The Pirate Family

680 Chapter 667: Tilted Balance

"Oh oh oh."

"I will complete the agreement with you."

"But my enemy, there is more than just one Wienhill family."

Seeing the skeleton swordsman\'s back gradually moving away, Moria showed a cold smile on his face.What he gained from infiltrating Wano Country was not only the corpse of his subordinates, but also this corpse.The corpse of the strongest swordsman in the legend of Wa no country.

During his lifetime, the corpse of a man with the title of "Dragon Slayer".

After the Skeleton Swordsman played, Moria\'s heart settled down. In his eyes, as long as the Skeleton Swordsman made a move, the members of the Vennhill family would be unable to resist.

"You are dead!"

Moria said, and then opened the third coffin, and an unruly man walked out of it. He was wearing a pirate costume that was the style of decades ago, with stray long hair and holding a wine bottle. After walking out, he directly ignored the surrounding enemies and poured a sip of wine into his mouth.

Even if his face is rotten, judging from his unruly movements, he must have been a handsome and handsome man before his death.

"Didn\'t you say you don\'t want me to come out during the day? The sun is a bit dazzling!" The skeleton alcoholic said after drinking the wine in the bottle after walking out of the coffin.

Even if Moriah\'s shadow bats were blocking the sky and blocking the sunlight, some shot down from the gaps in the bat colony.

"If you want to sleep, go back to sleep, but don\'t blame me when I accidentally dropped your coffin into the sea." Moria said coldly.

"Ohhhhhhh, what a ruthless master."

The Skeleton Drinker was not angry either, and after throwing the empty wine bottle aside, he asked Moria.

"Then what\'s the task you called me out?"

"protect me!"

Moria replied.

"Is it such an easy task? I suddenly feel that you have become kind." The skeleton alcoholic laughed, and then sat directly on the coffin regardless of his image."Relax, I will definitely protect your safety."

When talking about two words, the skeleton alcoholic seemed to be afraid that Moria would be dissatisfied, so he emphasized his tone.But speaking from his loose tone, it feels a bit permeating.

Moria shook his head and didn\'t care about anything. This man\'s temper was like this, at least as far as he understood it.

"Be vigilant, John." Moria said. "Now your enemy is from the Wienhill family, and this Wienhill family, in this sea, can be as famous as your old colleague Whitebeard. Power."

No matter what other people think, but in Moriah\'s view, Lorne is indeed the man who is most qualified to compete for the title of the Four Emperors after Shiji\'s defeat. Morgensian\'s title of the new generation Four Emperors on him should be considered. Worthy.

"Oh?" After hearing the name of the white beard, the skeleton alcoholic was obviously interested, turning his head to look at the enemies in the distance.At this time, Frenza had already fought against the first experimental subject.

Both of them were top swordsmen before their lives. The long swords collided, and countless slashes spread from their sides. They were so powerful that no one dared to approach them.

On the other hand, the corpse of the swordsman was carrying a long sword and rushed directly into the center of several experimental subjects.He didn\'t know what kind of metal his weapon was made of. It was not the silvery white of ordinary metal, but the weird black and purple of the job. There were weird ripples on the blade, which was extremely coquettish.

Like a demon knife.

A burst of blade light flashed, and the experimental subject standing closest to him suddenly stopped moving. The next moment, a small wound appeared on the upper half of the subject, and the wound became larger and larger, and the whole body was chopped into pieces. After two paragraphs, he fell to the ground feebly.

The black demon sword was sheathed, no one could see his movements clearly.

With a single knife, he beheaded a powerful man at the level of a big pirate.

"It\'s a bit tricky!" Agatha said solemnly. The loss of an experimental body is not a thorny thing for her or the family. The Wienhill family has risen for so many years, and I don\'t know how much it has been defeated. Formidable enemy, these people are excellent material.

As long as the two people of Begapunk and Gage are still in the family, they can continuously create powerful experimental bodies.

But what she didn\'t expect was that the encirclement and suppression of Moriah that was bound to be won, but because of the appearance of these skeleton puppets, the balance of victory appeared a little tilt.

"Garret is going to stop Gonitz, we can\'t hold her back." Agatha said, her body turned into a mist, and she will be cut into a shroud. At the same time, it will also kill the skeleton swordsman and Moria. People split apart.

At this time Gonitz was trying her best to catalyze the tsunami, unable to take care of it, so it was time for her to take action.

"Not enough to lose, kill that skeleton swordsman!"

Agatha commanded indifferently, and the subjects quickly surrounded the skeleton swordsman.

The death of their companions did not make waves in their hearts. For these modified subjects, death, fear, and pain are meaningless. The purpose of their lives is to kill powerful enemies for the family.

For this reason, it doesn\'t matter if you die again.


Seeing the fog rising around, the skeleton swordsman said to himself.He waved his long sword and slashed towards the ground suddenly, a burst of sword energy flashed across, and all the mist in front of him was split.

At this time, an experimental body broke through the fog and rushed towards the skeleton swordsman. This is a strong physical skill, with a deep domineering fist covered in it, and blasted towards the skull swordsman\'s head.


The Skeleton Swordsman said as he drew out the black knife in his hand and used the blade to block the enemy\'s attack.

Another subject attacked from behind the Skeleton Swordsman, trying to sneak attack him, but the Skeleton Swordsman seemed to have known it a long time ago, his head deflected slightly and escaped the subject\'s sneak attack.

"A sneak attack is meaningless to a swordsman."

The Skeleton Swordsman said as he drew his sword and waved it, dispelling all the fog around him, revealing several experimental bodies hidden in the fog.

"You guys go together."

The Skeleton Swordsman said as he looked at the subjects who were staring at him.

Fat Tiger and Jodi rushed in the direction of Moria, but faced the cooperation of Moria, Odie, and the unknown skeleton alcoholic, they fell into a bitter battle and gradually fell into a disadvantage.

And on the battlefield here, facing the siege of the digital experimenters, the skeleton swordsman was not afraid, and even vaguely gained the upper hand!

The balance of victory on both sides is tilted towards the unfavorable direction, as long as there is a battlefield to determine the victory, then the victory will be divided.

And at this moment, a tall man with a big sword in his hand and a long beard like a white crescent in his mouth walked out from the depths of Sdeou Island.

With a cruel smile on his face, he joined the battlefield.