Chapter 81 - 81: Test Rules

Director Bull was not very proficient in mathematics, but he could see that Sophia wrote a concise solution to each step of the problem and got the answer in the shortest time with the fastest method.

With the reference answer, he checked the questions one by one until he came to the new filling part. "Why don\'t you do this question, Green? Are you forgetting?" He took a careful look at the paper and asked.

All the questions he had checked were correct, and he felt it was a pity to see an empty question. He thought about it and said, "Well, the time is not up yet. You can do it now."

Sophia hadn\'t spoken yet, and Mrs. Lee said first, "There are test rules. You can\'t change the test paper after you hand it in. It\'s the same everywhere. We can\'t break the rules!"

Ms. Acheson gave her a look. Rules? This exam just shouldn\'t be held.

Sophia was in a hurry to go home, and she didn\'t want the teachers to argue for her. She knew Ms. Acheson wanted to help her, and hurriedly said, "It\'s okay. I don\'t know how to do it!"

Ms. Acheson read the question and was confused, "It\'s not difficult… It\'s just a little troublesome. If you calculate it carefully, you\'ll be able to figure it out."

Sophia could only say, "I really don\'t know how to solve it. You can keep checking, Director Bull."

Actually, she wanted to say that she deliberately left it out just because the calculation was too much! It was just a waste of time! Anyway, she could get enough points.

Director Bull could only keep checking. Soon, he finished.

Except for the blank filling part, all other answers were right!

"Ninety-six points!" Announced Director Bull. The blank filling took four points.

He cleared his throat, "With Green\'s last score, Weller\'s total points were less than hers even if he got a full mark. So, the representative of our school to go to the Mathematical Olympiad contest is Sophia Green."

Kurt Weller, who was writing on his paper, stopped his pen in disappointment. It was meaningless for him to keep writing. Just read the last question; he had no idea how to solve it. There was definitely no hope to get a full mark. Even if he did, it was already meaningless.

The third student was relieved. He really didn\'t want to come. In the whole examination, he was not in the condition. He had no idea what he was doing.

Sophia picked up her bag and asked, "Can I leave now?"

"Yeah, go," Ms. Acheson was quite happy.

Sophia immediately trotted away from the Examination Center.

Director Bull looked at Sophia\'s test paper with a smile. He chose the paper himself. It was absolutely no less difficult than the formal Mathematical Olympiad exam. Sophia could get ninety-six points, which had proved her strength.

He was relieved to send Sophia to the contest. He used to doubt her strength, but then he considered it the right decision.

"Ms. Acheson. Come to my office, please. I have some books, and you can give them to Green later," said Director Bull.

Ms. Acheson smiled, "She will appreciate your kindness, Director Bull!"

Then they left together.

The third student had already packed up and slipped away. He didn\'t want to stay here for a second.

In the room, only Mrs. Lee and Weller remained.

Mrs. Lee sighed, "You can go home, Weller. Let it be so!"

Weller bit his lips reluctantly and whispered, "Does she know the answer? How could she do it so fast?"

Mrs. Lee shook her head, "Director Bull chose the test paper himself. And there are only three of you. It\'s impossible to leak it."

Weller frowned, "Director Bull… I think he likes Ms. Acheson. She is good-looking. Many people like her!"

As he uttered these words, Mrs. Lee\'s face got bad.

Weller didn\'t notice that and went on to say, "When the test results come out, we\'ll know everything. It\'s impossible for someone at the Mathematical Olympiad Center to leak the test paper to Green. Then we\'ll all know the real her."

He just didn\'t want to admit that Sophia was better than him in math.

Mrs. Lee ignored him. She clenched her right hand and strode away.


It was right after seven forty when Sophia got home. There was still some time. She took out jerky from her bag and put it on Ever\'s plate.

As soon as Ever smelled the smell, he immediately jumped over and began to eat.

Delgado\'s little jerky smelt good. Though it was specially made for Ever, it smelt so good that even Sophia wanted to eat some.

She took out her phone, took a photo of Ever, and posted it on her blog.

Many netizens were fans of Ever. And she was glad to share his life with them to share the happiness.

Knowing A Person, "There are jerkies today. Grandpa is very happy!"

In one minute, the comments were already too many for Sophia to read.

"Grandpa really had a good appetite."

"The jerkies look delicious. I want to eat, too."

"Bad table manners. Grandpa needs to pay attention to that!"

"I was on a diet at night. But when I see the picture… I want to go to dinner. What should I do? I can\'t believe I\'m hungry when I watch the dog eat!"

"Look at the sixth picture. Oh, that kind of look. He seems to be afraid of KAP robbing him of his food, doesn\'t he? He\'s so alert. Ha-ha!"

"I want to see KAP\'s picture…"

Sophia read several comments and couldn\'t help laughing.

Kate served the food and saw Sophia giggling at her cell phone and asked, "What are you laughing at?"

"I put Ever\'s picture online. They all like it!"

Kate laughed, "Well, we have to eat. Go wash your hands! Look, Ever was almost done eating! Don\'t you have to take him for a walk later?"

After dinner, Sophia walked around with Ever.. Then she went back home to take a shower and go to bed.