile, “You must be joking! Why would I not believe you? I’ve said that I didn’t suspect Lady of Yan. It is her who is afraid of being wronged so she insists on a thorough investigation. I also don’t want to see her suffer any wrong.”

Then Yuguo advised Song Yixiao to talk about the ins and outs of the matter. “Regardless of the culprit, we must find out how the accident happened to the Side Concubine!”

Song Yixiao glimpsed at Xiaoman who was made to stay just now, and said, “Since the Side Concubine didn’t feel well, this maid had been insisting that it was me who did harm to the Side Concubine, when the Crown Princess and Her Highness Noble Consort arrived successively! Actually, I am partially responsible indeed!”

Instantly, Jinguo Grand Princess, Commandery Princess Qingjiang and Noble Consort Cui all slightly frowned.

“Your Highnesses, and Yuguo, Fangyu, did you all hear her? She…” Xiaoman was talking with indignation when she was interrupted by Song Yixiao. “However, as the Noble Consort said just now, today is a happy occasion and I came into the imperial palace joyfully. I was even cared about by Her Majesty the Empress Dowager before the feast started. While I was beamed with joys, Side Concubine Cui came to me and demanded my immediate divorce. I… I…”

Instead of crying out or complaining emotionally, she lowered her head and choked down her tears, which showed her deep grievance and sadness!

Xiaoman was dumbfounded at once while Jinguo Grand Princess and her daughter got furious. “Divorce? Noble Consort, what’s going on? She is my daughter-in-law. Even the Empress doesn’t speak ill of her. How can Side Concubine Cui get to tell her what to do?”

Noble Consort Cui, shocked in anger, questioned Xiaoman in a cold voice, “Is what Lady of Yan says true? What’s wrong with you?”

“Your Highness, absolutely not!” Xiaoman answered hastily. “The Side Concubine and Lady of Yan only had a casual chat. It was Lady of Yan’s fault…”

“Your Highness, please look at the remaining tea on the table. I deliberately had it kept there.” Song Yixiao sneered and pointed at the nearby tea bowl, saying, “With a glance at the tea, you will know that I have been talking with the Side Concubine for quite a while! It is well known that I am not familiar with her. Tonight is the Lantern Festival Feast. If we didn’t have something to talk about, why would we spend time together here in negligence of the feast in the main hall?”

“Actually, it doesn’t matter whether the remaining tea is kept or not!” Commandery Princess Qingjiang said grimly. “Some must have seen you and Side Concubine Cui leave the feast. We just need to let one of the witnesses confront you! It happened that we have asked around and confirmed that you were away for quite a while indeed!”

Noble Consort Cui raised her hand and gave Xiaoman a harsh slap in the face. “What a plausible liar! You almost made me do Lady of Yan an injustice! Somebody come and drag her away!”

“Your Highness the Noble Consort, please don’t!” Fangyu who stayed silent before suddenly shouted. “Just now, not only Xiaoman but also Side Concubine Cui accused the Crown Princess of helping Lady of Yan hurt her. I’m wondering whether we should keep the maid alive so that we can find out the truth. Otherwise, if the Side Concubine is still suspicious…”

“Jianlian is so young and ignorant that she is set up by the maid!” Noble Consort Cui said with a forced smile. “I will talk it through with her later and won’t let Lady of Yan suffer wrong again!”

However, Jinguo Grand Princess said with a long face, “Fangyu is right. The maid has been questioned. It doesn’t matter to keep her alive for a little longer. If we don’t get the bottom of it, how can we bring fair back to my daughter-in-law?”

Then she turned to Song Yixiao, “Just feel free to tell us what happened! If it was really your fault, I will not spare you! However, if you are innocent, I am still able to protect my legitimate daughter-in-law anyway!”

Noble Consort Cui cast a glance at Fangyu and said nothing.

Song Yixiao wiped her tears softly and then thanked her mother-in-law sobbingly, saying, “Just now I got a message from the maid of my mother and she told me that my mother wanted to have a talk with me. That was why I came here. Wuying also heard that. However, after I waited here for a while, Side Concubine Cui came instead of my mother!”

“Without thinking much, I exchanged pleasantries with the Side Concubine.”

“Unexpectedly, according to the Side Concubine, it was actually her who asked me to meet here. Then she said…”

She hedged and continued talking resignedly, “She said that the Fourth Commandery Princess of Prince of Hengshan has a crush on Xubai!”

“I only found her words ridiculous and didn’t think of a reply. Then the Side Concubine said that I should requite Prince of Hengshan’s kindness for me. However, in terms of Prince of Hengshan’s honor, I’m not eligible to return the favor myself. Therefore, she suggested my giving up on Xubai to the Fourth Commandery Princess as she wished!”

Shortly after saying that, Song Yixiao knelt on the ground, climbed forward and fell into Jinguo Grand Princess’s arms crying out. “If she asks for something else, I will definitely do it as she wishes. But Mother, I can’t let go of Xubai!”