Chapter 78 - 78: The Invitation Of The Prince Charming

Melissa was thrilled about Delgado\'s invitation. Delgado was her number two prince charming, which was the ranking she made after she met Pearson. The invitation of the prince charming, of course, was a matter of excitement.

Delgado told Kevin about it. Kevin approved without hesitation. Considering the relationship between Sophia and Sister Alliance, he also invited Mariah and Carol.

Mariah couldn\'t go there because she had to go back to her hometown. Carol had to entertain guests and had no time to go, either. They were very interested in "hand making mooncakes." It was a pity that they couldn\'t go.

"Don\'t eat up. Leave me some!" Carol pitifully looked at Sophia.

"It\'s just Tuesday today. It\'s been a few days before Friday."

Sophia never cooked. Of course, she couldn\'t make desserts. She checked on her phone and learned that the mooncakes were baked in the oven rather than the fire.

She remembered the terrible feeling she felt the last time she saw flames. Since then, she tried to avoid getting close to the fire and the kitchen. Sometimes, she just helped her mum doing the dishes.


When she walked out in the morning, she found Ever\'s food was running out.

Ever really ate a lot. The dog food she bought last time didn\'t last for days. Ever was really not young. According to the age of humans, he was already a grandfather about fifty or sixty if he was a man.

It was not often that a "grandpa" had such a good appetite.

After school at noon, Sophia saw a pet store on her way home. She parked her bike, entered the store, and walked to the dog food counter directly.

She saw a boy in Colin High School uniform, also choosing dog food. The boy stared at her as soon as he saw her.

Sophia didn\'t know him and considered him someone who knew her because of her big name.

She smiled at the boy, friendly.

Weller felt his legs weak. He just came to buy some dog food. How could he meet Sophia here?

Did she come on purpose to trouble him?

He wanted to run away but feared it would anger her even more. And his legs were too weak to run.

He could only stare at her in silence, silently praying that she would not come to kick his ass.

While Sophia just came straight to him, and when she got near him, she smiled at him.

Kurt thought he couldn\'t get away with the beating.

Could he… ask for help?

Sophia didn\'t understand the complex feeling in Weller\'s eyes. She walked straight past him and reached for a bag of dog food on the counter. After some hesitation, she turned to Weller and said, "Do you often buy dog food?"

Kurt couldn\'t help guessing what she meant... But it\'s too deep for him to understand

He could only nod his head, numbly, "Yeah… I\'ve a dog… at home…"

"That\'s great! I\'d like to ask, is it appropriate for an eight-year-old Golden Retriever to eat this kind of dog food?"

Looking at the dog food in Sophia\'s hand, Weller bluntly pointed to the beside a shelf, "That one… better…"

"Oh, well… Thank you!"

Sophia got the dog food from the shelf and turned to Weller, "Goodbye!"

Weller looked at the back of her departure in a daze. What did she mean by "goodbye"?

Kick his ass next time?

Suddenly, a sense of anger rose in his heart. Why didn\'t she just beat him? Compared with living in fear like this, being beaten up as soon as possible was more like a save for him!

Boss Green… She was really tough.

Ever had a good appetite that day. After eating a plateful of dog food, he still stared at the doggie bag in Sophia\'s hand.

Sophia put the dog food on a high shelf, keeping it out of reach of him.

She was a little worried that eating too much would make his stomach worse. It would not be good if he gets sick because of that. So, his food must be rationed regularly.

While eating, she took a photo and posted it on her blog, with the words.

The Knowing A Person: Grandpa with SUPER good appetite!

Ever\'s age has been marked by netizens before. They all knew that Ever was actually a grandfather in the Golden Retriever world.

As soon as the picture was posted, many netizens began to comment.

"Grandpa really enjoyed himself!"

"Does KAP change the dog food brand? It looks different from yesterday! He loves this one more!"

"Can\'t believe I would love a Grandpa. Oh, me!"

"Can KAP give me your address? I sell dog food. I want to feed him!"

"I just fell in love with your Grandpa. What can I do? Steal him away at night… can I do that?"

Sophia loved to read netizens\' comments. She could not believe that so many people had loved an abandoned dog. Many people cared about Ever\'s life and health.

Sophia didn\'t check her blog much and engaged herself in science research before. She never knew that there were so many kind people in the world.

Naturally, there were some people who were not so kind. She had seen someone comment, "It was just an old dog. You are really idle.

Then, this person was criticized by others immediately. Everyone scolded him for his lack of love. For the criticism, the man was probably embarrassed and just deleted his comment silently.


On Wednesday morning, Ms. Acheson asked Sophia to her office after the first class.

Her eyes were full of smiles, "Sophia, the result of the Olympic mathematics tryouts have come out. You get full marks. You\'re the number one! Congratulations! The Mathematical Olympiad competition will start after the mid-autumn festival holiday, and you will go to the competition on our behalf. Are you nervous?"

This result was expected by Sophia, who was confident in her ability to do the test.

"No, I\'m not.." She smiled.