Chapter 169 - 169: Sophia Was Confused

It was an advanced chemical question. He majored in chemistry. So, he answered without asking for help.

Then, Charles was in the lead with forty points. While Molly lost five points, her score was thirty-six points.

Molly was nervous again. She couldn\'t choose a low score question conservatively. She had to take a chance.

She chose a question with five points.

When she saw the question, she was stunned.

Q: How many novels did Anton Pavlovich Chekhov write in his life?

Molly had read Chekhov\'s novel. But she never memorized how many novels he had written. How could she know that?

She looked at Sophia and saw her nod slightly.

Molly was surprised that she knew that and wondered if there was something she didn\'t know.

Clarence warned her, "You have two chances to ask for help, Molly. Do you want to use one?"


"Well, which way do you prefer?"

"The second one."

Clarence asked his assistant to bring the phone over and said, "You can call now. Remember, you only have fifteen seconds."

Molly nodded, picked up the phone and dialed.

Sophia\'s phone rang.

Both Clarence and the audience were surprised.

They could do that?!

Sophia took out the phone and answered it.

"Sophia, I have a question. How many novels did Anton Pavlovich Chekhov write in his life?" Molly asked.

"More than seven hundred."


"No problem."

Everyone was shocked that they pretended to be on the phone. What great acting!

But no one could raise objections because there was no regulation that the player could not call one audience to ask for help. Their practices were not in violation of the rules.

Clarence stayed for a while before he remembered that he was the host. Then he said, "Let\'s see the answer and see if Sophia is right."

The audience didn\'t know the answer, but they had a feeling…

"Right," Clarence announced the result.

The audience wondered whether they should get applause.

This question changed the scores of Molly and Charles. Molly had forty-one points, and Charles had thirty-five points. The gap was not very big. A question could change the situation.

If Charles wanted to catch up, he could not choose a low score question. It was a key question for him. If he got it wrong, he would lose.

"Five-point question." Charles pressed the button with a trembling hand.

Clarence was not surprised by the result but shouted exaggerated, "Another five-point question. Wow, it is getting tense. Let\'s take a look at the five-point question that the computer has chosen for us… It\'s another visual question."

The last four-point visual question was difficult, while this five-point visual question would be super difficult.

Soon, the computer gave the requirement of the question.

Clarence explained, "We\'ll play a five-minute video. When the video is over, we will ask a question about one detail in the video. You have to watch every detail carefully, Charles. Understand?"

Charles bit his lips nervously and nodded. "Got it."

The video began to play, and everyone\'s eyes were on the big screen.

It was a piece of a TV show. At a ball, many people came in all kinds of clothing. It lasted five minutes, but there were a lot of people, very dazzling.

When the video finished, the computer showed the question.

Clarence said, "The question is… There\'s a girl in a green dress. What\'s in her hand?"

People started whispering about the answer when they saw the question, but no one knew it.

The five-point visual question was very difficult. In the video, hundreds of characters appeared; some of them remained less than two seconds. There was no way to remember all the details of each person.

The last four-point question was about details. But it just lasted more than a dozen seconds, very short. And people knew the question in advance, so they could look for the differences directly.

But this video lasted five minutes. Before the video was finished, no one knew what the question was. It was much more difficult than the four-point question.

Charles watched the video very carefully and tried to remember every detail, but he could not remember what the girl in a green dress had in her hand. He had no impression of the girl in a green dress and had no idea who she was.

Clarence warned him, "You have three chances to ask for help. Do you want to use them? It\'s the most important moment. Think about it."

After he said that, everyone looked at Sophia.

She had just got the four-point visual question right, and if anyone in the room could answer the question, she was the only one they could think of.

Sophia was confused.

Why did they look at her? She didn\'t know the answer either.

This question had so much information that it was very troublesome. She could answer the last question because she had known Molly would have asked her for help, so she oversaw the video and found the three differences.

But when this video was played, she had no intention of answering it, so she didn\'t try to memorize every detail. She had a good memory, but she could remember things only when she tried to memorize them. With a few general glances of the video, she could not remember all the details.

What did the girl in a green dress have in her hand? How could she know?

Charles also looked at Sophia. He thought the same as the audience. If anyone here could answer the question, it must be Sophia.

It was a crucial question to decide the game. If he failed to answer it, Molly could choose a low score question and would win no matter whether she could answer it or not.

"I ask for help," said Charles.

Clarence asked his assistant to take the ball and hand it to Charles.

Charles walked to the edge of the stage. His eyes fixed on Sophia. He was wondering if Sophia would help him at this moment.

He had seen Sophia and Molly together before. They were probably friends, so Sophia should be here to help Molly.

But he believed that Sophia still loved him. After all, he had been Sophia\'s boyfriend. Sophia had always obeyed him and regarded him as the most important person. She would do whatever he asked her to do.

He had no choice but to pick up the ball and throw it in the direction of Sophia.