The Problem with Marrying Rich: Out of the Way, Ex

Chapter 855 - She Blamed Herself

Chapter 855: She Blamed Herself

Her actions were so familiar to him but her actions were no longer for him. She had even forgotten their shared past together.

Mo Yixuan laughed wryly.

He suddenly couldn’t help but wonder if she would be this upset if he had been the one in the operating theatre and if she would feel this anxious on his behalf? Would she be more anxious that she was right now?

The doors to the operating theatre opened with a soft beep.

Several doctors and nurses wheeled a hospital out of the operating theater. The nurse held the IV drip high in her hand and the doctors looked extremely grave.

“May I know who Chen Jiahang’s relatives are?” the doctor asked.

He Xiyan practically rushed over and gripped the handles of the hospital bed.

“I am…I am…” she said anxiously as she stared at Jiahang who lay on the hospital bed.

The doctors pulled He Xiyan aside and prevented her from shaking their patient who had just emerged from the operating theatre with her worried actions.

“We’ve completed the surgery but we’ll have to continue monitoring the patient after he regains consciousness. Take good care of him and please note that he wouldn’t be able to take anything else other than water for the next three days,” the doctor said.

He Xiyan nodded furiously and agreed to everything the doctor said as her eyes brimmed with tears.

She breathed heavily as she stared at Jiahang who lay on the hospital bed.

She felt her heart clench painfully when she saw his deathly pale face.

The doctors and nurses wheeled Chen Jiahang into a hospital ward and carried him to his hospital bed. Then, they briefed her on the matters she should know as his guardian.

He Xiyan committed their words to memory.

“Jiahang…” He Xiyan pulled a chair to his bedside after the doctors left. “I’m so sorry, I should have come back earlier,” she said emotionally as tears swam in her eyes.

She took his cold hands in hers and her heart sank when she felt how chilly his hands were.

Aunty Wang poured her a cup of water.

“Alright, Yan Yan. The doctors already told you that the surgery went well, so there’s no need to worry,” Aunty Wang said as she tried to console her.

She had berated Yan Yan for failing to return earlier but now she thought that He Xiyan must truly love Jiahang when she saw how anxious and upset He Xiyan was. Fortunately, Jiahang had found himself a good wife. Otherwise, he would be such a pitiful man with no one to care for him even if he fell sick.

He Xiyan waved her kind intentions off and didn’t drink that cup of water because she couldn’t bring herself to take any water.

When she saw the man that lay limply on the hospital bed after his surgery, and saw the usually healthy and strong Jiahang who had never fallen sick as long as she knew him suddenly look so frail and weak, she felt very upset and guilty.

She felt guilty for falling into Mo Yixuan’s trap and for being kept prisoner at Ye City for three days.

She wished she had managed to respond to his message in time and maybe he wouldn’t have been so distracted and would be able to focus more on the road. Then, he wouldn’t have gotten into an accident.

Jiahang was still conscious as he lay on the hospital bed. He was also still undergoing blood transfusion because he had undergone two operations and lost a lot of blood.

The two monitors by his bed clearly displayed his vital signs – heartbeat, blood pressure, etc.

More than 30 hours had passed since he had gotten into an accident. He was seriously injured and in addition to his head injury, his body was also covered in injuries.