The Problem with Marrying Rich: Out of the Way, Ex

Chapter 792 - Came Back Home At Last

Chapter 792: Came Back Home At Last

The next morning, He Xiyan and Li Yue were awakened by the bedside alarm. He Xiyan immediately got up to wash and pack up her luggage. Li Yue, however, turned in bed reluctantly several times before slowly climbing up, and then spent a long time washing face and brushing teeth.

It seemed that she still didn’t want to go.

He Xiyan had no choice but to wait for her to finish all this and then leave together. They booked the flight at 9:10. It would take them more than an hour to cover the distance between the hotel to the airport, so they had to hurry up in case they missed the flight.

“Ms. Li, hurry up. It’s already half past seven.” He Xiyan urged.

She was completely occupied by the thought of going home now.

Li Yue was at the moment packing up her luggage. She did not like to tidy up, and her things were always scattered casually. At this time she was still looking for her lipstick everywhere, and it took her a lot of time to find it.

The two hurried out, and then went to check out at the front desk of the lobby on the first floor with their ID cards and room card. After that, they rushed to the airport without a stop. There were only five minutes left to the boarding time.

Finally, they got on the flight home and He Xiyan was filled with joy. This time in Ye City, she had gained a lot and learned something practical. It seemed that it was wrong for her to refuse to travel on business in the past. Only by going out and communicating with her colleagues more could her horizon be broadened. Then she could improve herself quickly.

Ye City, though with severe traffic jams and complex people, she found that, in fact, she liked it very much. To her, every tree and river here seemed unspeakably familiar. This time she had no time to fully have fun in this city. When she was free, she would come with Jiahang. It would be best to bring their baby. Well, she hoped that they would have babies by then.

That would be real enjoyment for a family to travel together.

Chen Jiahang got to the airport early and had waited in the reception hall for nearly an hour. Upon seeing the familiar figure, he ran over excitedly and hugged her.

He Xiyan paused. She had told him when she would come back, but did not expect him to pick her up at the airport.

“Jiahang…” She called him in a low voice while patting him gently on the back with both hands. The smile overflowing from her mouth smelled of happiness.

Chen Jiahang happily held up his wife and circled in the lobby of the airport, making others jealous. Li Yue on the other side could not bear to see any longer.

Li Yue gave several low coughs and said.

“Hello, this is a public place. You should keep a low profile, and do that back home…”

Li Yue did not know what to say.

Only at this time did He Xiyan see that several people around them were looking at them and some people were taking pictures secretly.

She pushed Chen Jiahang a little and said, “Jiahang, some people are watching us.”

Chen Jiahang didn’t know what was to be shy or afraid of being seen. He still held the woman in his arms tightly and it took him quite a while before he loosened his hands.

After that, he moved his lips a little and said something.

“I miss you, Yanyan…”

He Xiyan nodded, indicating that she understood him. She chuckled and whispered, “Me too.”

They returned to their own home happily, an apartment with three bedrooms and one living room in Lishuiwan Residential Quarter, East Fourth Road, southern Ming City.

He Xiyan, who had been away for half a month, was indeed homesick at this moment, even feeling warm when seeing the familiar trees in the community.

All was the same at home. Aunt Wang had already prepared lunch, waiting for her to come back to have the meal. But today there were three strangers coming, a young couple with a baby who seemed to be born a short time ago.