The Problem with Marrying Rich: Out of the Way, Ex

Chapter 635 - Quarreling

Chapter 635: Quarreling

Xia Jingshu and the old Mr. Ye turned dark and gloomy. Not knowing what had happened though, they were soon irritated upon hearing such dirty words.

“What are you talking about? Like a bitch…” It was the old Mr. Ye who said so, who had no idea that this woman would suddenly rush in like this.

He darkened his face, an inexplicable rage lurking in his eyes.

“What did I say?” With a cold hum, Li Qin continued pointing at Ye Hao and said, “Ask your son, son of a bitch, what did he do? Because Ye family is powerful and rich, then you can bully others as you like, right?”

“Ye Zhiyuan, the bitch you brought up does not even let go of a one-year-old child.”

Li Qin continued to scold, and the more she scolded, the more unpleasant the words were. Words like “son of a bitch” were even blurted out one time after another. At this time, she had lost her reason. As long as she thought that both her son and her grandson had been beaten into the hospital by this beast, she then wanted to kill him.

Xia Jingshu on the other side couldn’t stand any more. It was the first time in her life that she had heard someone cursing her son like this.

She gritted her teeth, looking even worse, her eyes burning with anger.

“Li Qin, stop your dirty words. This is not the place where you can behave like a bitch.” She said angrily, the blue vein bulging slightly in her temples.

Li Qin, however, became even more furious, scolding, “Why, am I wrong? He even beats a one-year-old child, isn’t he an animal?”

The old Mr. Ye came over at this time. Having been fed up with that, he pointed to the door and said, “Please go out at once, Mrs. Mo. For the sake of your husband, today we won’t make things difficult for you. If you continue like this, you can’t afford the consequences.”

The old Mr. Ye’s words were very serious and firm, through which anger and displeasure in his heart were audible.

Li Qin gave a cold hum. Threatening her? Come on. She was now old. What was the big deal of risking her life?

She looked at XIxi in Ye Hao’s arms, who was only half a year old. Apparently shocked by the noise of the quarrel, Xixi kept crying.

“Listen, Ye.” Li Qin rested one hand on her waist and pointed at Xix in Ye Hao’s arms with the other hand, saying angrily, “From now on, if you dare touch my grandchild, I’ll beat your daughter. Let’s see.”

She couldn’t let her son and grandson be bullied anymore, even at the risk of her own life.

Hearing this, the old Mr. Ye could no longer hide his anger.

“Get out of here…” He gritted his teeth and became furious to the extreme. The fire bursting out in his eyes could even burn everything.

Li Qin, in great rage, was pulled out of the ward by Wu Xiaomin who just rushed over.

In the ward, Ye Hao was gloomy all the way without saying anything. After all, he did beat the child, and the child was now in the hospital, which made him unable to forgive himself.


He Xiyan came out of a supermarket with some things in her hand, including fresh vegetables, fruits and noodles. She didn’t buy a lot because she couldn’t eat much on her own, but she had to eat.

Recently, she lost a lot of weight again, now weighing less than 45 kilograms. Just like two years ago, she was skinny and bony.

Back in the apartment, she came to the small kitchen which could only hold one person. In the kitchen, she cooked a bowl of noodles with clear soup, and then ate alone at the small table in the room.

The noodles were tasteless, but for her, they were just something to fill her stomach.

For five days, she had not contacted anyone since she left Ye family. Her cell phone was turned off as well. Besides going to work in the company every day, she just stayed in this small house, sitting there staring blankly.