The Problem with Marrying Rich: Out of the Way, Ex

Chapter 757 - Back to Mang Village

Chapter 757: Back to Mang Village

The next morning, a breeze blew through the crack in the window into a small bedroom less than 20 square meters.

In the bedroom, He Xiyan got dressed quickly and combed her hair. She moved very quickly, finishing all this in less than five minutes.

Chen Jiahang got up earlier than she did. He had cooked two bowls of egg noodles.

He had asked for days leave for today and tomorrow, because today was his father’s death anniversary and tomorrow they needed to go purchase local products in the countryside.

After breakfast, they came to the west bus station of Li City together and bought two tickets to Mang village.

The bus arrived at Mang village punctually at 11 a.m.

Mang village was the same as before, quite backward. Without a single decent house in sight at a glance, all were adobe houses.

He Xiyan got down from the bus. She walked with Jiahang to their home, an adobe house eight kilometers away.

By the time they got home, it was already about twelve at noon.

Although they hadn’t come back for a long time, Aunt Wang, their neighbor, would come help clean the house every other time, so the house, dilapidated though, was clean indeed.

Chen Jiahang’s father, Chen Haiquan, was a genuine peasant who had lived in Mang village the whole life, guarding several acres of land and the three acres of fish pond of his family.

For his whole life, he had not got married. As for his son Chen Jiahang, villagers all knew that he was not his biological one. But as for how Chen Jiahang came here, the villagers were not very clear.

Chen Jiahang’s father died on November 27, 2018. Four years had passed. Every year on his death, Chen Jiahang would worship at his grave in person, and burned some paper money to his father. He was taught to do so by Aunt Wang, who said that only in this way could his father bless him and have money to use after death rather than be a poor ghost.

Today was no exception.

In the afternoon, Chen Jiahang, together with He Xiyan, came to the hill three kilometers away from home.

Chen’s father was buried on this hill. Besides Chen’s father, Chen’s grandparents were also buried here whom Chen Jiahang had never seen.

Chen Jiahang cleaned up the weeds on the grave with a hoe and put several dishes for sacrifice there, then lit nine long incenses.

He Xiyan watched by his side. Having not seen Chen’s father before, she had no feelings for the deceased old man.

She believed that the old man must have had a hard life.

Chen Jiahang knelt in front of the grave at this time, lowering his head and closing his eyes.

His lips were moving as if he were saying something. He Xiyan, however, did not figure out what he was saying.

After that, Chen Jiahang stood up and burned two big bags of paper money one by one, taking him thirty to forty minutes to finish then all.

He Xiyan could see that Chen Jiahang was very sad. Some tears could even be seen shining in his eye corners. But she did not ask anything. At this time, she was just there in his company.

She was his only family member now, she thought. Of course, he was her only family member as well.

She remembered being brought to the village by traffickers eight months ago. She was extremely distressed then, just like a person with no soul. She knew no fear, nor did she rebel, because she didn’t know who she was and why she was here.

Now thinking about it, she believed that she was actually lucky. After all, it was Jiahang who bought her rather than some other obscene and perverted men.