Chapter 198 - 198: It Was Kind Of Fulfill Her Wish

He came to school for her, not for a small matter.

"Here is the thing. Professor Green had a project called the New Energy Project, which was well underway, then it was put on hold because of her sudden death. I… I heard that the Pearson Group wants to restart the project and finish it. It kind of fulfills her wish," said Albert.

Sophia stayed. It took her a moment to realize that Albert planned to do it.

In her last life, she had a deal with the Pearson Group that they would cover all the scientific research expenses. The achievement of scientific research belonged to her, and the Pearson Group enjoyed the priority to cooperate in production.

She thought the project had stopped after she died, but she never expected that Albert was so thoughtful and wanted to restart it and finish what she hadn\'t finished.

Inside of her, she would like to see the project succeed. It had always been her wish that new energy could be used all over the world and benefited all mankind.

Sophia asked, "Well, who was responsible for the project?"

In her current identity, she was not qualified to lead such a high-tech project.

Albert said, "Andrew, the academician of the Academy of Sciences. Ms. Green knew him. He is Principal Lewis\' brother and has been doing research on science. He is very interested in the project and is willing to take it over. Of course, if the project makes a profit, he\'ll give half of it to Kevin, Ms. Green\'s brother."

Sophia wanted to say that it wasn\'t necessary. She didn\'t want Kevin to have too much of the unexpected fortune, which was not necessarily good for him.

But in her current position, she was not qualified to make that decision for Kevin.

Sophia said, "Andrew. I have read reports about him. He is great. The project will be well finished in his hands."

There was a sense of loss in her heart. After all, she had been working on the project for two years. It was like her baby. When she gave him to someone else, she would never be able to see him grow up. Naturally, she would feel sad.

Albert looked at her and said with a smile, "Andrew said that he wants to recruit one student from the chemistry department. Would you like to take the chance?"

Sophia stayed and then shook her head, "I\'m just a student who hasn\'t enrolled yet. Even if he wants to recruit a person, there are many professors and associate professors willing to do it. He won\'t take me."

When she was working on the project, she had a team. Most of the members were not from the school, and they were experts from various research centers. As she remembered, the junior professors in the team were at the associate professor level.

However, "Not really. He values ability. And he said that the applicant should submit a related paper to him. If he is satisfied with it, he will hire the person, no matter who he or she is," said Albert.

Sophia cheered up. It meant that she still got a chance, didn\'t it?

Sophia had been studying the new energy project for several years. From proposing the idea of developing the project, she had handled all the details herself. Her research was leading all over the world.

For the paper, she had a lot to write. And she was sure that her paper would win Andrew\'s approval.

She started writing as soon as she got home. She didn\'t even have to look up the information, and all was right at her fingertips. In the paper, she avoided some unique opinions known only to herself, so as not to be suspected.

The next day, there was an open class in Glinton. In the class, Sophia saw Elma and Hammer come together. They were close now and sat together.

"You know Professor Green, the one who passed away a few months ago? Her project is about to be restarted," Elma whispered while the teacher was writing on the blackboard. "My dad said it is a great project. If it succeeds, it will bring good fortune. Each of the participants can get at least several hundred thousand dollars. Professor Normand asked for leave and didn\'t come to school these days. You know why? He is preparing his papers at home."

Sophia nodded, "Yeah, I heard that."

Elma sighed, "But it\'s a chemistry project. If it\'s a physics project, my dad can work on it. He is good at physics, but there is no good project. So he\'s quite free in recent months. And he seemed weird these days. I think he really needs to do some work."

Sophia laughed, "Why? Isn\'t it good to be idle?"

Elma said, "He has been busy all the time, but now he has been idle... I don\'t think he\'s used to it. Actually, I think he\'d better retire early. I can make money. When I graduate, I will support him."

Sophia could see that Elma was a very beautiful girl, though she complained about her father.

However, she was surprised that Professor Normand wanted to work on the project. He was the head of the chemistry department. Although he did not have much research results, he was well known in the field of chemistry in the country.

Did he want to take part in the program just for the money?


It took Sophia three days to finish the paper. Then she sent the paper to Albert for him to hand it over to Andrew. After that, she could just wait at home for the reply. It would take some time for Andrew to receive and review papers. It might be at least half a month.

These days, middle school has begun to have a winter vacation. As the teacher, Kate had a holiday.

Soon, Glinton University announced the winter vacation. Sophia had no classes and stopped going to school.

Kate said to Sophia on the next day of the holiday, "Honey, I may have to… leave for a few days, can you be alone at home?"

Sophia was surprised, "Well, what\'s the matter?"