Chapter 72 - 72: Don’t Come Over Me

As soon as Sophia heard the word \'crash,\' she instantly jumped out of the bus. Fear had flooded her body.

Her brother was in the car ahead.

As she walked, she could see a sports car had smashed into the side of the mountain. The tail of the car was sticking out into the road. In order not to crash into the car, the bus driver had quickly turned the steering wheel and slammed on the brakes.

"It just rushed out like crazy, and I almost couldn\'t avoid it." The bus driver had followed her out.

It had been the scariest moment of the driver\'s career; he had a coach load of passengers, what if he hadn\'t been able to brake in time? It didn\'t bear thinking about.

Sophia looked ahead and saw Pearson\'s car safely parked in front. Her whole body relaxed with relief. Pearson\'s driver had climbed out and walked over, saying, "That really freaked me out. It was going so fast, and I nearly hit it. We all could have died."

Kevin, Mariah, and Dave had all gotten out too and were walking over.

"Is the guy in there still alive?"

The side of the mountain completely blocked the front seat. The bus driver tried to pull open the passenger door but couldn\'t do it. It seemed to be locked from the inside. The driver of the sports car did not move at all, nor did he react. They didn\'t know whether he was dead or alive.

Sophia shouted to the visitors who were just getting off the bus, "Get the safety hammer down!"

Pearson had already stepped out of the bus with the safety hammer in hand. He went straight to the sports car and hammered several times on the glass. The glass quickly broke apart. He reached inside the door, pressed the switch, and opened the door.

As soon as the door opened, Sophia got a strong whiff of alcohol. It seemed the driver had been blind drunk and lost control around the corner.

The bus driver frowned. He couldn\'t stand drunk drivers. To endanger your own life is one thing, but to endanger the life of everyone else on the road as well as one of the most selfish things you could do.

Almost all the passengers had got off the bus. Some stood far off for fear of blood, while others got a little closer but still didn\'t want to be in the way. No one knew quite what to do but seemed instinctive to turn to Albert Pearson for guidance.

"Call the police… call an ambulance!" Pearson said as he leaned into the car.

Sophia hastily picked up her phone and called the ambulance.

The bus driver called the police and explained the situation to them. He hated drunk drivers, but out of humanitarianism, he would help.

Kevin walked to the car and asked, "What\'s the matter? Is it serious?"

"Don\'t come over!" Sophia said immediately, "Get back! There\'s blood everywhere. Don\'t look! You\'ll feel sick."

Just hearing that, Kevin backed away immediately. He had a phobia of blood. When he saw it, he got dizzy and nauseous.

Suddenly, he thought of something.

Had he ever told her he didn\'t like blood?

"It will take twenty minutes for the ambulance to arrive. Can he hold on for that long?" Sophia asked.

"I\'m not sure. It\'s probably an arterial hemorrhage. But I can\'t see the wound clearly enough. I need to stop the blood, or he\'ll bleed out before the ambulance comes." Pearson said, "I have some first aid knowledge. I can help him."

Sophia turned to the bus driver, "Do you have a first aid kit in your car?"

"Yes!" The driver ran to the bus, "I\'ll go get it!"

The passenger with the wounded head got out of the bus, swearing loudly and shouting, "How come no one cares about me? My head hurts!"

The bus driver was very impatient with him. He opened the first aid kit and took a band-aid out for him, "Sort yourself out!"

The man was angry, "I have a big bump on my head! I\'ll be disfigured! I may have a concussion. You have to pay!"

There was a man in a life-threatening condition. The bus driver couldn\'t be bothered to pay attention anymore to him. He jumped out of the bus, ran to the front of the wrecked sports car, and handed the first aid kit over.

Albert Pearson put the first aid kit aside and frowned, "This is difficult. I can\'t reach the wound from here. He\'s stuck, and I need to find a way to move his body and, at the same time, stop the bleeding. Do any of you know anything about first aid? I\'ll get him up on the back seat, and I need someone else to help stop the bleeding."

The bus driver said, "I could help you hold him, and could you stop the bleeding? I don\'t know anything about first aid, though."

Pearson shook his head, "No, it\'s not that easy. If you hold him in the wrong place and anything touched the wound, it could cause secondary damage."

The bus driver asked the tour group, but there were no medics among them.

Sophia took a breath, "I\'ll do it!"

Pearson looked at her, doubtfully, "Are you sure?"

She was just a high school student. It wasn\'t too difficult to do, but you did need to have a bit of knowledge. Could she really do it?

Yes, I\'m sure!" Sophia said, "I\'ve read quite a few books about first aid."

"Well, it\'ll have to do. Have a try. I\'ll direct you." Albert had no alternative, so he nodded.

He broke the glass in the back seat with the safety hammer, climbed into the back seat of the car, and slowly pulled the driver\'s body towards him.

Sophia leaned into the car. As the driver\'s body moved, she soon saw that the wound was in his thigh.. The blood was still gushing, and the bright red liquid was striking.