The Pirate Family

847 Chapter 830

Hezhi Country, Guri region, Bianli Village.

Because of being exploited by the black charcoal serpent, Jiuli, who had become extremely rich under the rule of Mitsuki Mita, has completely lost its former prosperity. The residents are yellow and thin, and the people are not living.

Everyone is walking through the fields like walking corpses, looking for food to satisfy their hunger.

"I found something to eat!"

At the corner of Bianli Village, a thatched house.A strong man carrying a half-rotten hare broke into the door, and said excitedly.

"Really? I\'m going to cook right away!"

There was a pregnant woman sitting in the house, her belly bulging like a ball. After seeing her husband came back, she stood up with some joy and took the hare from her husband.

The rabbit still has traces of being bitten by wild animals, and it emits a stench.But for ordinary people who have not seen meat for a long time, this is already a rare delicious.

At this time, the sound of iron hoof came from outside the house, and a group of samurai wearing black armor of the country came here, just to see this young couple.

"May I ask what\'s the matter? Jun Ye."

The husband saw the black charcoal family crest on the armor of these warriors, and said tremblingly.

In this country, the black charcoal clan is equivalent to demons.

The samurai smelled the foul smell of the rotting hare in the hands of the pregnant woman, they couldn\'t help covering their noses, and then grabbed the two couples.

All the residents of Bianli Village were gathered in the square in the center of the village. These residents looked at each other, not knowing what this group of high-ranking army masters were doing in Jiuli.

Everyone knows that because of years of exploitation, the Jiuli area is extremely barren, and it is impossible to find a trace of oil and water.

"Excuse me, military man, is there anything to do?"

After a long time, an old man with white temples stepped forward and asked tremblingly.

He was the head of this village, or that he was once the head of this village, but after the defeat of the Guangyue family, his position as the head of the village lost the need for existence.

"Stop talking!"

A samurai said hoarsely and sharply. He stepped forward and pushed the old man to the ground.

"Tell us, where is that group of rebels hiding?"

He did not name what treason was.But everyone in the entire Wano country knows that some time ago, this country had the biggest uprising in its history. The rebels attacked the Orochi Mansion in the capital of flowers. If Kaido hadn\'t come back suddenly, they would have almost won.

Kaido defeated the rebels by means of thunder, and these survivors were hidden in the country of Hezhi.The Heitan family\'s army conducted several carpet searches throughout Wano Country, but in the end they were not found.

This group of people seemed to have disappeared in the entire Wano country.

As the old nest of Guangyue Mitian, the Jiuli area has been paid more attention to, and the elderly have been questioned many times.

"Junye, the old man really doesn\'t know anything, what kind of betrayal of the party, has never appeared in Bianli Village..."

Supported by the residents, the old man stood up with difficulty, with a smile on his face that was more ugly than crying.

Because of eating "that thing", he, or the residents of Bianli Village, has lost the right to grief.

Before he finished speaking, the samurai kicked the old man directly in the chest, kicking the old man several meters away.

Click.Several sounds of broken bones can be heard clearly.

This time the old man could no longer stand up.

"Don\'t deceive us. We know this group of rebels is hiding somewhere right now!"

The samurai looked around, the surrounding mountains stood tall, and said coldly.

"They should be hiding somewhere, observing here, that is to say, at this moment, they all know what is happening here."

The residents didn\'t know why this samurai was so sure, as if they had received some news.

But they couldn\'t refute it, because the group of "rebels" was really hidden in the mountains not far from here!

As the last hope of Wano Country, it is impossible for these ordinary people to betray them!

"Good," the samurai with the black charcoal family crest engraved on his chest walked up to the residents and drew out his samurai sword.

"Since they don\'t show up, then I have a way to make them husband."

The forging technology of Wano Country is famous throughout the entire sea, and after Guangyue Mitian\'s death, the entire swordsmiths of Wano Country were caught by the black charcoal serpent and ordered them to make weapons for their men.

Therefore, each of this group of soldiers has a rare sword. It may be a bit reluctant to deal with the strong on the sea, but it is more than enough to deal with this group of ordinary people who can\'t even eat enough.

The sharp sword gleamed with cold light, which made these ordinary people feel a little bit frustrated.

"We are just waiting here. We will kill one person within a short period of time. If that group of rebels hasn\'t appeared yet, it doesn\'t matter if you kill all the untouchables!"

After speaking, the long sword in his hand moved, and towards the crowd, a young man supporting the old man cut it down.


The blood spattered, and everyone did not react. The young man\'s head rolled on the ground a few times, and there was a hint of disbelief in his eyes.


At this time, the pregnant woman lay on the headless corpse of the young man and said crumbled.

These two people are the young couple who were delighted by a rotten hare before.

Two lines of clear tears fell from the corner of her eyes, but she was crying, but an ugly smile appeared on her face involuntarily.


The atmosphere became much more serious, and the blood flowing on the ground made this group of people realize that these army masters were not joking, but they really planned that if the group of rebels who fled here had not yet appeared, they would pass it every time. For a while, kill one person.

However, everyone closed their mouths and looked at the group of samurai with blood on their hands coldly.

They were once the most proud residents of the Jiuli area, and they would never betray their lord!

Even if the lord is dead.

The blood stained the soil red.The samurai walked towards the group of ordinary people step by step, and this group of ordinary people also retreated step by step. When they were unable to retreat, they raised their proud eyes and looked directly at the group of executioners.

They have to prove to this group of people with their actions that no matter what they do, they cannot get any valuable clues from their mouths.

However, this group of ordinary people didn\'t know that at this moment, the same scene as Bianli Village was being performed at the same time in various areas of Jiuli.

The black charcoal snake gave the group of warriors a death order.Before the fire sacrifice ceremony, all the hidden rebels must be found out.

Today, there are still five days before the fire sacrifice ceremony.