The Problem with Marrying Rich: Out of the Way, Ex

Chapter 659 - Who Asked You To Come Here

Chapter 659: Who Asked You To Come Here

Translator: Larbre Studio Editor: Larbre Studio

The night was so long that Han Xue could recall all the details from their first acquaintance, to love and then to separation.

This man was hers. They were the first companion for each other, and their first love. They should be together, and god gave them another chance, so she could find ways to force He Xiyan away and get close to him again.

Han Xue, who firmly believed that she was a good match, was full of confidence. She got closer to the man again, her head on his strong chest, listening to the even heartbeat there.

Ye Hao, forget her, forget the woman who did not love you. And I would love you more than she did.


The next day, early at dawn.

Ye Hao, who had been sleeping for eight hours, finally moved his arm a little.

It was so sour. He felt as if his hands were broken, without any strength. He turned over, soon feeling that his fingers had touched something, which was smooth, like…

Where was he sleeping now?

Realizing something was wrong, Ye Hao frowned tightly and sat up all of a sudden.

The quilt slipping from his strong shoulder, he then realized that he was wearing nothing, not even pajamas.

Damn it, how drunk was he yesterday and how could he sleep in this strange place?

Turning his head, he looked at the person sleeping beside him, a woman, a…

Seeing that it was a woman’s face, Ye Hao was stunned, and then his entire being became stiff. His face suddenly turned gray, looking extremely bad.

“You…” He reached out his hand suddenly and tugged the woman’s hair directly.

The moment her hair was pulled, Han Xue woke up out of pain. She didn’t fall asleep until late past midnight, so she was now sound asleep.

Rubbing her sleepy eyes, she slowly opened them. Soon, the man’s angry face fell into her eyes, together with that pair of scary eyes, as if they were burning with rage.

Seemingly frightened by this angry face, Han Xue shrank her neck. It was the first time she had seen him so furious.

She bit her lips, and her hands held the quilt tightly, trying to embolden and inspire herself.

At this time, she couldn’t be afraid, absolutely not.

“You awake?” Han Xue smiled awkwardly, slowly got up and sat up.

At this moment, the quilt slipped from her shoulder. Her naked body fell directly into the man’s eyes without any covering.

It was so disgusting and unpleasant to eyes.

Ye Hao felt a storm in his stomach. Meanwhile, his face turned iron-blue as well. He clenched his fist and flung it at the head of the bed, setting the bed creaking for a long time.

“Say, who ask you to come here?”

In the midst of great anger, Ye Hao grabbed the woman’s shoulder directly. His amber eyes turned red and purple, as if they had been watered with gasoline. He was a man, so he knew exactly what was going on here.

Han Xue paled with fear, her body trembling at the moment. She kept moving her fingers and told herself in her heart: stay calm, stay calm, and do not be afraid.

“I…” She gritted her teeth, her beautiful and touching eyes wet soon as if they were watered with eye care drops. Her appearance also became pitiful.

She wiped tears from the corners of her eyes and sobbed out, “Ye Hao, I came to the bar yesterday to pick up my friends. I saw you drunk, so I helped you find a room to rest. Who knows that I just helped you in, you…”

For the last words, Han Xue did not continue. She just kept wiping her eyes, as if she had been greatly wronged.