Chapter 185 - 185: Second Round

At the end of the first round, contestant number two and number eight were out because of the low score. Sophia got a full score of twenty. Ada got two questions wrong and ranked second with eighteen points. The third place was contestant number five. He also performed very well, scoring fifteen points.

Live recording took much longer than on TV. After all, it needed to be edited. Twenty questions took forty minutes, plus some interactions in the show, an hour had passed.

The host announced that they could take a ten-minute break and prepare for the second round.

Some spectators got up from their seats and went to the bathroom, while several contestants went to the lounge for a drink.

As soon as Sophia got to the lounge, she saw Ryan waiting there.

"Miss Green," Ryan hurried forward the moment he saw her, "Come with me. Let\'s go change. Hurry up!"

Sophia was confused, "Change?"

She didn\'t expect to change. Of the five sets provided by Aphrodite, the one on her was the best, and the remaining four were unbelievable.

But now that she signed the contract, she had to follow Ryan to the dressing room.

The dresser was already there. When she saw Sophia, she pulled her into the dressing room and helped to take off the fur coat on her. Then she picked up another dress that had already been put in the dressing room and changed it for her.

Sophia looked at the dress on her. Why didn\'t it seem to be one of the previous ones?

It was a long sky-blue dress with a slim design and some tulle in the sleeves. Just a glance, Sophia felt that it was super beautiful.

She walked out of the dressing room and stood in front of the mirror. Sure enough, this dress was really beautiful, making her look sweeter and cuter.

Clothes made the man. It did make sense.

"Are you happy about it?" Ryan asked with a smile.

Sophia kept nodding, "Yeah, I\'m so happy. Why do you let me wear this one? I thought you\'d make me wear…"

If it was one of those she had seen before, she would have cried.

Ryan said, "Our… partner, Aphrodite, is a big brand. There are many clothes. You can change to another one when you take a break later. It\'s much more beautiful than this one."

Sophia smiled, "Thanks. But I don\'t think it\'s necessary. I love this one."

She thanked Ryan and left.

Ryan breathed a long sigh of relief as he watched her leave.

The last hour was killing him. Albert called him out of the blue and asked him to prepare a "popular aesthetic" dress, and it had to be unique.

Ryan was going crazy. How could he do that in such a short time?

Not familiar with the fashion industry, he called the general manager of Aphrodite\'s design department and asked him to do it.

The general manager was also upset when he received the call from Ryan. He immediately contacted all the designers he knew and finally delivered the dress at the last minute. The dress was designed by the head designer of another company to be entered into the fashion competition, and its size was close to Sophia. Finally, he bought it at a high price.

When Sophia returned to the lounge, the director had someone to inform them that it was time for going back to the stage to continue the recording.

The audience was back, looking forward to the start of the second round of the competition.

As soon as Sophia came out, everyone noticed that she had changed her clothes.

"The dress is so beautiful! Is it a new piece of Aphrodite? I\'m going to buy it."

"But I think the hamster coat was cute. While this one… was also beautiful."

"Sophia is so beautiful. I think she can be a star. Compared with her, Ada is like a clown, and Ada can be a star… If Sophia wants to be a star, I\'m afraid Ada will lose her job."

"I want to see Miss. Hamster. By the way, where can I get the hamster coat?"

Clarence cleared his throat and said, "All right, let\'s move on to the second round. In this round, contestants will take turns answering questions. Let\'s make the rules clear. When the game starts, the computer will randomly choose a contestant to start answering questions. The right answer will earn the contestant one point. The wrong answer means no score, but it will disqualify the contestant from continuing to answer questions. For each question, you have ten seconds. In total, this round will last three minutes. Still, at the end of the round, two contestants will be eliminated."

"From this round, you can ask for help. Each of you has three chances. You can choose the telephone help, the help-on-site, and the audience\'s vote. Of course, we checked," Clarence said, looking at Sophia, "there is no Plug-in Sophia here, so the game should be fair."

When he said this, the audience burst into laughter.

"Plug-in Sophia is on the stage, how can you say it\'s fair?"

"Ha-ha, will Sophia be a taboo for all contests? What if she wants to come to the game?"

"Then, she can only be a guest."

Ada looked upset, while the other contestants looked desperate.

Even the number five contestant in third place began to doubt... What was he here for? Why was he here? Can he go back home?

The game began. Numbers scrolled on the computer. Finally, contestant number three was selected.

Then, one question appeared on the big screen.

Clarence read it, "Name the mathematicians in turn. No repetition!"

Hearing that, Molly was happier than Sophia. Math, Sophia\'s strength, how could there be a mathematician she didn\'t know?

"Tsu Chung-Chi," contestant number three said at once.

"Thales," said contestant number four.

"Descartes," said contestant number five.

"Mo-Tse," said contestant number six.

Sophia thought for a moment and said the most famous one, "Gauss."

Everyone knew these famous mathematicians. She could say it first. When these were said, she could say someone unusual to get a higher score.

Contestant number eight couldn\'t give a name. Then it was Ada.

"Euclid," said Ada.

Contestant number two couldn\'t give a name, either. Number three continued, "Chen Ching-Jun."

"Hua Hengfang," said number four.