The President's Man

Chapter 34 - Acchoo!

The teenager was none other than Jack, DX and Kai Xin's youngest son.

When he returned home after a night out with his brother and their friends looking like that, it not only surprised his mother, but it also surprised his father as well. DX's mouth opened slightly when his son walked into their bedroom with his new look while wearing a jeans jacket.

Little Monkey, who was sitting on her father's lap at that time while he read a book to her - blessed her innocent heart - had laughed and pointed at her older brother as she said, "Monkey! Monkey!"

The reason why she called her now blond older brother "Monkey" was that she had been watching Journey to the West with her mother lately, and she thought that her brother's head looked like Sun Wukong from the classic series.

"Jack..." DX was speechless as he continued to stare at his son. Helpless, he then looked at his wife, who merely shrugged and mouthed, "Teenagers."

In the end, they chose not to say anything. Both of them did not want to stop Jack from doing what he wanted especially since it was harmless. However, that did not stop DX from sighing slightly every time he saw his son's hair.

As he walked toward his mother, he did a two-finger salute at Han Ye and the staff who were standing nearby had to cover their mouth to stop themselves from giggling out loud.

They were still a little unused to this new version of gangsta-Jack.

Walking right behind him while drying his hair with a towel was Lyle, his older twin brother. Thankfully, Lyle did not see the purpose of dying his hair as according to him, "Girls my age are already bothering me when I look like this. If I dye my hair like Jack, then all the older girls are going to come after me as well. I mean, I have to cut some slack for the seniors at school."

He passed the towel that he used to dry his hair to one of the staff before he ran his fingers through his wet hair. As he did so, Han Ye saw that he was wearing a small pair of black stainless steel earrings.

Lyle pierced his ears at the same time as Jack, but after seeing Jack, DX and Kai Xin did not even blink an eye at Lyle's new earrings.

The twins each had a towel wrapped around their waists and their abs were showing. Lyle, who was more into sports, had more well-defined six-pack abs, while Jack had the lines for four-pack abs.

They were having a brotherly swimming competition earlier and did not bother to stop and say hi to Han Ye.

However, the moment they concluded - Lyle won - they quickly got out of the pool to greet the man.

"Good evening, Mr. Han."

No matter what, Han Ye was their senior and despite their father's treatment of the man, they knew that their father would be angry if they did not show Han Ye any respect.

Han Ye nodded at them as he said, "Young Master Lyle, Young Master Jack. Looking good there."

Jack then looked at Little Monkey with a grin on his face as he asked, "Want me to bath you?"

When Little Monkey looked at him, Jack reached out with his hands and said in a soft voice, "Come, Little Monkey. Lyle and I will bath you today. Let mummy and Uncle Han do their work."

Little Monkey looked at her brothers, then she looked back at Han Ye. With a little sigh, she reached out for Jack. She liked Han Ye alright, but she loved her twin brothers more.

"Mum, after our bath, Lyle and I have to go to a birthday party later. So, we won't be eating dinner with you."

Kai Xin nodded. "Alright, don't go crazy at the party. Don't worry about me either. Your grandmothers and Guang Ying's mother would be here later. We're gonna have a game of poker and I'm going to win all their money."

Jack chuckled. "Enjoy and win more money for us. There's a two weeks holiday coming soon and we want to go somewhere on your dime."

Kai Xin smirked and ruffled her son's head before saying, "My money is still your dad's money. In the end, he's the one paying for it."

"Acchoo!" At this point, Little Monkey sneezed. She then quickly shook her head and snuggled closer to her brother for warmth.

Lyle immediately reached out and wrapped her tighter with the towel before saying, "We'll bath Little Monkey first then…"

Kai Xin nodded and watched as her twins walked away.

"Bye bye~" Little Monkey looked back and waved at Han Ye. She then blew a kiss at him before turning back to face the front.

As he watched the kids walked away, Han Ye pointed out, "She knows more words now compare to the last time I saw her."