Chapter 181 - 181: Sophia Wondered

Wouldn\'t he feel guilty about saying that?

What kind of strange temperament did she have to fit in with these strange clothes?

Albert smiled, "I also think they are very beautiful. These are my… our partner company, Aphrodite, specially tailor-made for you. Try them on!"

Specially tailor-made?

Sophia thought for a moment, trying to put it more subtly. "Well... could you please tell me, are these the main models of Aphrodite this year?"

"Of course not. I told you they were tailor-made for you. There won\'t be a second one."

Sophia forced a smile. Should she say thank you?

She paused and smiled. "Well, I think the Super Quiz is very popular. If I wear hot clothes for this season, it may have a good advertising effect and bring about some sales."

Ryan knew what Sophia meant, but he could not tell her the truth. He could only pretend that he didn\'t understand her. "You\'re so kind to care about the sales of Aphrodite, Sophia. It\'s just that new clothes for this season have not yet been designed, so…"

He hardened his heart and pointed at the clothes. "Try them on. Maybe… no, I mean, they must be great on you."

It was already winter, and the clothes had not been designed yet? The last time she went to Aphrodite, the new clothes were just hanging there.

She looked at Albert, who was looking at the clothes with an expectant look on his face. But he said, "You... Don\'t you like them? It\'s all right. If you don\'t like them, don\'t wear them."

Sophia suddenly had a strange idea. Couldn\'t the designer of these clothes be… him?

As far as she knew about Albert, he might indeed design these weird clothes. And she thought it was quite possible. Aphrodite\'s designers couldn\'t design these clothes as long as they were not out of their minds. Even if they designed these clothes, the company could not approve of them.

Albert was the owner of the Pearson Group. If he designed the clothes, no matter how ugly they were, managers of Aphrodite dared not to say it.

These clothes were ugly, but… they were Albert\'s mind. She could tell that he tried. Would he be sad if she refused to wear them?

"No. I think they are very beautiful." She struggled to pick out the "prettiest" one of the five clothes. "How about… this one?"

Albert looked at the dress and was very satisfied. "I think it looks good, too. The design of this dress comes from nature. Although it seems to be fur, it isn\'t. For animal protection\'s sake, there is no real fur. It is faux fur, but it\'s high-tech. It feels much more comfortable than fur."

Was this a design speech? Sophia wondered.

The dresser took her to the dressing room to change clothes.

Sophia shuffled out of the room, feeling ashamed of herself.

At first, the dresser thought Sophia would look like a bear in the coat, but then, considering her petite figure, she thought she might look like a gray mouse.

But when Sophia came out, the dresser couldn\'t help tittering with her mouth covered.

Sophia was cute, and she looked like a hamster in the grey fur.

The dresser looked at the two men in the room, trying to read their thoughts of the coat from their expressions.

Ryan was facing Sophia, but his eyes were on a table. Obviously, he couldn\'t bear to look at her.

As for Albert, from his eyes and expressions, the dresser saw the burning glances which often appeared on the hero the moment he saw the heroine walking out of the dressing room in beautiful new clothes on TV series.

As for what she saw then… What the hell was that?

The dresser felt that she couldn\'t bear to see it anymore. Her job was done, and she could just leave.


The chief director of the Super Quiz was named Newman. It was his first time to be the chief director of the show. At the moment, he was making an anxious phone call in the office.

"Laura… not here? Okay. Well, forget about it."

"Well… May I ask if any entertainers in your company are available at the moment? All on work? … Newer? Well, forget it. Thank you."

After several phone calls, he failed to find a suitable star to be a guest.

The guest was supposed to be Nicole. For her schedule, they advanced the recording of the program. However, half an hour ago, she sent him a text message saying she was not feeling well and couldn\'t come. Newman called her, but she didn\'t answer.

With less than an hour to go before the show began, it was not easy to find someone who could replace Nicole.

The guest must not be an unknown newcomer. At least, it should be a second-line star. This had always been the case in the first nine seasons, and he didn\'t want to invite a new person who had no fame yet.

But the stars were busy. Without an appointment in advance, it was difficult to find someone who happened to be available and could arrive here in such a short time.

He looked up at the monitor, there were few vacant seats in the audience, and people were there, waiting. If they delay the recording, the audience would certainly not agree, and there might be a riot.

Suddenly, his eyes rested on the face of someone in the audience.

That boy… Wasn\'t he the popular Louie on the Internet lately?

He was sitting in the audience. Girls around him couldn\'t help talking to him. He stayed calm and did not respond.

Newman rejoiced at once. Although Louie was not a big star, he was very popular lately. With the good-looking, he was welcomed by netizens. And he had never been on any show. Everyone was curious about him.

If he was the guest… That would work.

Instead of asking his assistant to talk about it with Louie, he ran to the audience himself. He went to Louie and reached out to him, "Hello, Mr. Delgado. I\'m Newman, the chief director of the Super Quiz."

Louie was puzzled, but still, he politely got up and shook hands with him. "Sir, what can I do for you? Is Boss... I mean, Sophia, is she..."

Newman laughed, "You know Sophia? It\'s nothing about her.. It\'s my business. Could you please come to my office now?"