The Power of the First Daughter, Doctor and Concubine Dominates the World

Chapter 733: self comb

Chapter 733 Self-combing

Xie Zhiwei walked around the yard twice, and when his heart calmed down, he returned to the house and took up a pen to write a letter to Lu Yan, but he was afraid that a good official would be delayed because of the quarrel between the women in the inner house. .

Xie Zhiwei was hesitating, when he heard the woman on the second door coming, he said to Xuantao in the yard, "Girl, hurry up and tell the princess, Miss Cui\'s Biao is here!"

Xie Zhiwei was overwhelmed with surprise, got up quickly, and led the maids and women to greet Cui Nanwan at the door.

Cui Nanwan was dressed as a man, the moment she saw Xie Zhiwei, she rushed over and hugged Xie Zhiwei into her arms, "Cousin, you are finally here!"

Xie Zhiwei was full of joy, "Cousin, you are back. If you don\'t come back, I will have someone to rush you. I am worried that it is not fun to be here alone."

Xuantao said from the side, "Biao girl, go in with my princess quickly, don\'t be seen by others, it\'s not good to spread gossip about my princess!"

"Hahaha, if the prince finds out, he will die in a hurry."

Cui Nanwan took Xie Zhiwei\'s hand and walked inside, and asked, "Do you like living here?"

Xie Zhiwei felt a little strange hearing this, "Could this be my cousin\'s house?"

"It\'s not mine. At the beginning, I saw that it was a good place. Someone wanted to sell it, so I bought it. Later, I heard that the people in your house wanted to buy you a house, so I sold it to you. There is a hot spring nearby, and when it is winter, the stream is shut off, and the hot spring water is dredged to flow over, so it is good to soak in the hot spring here."

The two sisters walked towards the main room while talking, and drank a cup of tea in the open room. Zi Mo came over and said that the room prepared for the cousin girl has been cleaned up.

Cui Nanwan got up and said, "I\'ll go wash up first, and come over to have dinner with you later."


Xie Zhiwei saw Cui Nanwan as if she was a different person. Although she was a little tanned, she looked good, her eyes were bright and radiant, her temperament was bright, and she had a sense of pride.

very nice!

Xie Zhiwei thought about it, and couldn\'t help but said to Aunt Qiu, "This woman, either don\'t marry, or marry a good one. If she doesn\'t meet a good one, it will be really fatal."

Nurse Qiu laughed, "Or, since ancient times, there has been a saying that men are afraid of entering the wrong profession, and women are afraid of marrying the wrong man."

Xie Zhiwei looked at Xuan Tao, "In this room, you are the oldest, and you haven\'t told me until now, what kind of one do you like?"

Xuantao is like a cat whose tail has been stepped on, its hair is blown up all over, "Princess, please don\'t drive this servant away, this servant intends to comb himself tomorrow."

Xie Zhiwei picked up the teacup and took a sip, "I won\'t let you comb yourselves, what is this? If it\'s really bad luck and you marry a bad family, you won\'t be afraid of being wronged if you have my backing for reconciliation in the future. You guys. Don’t try it, just comb it yourself. In this life, a woman has never experienced getting married, having children, and living for others all her life. I don’t want you to be so loyal.”

Xuan Tao\'s tears were about to come out, she licked her lips, turned her head away, feeling a little overwhelmed by emotion, and simply went out the door.

Gan Tang leaned in front of her, turned his head to glance at her red eye circles, and said with a smile, "Sister Xuantao, if you never get married, I will never be able to be the maid in front of the princess. ?”

Xuan Tao\'s sadness disappeared immediately, and she grabbed Gan Tang\'s ear, "Okay, I dare you to wait for my place!"

Xuantao didn\'t use much force, Gan Tang was an active one, and exaggeratedly exclaimed, "Oh, ouch, Mother Qiu, help me, Sister Xuantao is going to hit me!"

Nurse Qiu got up and took a look, then laughed and cursed, "Little hooves!"

When Xie Zhiwei saw it, he smiled, and asked Aunt Qiu, "Auntie, how do you look at this girl Xuantao?"

Mother Qiu\'s heart moved, but she shook her head again, "I\'m afraid it\'s not right, let me tell you the princess, there is a girl in the pharmacy, her family is poor, and she was going to be sold to a brothel, Luo Heng took the girl She bought it and placed it in the pharmacy. The girl was an idiot, she kept clamoring to repay her kindness, and said that she was willing to be Luo Heng\'s maid. It\'s a little tempting."

Xie Zhiwei hurriedly asked someone to bring over the girl\'s deed of prostitution, and Du Gui arranged for someone to go.

Mother Qiu said, "All the time, the maids around the girls have to stay until their early twenties, Zi Mo has no choice but Xuantao is capable, servants see, the Princess has always been generous to these maids, and they are willing to follow her." Girl, this marriage is all linked by a thousand miles of marriage, there is no rush, take your time, and it will save you from getting married in the future, which is not good!"

Xie Zhiwei heard that it was indeed what she said, and she said, "It is said that there is an old man in the family, and if there is a treasure, fortunately, the mother reminded me, and I was also in a hurry, so let\'s stay for a few more years!"

After hearing the letter from here, Xuan Tao finally felt relieved. She doesn\'t want to go out for the time being. As for the future, let\'s talk about the future.

At dinner, there were two more fish dishes on the table, one day tofu crucian carp soup, one piece of braised fish, the fish was fresh and tender, and had no fishy smell at all, Xie Zhiwei ate half a bowl of rice extra, and ordered Du Gui to eat this fresh food tomorrow fish.

Du Gui smiled and said, "I heard that there is a lake in the mountain ahead, which is filled with melted snow from the top of the mountain. During the dog days, the water is cold, and the fish inside are different from the outside. I plan to go there tomorrow. Grab a few and satisfy the princess\'s greed."

"That\'s just right, brother Xixiu will come over tomorrow. You just take him to play tomorrow and catch fish by the way."

The sunset smeared half the sky red, and the two cousins, who were full after taking a bath, lay down under the apricot tree in the courtyard to enjoy the cool air. From the censer next to it, green smoke rose, and the faint fragrance suffocated the mosquitoes far away. Far.

"Cousin, you\'ve been here for so long, what about Zhou Damo?" Xie Zhiwei asked.

"What\'s the matter?" Cui Nanwan asked, "Could it be that you have only been here for two days, and Master Zhou\'s wife offended you?"

Xie Zhiwei was amazed immediately, she told what happened today, and couldn\'t help saying, "I really can\'t say this!"

Cui Nanwan laughed, "She is such a person. I heard that she was not from a high family background. Her father was a Juren who was a county magistrate. By chance, she studied with Shen Rongan for two days and knew a few words. Born in Shili, she likes to teach people. If she is like this today, she will show it off everywhere tomorrow, and the world will know that she has given you a good reputation."

Xie Zhiwei was stunned, "No way!"

No wonder she wasn\'t here, Zimo gave the Zhou family a gift of one or two thousand taels of silver, probably because she was afraid that if she didn\'t come, there would be bad rumors about her in Hebei official circles!

Cui Nanwan said, "If you don\'t believe me, let\'s make a bet!"

Xie Zhiwei turned around, lay down on the imperial concubine\'s couch, and asked with a smile, "Did my cousin suffer from her too?"

Otherwise, how could she have expected her back move?

The first update!

(end of this chapter)