The Pirate Family

696 Chapter 683

"You can really bear it."

One-eyed curled his mouth and murmured.

You should know that the reason why Gao Suo has the title of wild wolf is because his character is as cruel as a wild wolf. One-eyed witness has personally witnessed Gao Suo breaking the enemy\'s stomach and then grabbing the enemy\'s internal organs from his body.

"The person is under the eaves." Gao Suo only said this sentence, and then took out the intelligence file.

Old Barn is the ground snake of Qingfeng Island and the pirate who first decided to settle in this place. It is said that he personally planned the death of the king of Qingfeng Island. He is one of the most powerful ground snakes in the dark world of Qingfeng Island, and he is also in charge. The intelligence business.

The pirate hiding here only needs a little Bailey to buy the enemy\'s intelligence from him.

It\'s just that this man is very cautious and rarely shows up, even if the message is passed directly through the children of Qingfeng City.No one has ever seen his face.

Gao Suo spread out the white paper with only one line written on it.

The "Blood Queen" Veenhill Garrett agreed to the invitation of the "Golden Emperor" Gilder Tezolo and decided to participate in the World Gambling Conference on the Guran Tezolo in the Golden City half a month later

Veenhill Lorne will also appear at this conference.

"Just a little bit of information, old Barn is embarrassed to take us 10 million Bailey?"

One-eyed turned his head, saw the note in Gao Suo\'s hand, frowned and said, although ten million Bailey is nothing in their eyes, there is a feeling of being ripped off.

"After all, he set the price, and he didn\'t force us to buy it." Gao Suo felt relieved and continued after putting the note away.

"Besides, this is not worthless information."

Now there is speculation in the whole sea, what happened to Veenhill Lorne, and now the Marshal Buddha’s Warring States has reappeared, except that he is a little weak, there is nothing serious, then why Lorne has not come forward, even The Battle of Sdiou was an event related to the survival of the Wien Hill family, and he did not show up. Did he die at the hands of the navy during the Battle of Bislan as reportedly.

And the grand meeting a month later is just an opportunity. If Lorne hasn\'t shown up yet, then the careerists on this sea may not be able to restrain their ambitions.

"Maybe it won\'t take long before we can go out to sea again." Gao Suo smiled and said, paused, and then added.

"Use our own name."


Day by day, Gao Suo and others settled in this place. Except for a piece of information sent by the little boy every day, they never walked out of the gate of the small manor.

The little boy was scared at first, but as time passed, his courage grew stronger and he began to dare to look inside the gate, and then looked at Gao Suo and others with curious eyes.

"This is what Old Barn gave you."

The little boy handed a letter to One-Eyed, but this time, his eyes were a little dodging, and he dared not look into One-Eyed\'s eyes.

After One-Eyed took over, before he had time to question, the little boy fled and left the small manor.

"I think there is a problem with his eyes."

One-eyed whispered while passing the information to Gao Suo.

"Take away your pirate temper. In this place, we are outsiders after all, and we cannot cause trouble."

Gao Suo said lightly, but when he was about to open the envelope, his hand suddenly stopped.

The ink pad of the envelope opening.There is a faint trace, which is different in color from the surrounding inkpad. If you don\'t look closely, it is almost invisible.

But Gao Suo is a cautious person, this matter is about his comfort after all, so after he got the envelope, he was more careful, and then checked it again.I found out that this inkpad was a bit wrong.

"What\'s the matter?" Seeing this scene with one eye, asked in confusion.

"This letter seems to have been touched." Gao Suo said in a condensed voice.He opened the envelope and took out the white paper inside. Without reading it, he took out a handful of blue powder from his clothes, and then occasionally sprinkled it towards the envelope.

After all, the price of every piece of information is quite expensive, so the paper used by Old Barn is quite expensive, with a smooth texture, and the blue powder is evenly swayed on the paper. With a light blow, all the powder blows off with the wind.

But there was a small handprint that appeared in the upper corner of the paper, as if it had been carefully pinched out.

"It\'s the little boy who delivered the letter!"

After seeing it with one eye, he exclaimed, he finally realized why this time, the little boy looked at him with some evasive eyes.

"Curiosity kills a cat, and it can kill people as well." Gao Suo said coldly, and then put the envelope away.

"I\'m going to kill him." One-eyed glanced at Gao Suo\'s reaction, probably understood what he wanted to do, and said immediately.

"Attention, don\'t be too public when you do it, try to make him die naturally. After all, this place is not our site, we still have to follow the local rules."

A cruel smile appeared on Gao Suo\'s face.

He regretted his life, since his hiding place contained the danger of exposure, he didn\'t mind to wipe out the danger before the accident happened.

To blame, blame the little boy\'s excess curiosity.


"what happened to you?"

There is a farm on the south side of Qingfeng Island. A small wooden house is located on the hillside of the farm. The house looks very simple, but it is very tidy. It can be seen that the owner has taken some care about it.

A peasant woman in an apron was carrying a iron pass and was about to milk the cow, but saw a little boy hurried back.He rushed into the house without saying a word.

"What happened, York."

The peasant woman walked to the side of the little boy, knelt down and asked carefully.Her own son often picks up some letter-delivery jobs in Qingfeng City, and she is worried about what kind of bullying her son will be.

"No," the little boy denied, shaking his head into a rattle.

"Nothing is fine." The woman did not continue to ask, after all, the adolescent little guy has his own mind. She walked to the cabinet and took out a box of packed milk.

"Send today\'s milk to the family over there."

"I know my mother." The little boy stood up and tried hard to say what he wanted to say, but in the end he didn\'t say it. He took the milk and did not choose to go to the front door. Instead, he went up the stairs and turned his back to the door. Jumped over the wall to a tree.The hillside was drawn through this big tree.

This is the shortest way to that house.

On the opposite side of the farm, about three or four kilometers away, there is a small castle. The people inside don\'t know how long they have lived here. Anyway, since the little boy can remember, the family has been ordering milk from their house.Then every time the little boy sent it.

But every time the little boy delivered milk, it was taken by an old butler with a fierce face, so he didn\'t know who lived inside.