Chapter 172 - 172: Is Everything Okay?

The next morning, they wanted to say goodbye to aunt Mcdowell and got back. However, she didn\'t want them to leave and wanted them to spend half a day in Plain.

Lucas held Sophia\'s hand tightly and would not let go. He knew that if he could not keep the guests, he would have to go to school. His mother would not let him continue to ask for leave.

In order to have more fun, he could not let them go. Seeing that everyone listened to Sophia, Lucas tactfully chose to keep her first.

Sophia had to agree and asked everyone to stay in Plain for half a day and leave in the afternoon. Thus, they could return to Lands City before dark. Then, it would not delay classes the next day.

Aunt Mcdowell suggested a visit to Nasa Lake.

Nasa Lake was the most famous scenic spot in Plain. There were many old buildings. It was the most popular spot in Plain.

They drove to Nasa Lake but did not stay long in the lake. It was cold there in the winter. So they went to visit the old buildings.

Some of the old buildings were from one hundred years ago, but most of them were built later. They covered a lot of space, and there were many entertainment items.

Lucas had been there many times but never felt bored. As soon as he entered, he was attracted by a camel and wanted to ride it. So Aunt Mcdowell took him to play with it.

Others were not interested in the camel and went to other places. Everyone had a cell phone and could contact each other at any time.

Sophia chatted with Kevin while walking. Louie followed them and took a lot of photos.

"That person is weird." Suddenly, Louie said, "It was cloudy, and she\'s wearing sunglasses."

Sophia looked at the person he was talking about. Indeed, a person in sunglasses and a mask looking around not far away. Judging from the hair, it should be a woman.

It was normal to wear a mask in winter, but it was strange to wear sunglasses on cloudy days.

Kevin said, "Maybe she\'s a star, afraid of being recognized. You can also do that when you become a star, Louie."

Louie was glum. "Well, I don\'t want to go out with a mask and sunglasses. It\'s suffocating."

While they were talking, the woman seemed to spot the target and walked away.

Sophia didn\'t care about that person. Whether she was a star or not, she had nothing to do with her. She didn\'t have the hobby of collecting star signatures.

But Louie said again, "Another weirdo? What\'s that outlook? Cosplay?"

Sophia was curious and looked in the direction the man had gone. Suddenly, she was shocked.

She saw that Benjamin was wearing a set of strange clothes and a red mydriatic. He was talking to the woman in the sunglasses, looking rather pompous.

Sophia didn\'t want to say hi to him and tried to walk away. But just then, Benjamin found her and waved to her enthusiastically, "Sister, I\'m here."

Kevin asked, "He is your brother? Your lost brother?"

"No," said Sophia.

She didn\'t have such a weird brother.

Benjamin walked towards Sophia with the woman in the sunglasses. He looked very excited. "Sister, why are you here? Are you here to see me?"

Sophia said, "I\'m just here to travel. If you have anything to do, please go on. Leave me alone."

"I have nothing important, sister. How about having a cup of coffee together? It\'s my treat."

The woman in the sunglasses coughed and said, "Hey, I\'m here, sir."

As soon as she spoke, Sophia knew the voice. "You are… Nicole?"

She had heard Nicole\'s voice on the show and remembered it well.

Nicole stayed for a moment and sighed, "You are great, girl. I\'m like this, and you can recognize me."

She was the guest of the first episode of the Super Quiz. Like all the audience, she was deeply impressed by Sophia on the show. In particular, she didn\'t do well in study and had never been to school since she graduated from primary school. So she had great admiration for excellent students.

"I just remember your voice. Now that you have something to discuss, I\'d better leave first. Excuse me." said Sophia.

Nicole was busy, or she would like to talk more with Sophia. She nodded and said, "Yeah."

Benjamin said hurriedly, "I have something to tell you, sis. Miss Nicole, how about you wait for me at the coffee shop nearby? I\'ll see you later. We\'ll talk about it in detail."

Nicole could just sigh, "All right."

She left helplessly.

Sophia really sympathized with Nicole for having such an unreliable detective. Benjamin just left his client anytime, anywhere. He really had no professional ethics.

Kevin suddenly came over and stopped in front of Sophia. He said, "Sister, don\'t be afraid. I\'ll protect you. I won\'t let this strange man hurt you."

The man called Sophia Sister, but Sophia denied it. With his strange look, Kevin felt like he was definitely not a good person.

Benjamin looked Kevin up and down, frowned, and said, "Sister, aren\'t you the only child in the family? Why do you have a brother? I don\'t want a brother."

Kevin frowned, "Who are you? My sister has nothing to do with you. Your sister is not here. And, who wants to be your brother?"

Sophia didn\'t want to see Kevin quarreling with Benjamin. She had to pull Kevin away and said, "Kev, you go ahead with Louie first. I have something to talk to him."

Louie was worried, "Is everything okay? Why do I think this man is out of his mind?"

"Yeah. Don\'t worry."

Then Kevin and Louie went to visit the old building in front of them. After they left, Sophia said, "Is there anything new about the lab fire?"

She had entrusted Benjamin to investigate the laboratory fire. Just now, Kevin was by her side, and she didn\'t want to talk about it in front of him, so she let him go first.

Benjamin laughed, "No. Nothing new. I\'m happy to see you. I don\'t want to work, and I just want to talk to you."

Sophia turned to go. He was really silly. She really sympathized with Nicole.. How unlucky Nicole was to entrust a detective like Benjamin.