The Problem with Marrying Rich: Out of the Way, Ex

Chapter 997 - The Narcissistic Xi Xi

Chapter 997: The Narcissistic Xi Xi

He Xiyan returned to the castle carrying shopping bags of various sizes. She had bought paintbrushes and fairy tale books for Yuan Yuan and dresses and shoes for Xi Xi.

Xi Xi loved dressing herself up and she wanted to wear new clothes almost every other day. Many times, she would refuse to wear the same item more than two or three times because she would claim that the clothes were ugly or that they were out of date.

He Xiyan couldn’t do anything to change her daughter’s mind. She later found out from Qin Xiaoyu that Xi Xi was given a new set of clothes every day since she turned three years old and Ye Hao doted on his daughter so much that he would ask the maids at home to buy clothes for his daughter. They would buy several pieces at once.

Xi Xi had already gotten used to getting rid of her clothes after wearing them once or twice.

Obviously, the clothes that she refused to wear were not discarded but donated to the poor living in the mountains.

Xi Xi happily brought the bag upstairs when she saw that her mother had bought new clothes for her and changed into her new clothes.

It was a purple dress with unique puffed sleeves. The bottom half was wide and puffy while little butterflies were embroidered at the top. She then went to her closet and dug out a purple cap and went downstairs in search of her brother who was deeply engrossed in reading a book.

In any case, she wouldn’t know what he was reading.

Xi Xi went over, tapped her brother’s shoulder, and twirled twice in front of him.

“Yuan Yuan, isn’t my new dress beautiful?” she asked with a bright and beautiful smile.

Yuan Yuan frowned. He didn’t like to be disturbed while he was reading.

“It is beautiful,” he said after a quick glance at his sister.

Then, he went back to reading his book.

Xi Xi pouted sulkily when she saw that Yuan Yuan was ignoring her. She stalked up to him and snatched the book from his hands.

“Yuan Yuan, stop reading. Look at me; aren’t I beautiful?” She said and made a face at him after she placed his book on the table.

Her brother was such a bore to be around since he didn’t play with her at all. She didn’t know how to appreciate the toy models he played with either.

Yuan Yuan was speechless and a look of resignation crossed his face. Then, he sighed and hopped off the sofa.

He patted his sister’s head and said, “Let’s go. I’ll play on the swings with you.”

He didn’t know what to do with his sister who was just like his female classmates who chattered all day at school. He found them particularly annoying.

Were all women like that? The noise they made got on his nerves.

Xi Xi happily hopped to the backyard and sat on her little swing.

Yuan Yuan helped her with her seatbelt before he gave her a push. Soon, Xi Xi smiled happily and her legs swung up and down.

“Yuan Yuan, higher, just a bit higher!” Xi Xi said with a laugh. Her laughter could be heard throughout the backyard.

Later that night, they went to their mother’s room and sat on the sofa. Xi Xi chatted with Du Du while Yuan Yuan played with a rubix cube.

They did not disturb each other.

He Xiyan emerged from the bathroom wearing her night robe. She had just washed her hair so it was dripping wet.

She smiled and her gaze couldn’t help but be drawn toward the two children on the sofa, her precious children.

She was incredibly grateful each time at the thought that she could see her precious children the moment she came home and also felt comforted at the thought of her children. She didn’t wish for much. All she wanted to be with her children forever and hoped that she could watch her children grow to become happy and healthy adults.