Chapter 176 - 176: Who Was Her Good Friend?

Sophia thought this was the end of the story, but soon she saw another tweet from Nicole.

"I decided to cheer for my good friend Sophia. I\'ll be the guest on the third episode of the Super Quiz. Come on, Sophia. I know you can do it."

Sophia was shocked. Good friend?

Who was her good friend? Who wanted her to cheer?

However, netizens were very supportive of Nicole.

"It\'s so good to see you again. Ha-ha."

"Thank you for taking care of Sophia. Actually, she has a high IQ, but she is weak in some aspects."

"Nicole was in the first episode. But it had not aired yet. Can\'t wait to see it."

"Hope my two idols show up together."

Sophia was so upset that she called Louie and told him about it.

Louie said, "You\'re an online celebrity, boss. Things like this will happen again. Hypes like this were common. Some celebrities do that without asking for other people\'s permission. People don\'t usually retort to embarrass them, that\'s what they think."

Sophia was speechless. She suddenly found that she somehow became an Internet celebrity.

She had never thought about being an Internet celebrity.

Sophia was a little worried that there would be reporters at the gate of Glinton every day. But soon, she heard that Nicole\'s pass had been invalidated and that the school would not let her in again.

The reason was that Shawn went to professor Normand after class and accused him of giving Nicole a pass. The two men argued and eventually ended up in principal Lewis\' office.

Principal Lewis had expected Nicole to take classes as other students, but he didn\'t expect such a fuss. At once, he decided to invalidate Nicole and his assistant\'s pass. What was more, he asked the guard not to let her in.

Thus, the school was finally back in peace.

A week later, the first episode of the Super Quiz was broadcast as scheduled on Sunday evening.

Because of the hot topics about the show before and the popularity accumulated from the nine seasons, the show drew big ratings.

Then netizens who weren\'t at the recording scene came to realize the meaning of "It\'s amazing to know Sophia."

"Yeah. It\'s amazing to know Sophia. God, please give me a super scholar as my friend."

"It was Sophia who kept answering questions in the end. Oh, the poor guy. He kept being abused. But… why am I so happy? Ha, ha, ha! I\'m just mean."

"Sophia, please be my friend."

"I want to know you, miss."

"She is just an audience, and she is so good. I don\'t know what it will be like when she\'s on the stage. I\'m looking forward to that."

"Am I the only one who thinks Rocket Gun boy is very cute?"


Sophia\'s followers rose after the show. In a few days, it rose to five million.

Throughout the show, people had a little discussion about the contestants on the stage but kept talking about one audience, Sophia.

Also, some talked about Nicole and praised her for her beauty and temperament.

On the day the show was broadcasted, "Sophia of the Super Quiz" became a hot topic. Soon, a lot of hot tweets about the Super Quiz and Sophia appeared.

Netizens gave her a lot of nicknames, like "the most knowledgeable audience," "plug-in Sophia of the Super Quiz," and so on.

The blog of the Super Quiz gave a naughty response at the right time.

"The program group is meeting to discuss whether to cancel the system of asking for help. You know, there is one kind of plug-in called Sophia. Once she appeared, the whole program was contracted by her, which is quite unfair to some contestants."

Netizens agreed.

"There should be a sign on the door of the TV station saying \'no Sophia as the audience\'."

"Plug-in Sophia is not a joke. Plug-in is not forbidden on reality shows. Don\'t let Sophia be an audience next time. Let her be a guest. Oh, don\'t let her take a cell phone. No one is allowed to call her."

"Don\'t worry. There are no other plug-ins. We don\'t need to change the rules. We just need to be careful of Sophia and don\'t let her run around."

What made Sophia laugh and cry was that many followers specially commented on Sophia\'s blog.

"Sophia is the best. Remember that!"

"Give in! Kneel before the genius!"

"Certificate Plug-in Sophia now."

For that, followers of KAP were upset.

"KAP is low-key, but she is no worse than Sophia."

"KAP is a genius delayed by dogs."

"Amelia did nothing this time. That\'s not normal."


Sophia had switched with Molly, so she would be on the show in the third episode. The program group gave a notice that the recording time had been changed to the morning. She didn\'t know why.

But soon, Sophia learned from Molly about the reason.

Molly knew from the staff that the reason why the show was moved up because Nicole\'s schedule could not be adjusted. She had to fly abroad in the afternoon to shoot a movie. So to fit her schedule, the show had to be recorded in advance.

Molly was furious. "She insisted on being a guest. Then she asked the program group to change the time of the show. The program group is so accommodating to these stars that they are spoiled."

The change of time did not cause much trouble for Sophia, but she had to go to Plain a day in advance. However, she could come back on the day of recording. So it won\'t delay much.

Sophia wanted to go by train alone. But Molly was unhappy about that. She said since Sophia was there when she was on the show, she had to go with her. As usual, she wanted her family driver to take them there.

Sophia didn\'t want to bother her, but Molly insisted on going with her and said she could get a ticket. Sophia tried but could not stop her.

Kevin and the girls of the Sister Alliance insisted on going together. These people were usually very obedient to her, but at this time, she could not persuade anyone.

Sophia had to ask for eight tickets from the program and make sure they could sit together.

Sophia brought a lot of topics to the show after the first episode. The program had a good attitude towards Sophia.. When they heard her asking, they agreed at once and promised that all seats were in the front row.