The Problem with Marrying Rich: Out of the Way, Ex

Chapter 777 - She Didn't Enjoy Gossiping

Chapter 777: She Didn’t Enjoy Gossiping

Li Yue looked at He Xiyan and suddenly frowned.

Hmm, why didn’t she see the resemblance earlier? Ms. Chen looked a lot like Su Ye’s girlfriend.

“Alright, Ms. Li. Go to bed and stop looking at the tabloid websites. We have to be at the training center at 8 AM,” He Xiyan said. She was not keen on continuing this conversation, neither was she interested in gossiping about the love lives of other people.

Since they were here, all she wanted to do was to focus on the training and gain more knowledge that would further the development of her career. She didn’t have any interest in anything else.


They woke up early the next morning at 7 AM.

When they stepped out of the hotel, they froze in their tracks and shivered as the northern wind blew. Then, they started to sneeze.

“It’s freaking cold,” Li Yue couldn’t help but curse.

He Xiyan wrapped her arms around herself.

She knew that Ye City was extremely cold but she didn’t expect it to be so cold. She was already wearing two sets of thermal underwear, a knitted sweater and a thick wooljacket, yet she felt very cold.

“It’s cold. Let’s hurry over,” He Xiyan suggested.

They were from the southern part of the country, Ming City on the 27 northern latitude, so it was a lot warmer in winter. They would only wear a woollen jacket during the coldest part of winter.

They breathed warm air into their hands in an effort to warm themselves as they walked. The training center was only 1 kilometer away, so they intended to walk there but ended up hailing a taxi.

The training would be held in a school and there were more than 500 teachers and participants that were split into eight groups.

He Xiyan and Li Yue arrived rather early, so they managed to find themselves a good seat.

The trainer was a CEO who ran the most successful school and spoke very confidently and enthusiastically. He Xiyan listened intently and made notes throughout the entire session.

Ms. Li was completely different. She was not very interested in this course and started to play with her phone after a while.

There were two sessions in the morning that ended at 12 noon as scheduled.

However, after they walked out of the school, they realized that it was colder than the temperature in the morning and it was even snowing.

“This horrid weather is going to kill me,” Li Yue who grew up in the south was not used to the chilly weather and goosebumps rose over her entire body. She was in a worse state than He Xiyan since she had only bought a woollen coat and she didn’t even have winter boots.

“Ms. Li, why don’t we buy something warmer to wear? It wouldn’t be good if you catch a cold,” He Xiyan suggested since she was feeling cold herself.

“Sure,” Li Yue said as she dug out her phone, opened her map application and located the nearest shopping mall.

She had to buy a super warm down jacket, or she might freeze to death before the training was over.

She didn’t know how this freezing city managed to attract and retain talent. How could there be more than 30 million people living in this city?

They called a taxi and arrived at the World Shopping Mall 20 minutes later.

There weren’t that many people at the mall, probably because it was too cold and also a weekday. There were many shops that didn’t even have a customer.

He Xiyan and Li Yue walked into a clothing shop and didn’t even stop to browse. They immediately headed for the warmest-looking down jackets in the shop.