The Pirate Family

669 Chapter 656 Killer Showdown

After receiving Moriah\'s order, the zombie soldiers waved their weapons and rushed towards Sdio City like a tide, fighting with the soldiers of the Vennhill family.

The fighting between the two groups of soldiers who were not afraid of death and did not feel pain was beyond human imagination. The moment the two groups touched, the stumps of limbs flew across and blood flowed into rivers.

But the horror is that none of the two groups of soldiers groaned in pain. Even if the heart was pierced, they tried their best to chop their weapons at the enemy and weaken the enemy\'s strength for their teammates.

"I will destroy everything about you."

In the mist, Moria said.At this time, the sound of a gust of wind whistling from the depths of the fog, the dense fog in front of me was moving constantly.

There was a faint smell of blood in the air.

"Have you played against each other?" Moria said, knowing that Gonitz had already met Garrett.

And the results will come out soon.

Garrett will not be Gonitz\'s opponent, this is Moria\'s judgment.If it is at the peak state, Garrett before the decisive battle with the navy may have the power to face Gonitz, but now she is extremely weak, and being able to stand here is already a strong will. It will not be long. , Will be defeated because of lack of physical strength.

Moria walked in the direction of the voice, he wanted to see Garrett\'s failure with his own eyes.

But at this time, a bloated and fat man appeared in the front, walked out from the depths of the mist, and blocked his only way.

The fat man dropped the chicken leg in his hand, then wiped the fat from the corner of his mouth, slowly raised his head, the honesty in his eyes disappeared, and he was full of killing intent.

"Ohhhhhh, do you treat me as a prey?"

Moria\'s mouth cracked open, revealing a cruel smile. He hated the look of hunters looking at prey. Every time, it reminded him of his previous evil thoughts.

Therefore, Xie Nian Huo is dead, and this man is no exception.

Moria raised his hand, and countless dark bats flew out of his palm, whizzing towards the fat man.

"Die rest assured, I will make good use of your body." Moria said.



Sdio, the center canyon.

A gentleman in a suit blasted the knight in front of him with a punch, breaking an old tree that was hugged by three people, and countless startling birds leaped from the branches of the old tree.

"Stubborn life, what drives you to challenge me again and again?"

The gentleman withdrew his fist, his fist was stained with a little blood, which belonged to the knight.He had just knocked the knight in the air thirty-nine times, and each time he was powerful enough to kill an adult bull.

But every time, the knight stood up and rushed towards the gentleman regardless of his wounds.

"Freedom? Faith? Or ridiculous glory."

The gentleman said playfully.He hadn\'t met such a person for a long time, and would give up his life for something illusory.Are these things more important than your own life?

The gentleman shook his head, a mocking smile appeared on his face.

There are many such people in the ocean, but this kind of people often has a characteristic, that is, their lives will not be too long.

For example Roger, Lockes.

Only those who have no bottom line and unscrupulous can survive to the end.

The gentleman happens to be the latter.

But now he has played enough, so he is going to kill this annoying knight.

"Farewell, my little knight." The gentleman drew his long knife and walked slowly toward the knight.

"No... permission is not allowed, you can\'t... advance." The knight struggled to get up from the broken log, spit out a large mouthful of blood, and said vaguely.

But what greeted him was a fierce knife light, a bottomless wound, from the knight\'s left shoulder to the right abdomen.Blood spurted out.


The knight fell to the ground, and this time, he never stood up again.


The gentleman said, wiping off the blood from his long knife, and then putting the long knife into its sheath. While walking towards the other end of the canyon, he took out a phone bug and wanted to report his situation.

"Blu Blu Blu..."

The phone worm kept ringing, but no one answered it.

Are there any accidents?The gentleman frowned, but he didn\'t take it seriously.

He knew the strength of that group of pirates, even in the face of the Weinhill family in its heyday, not to mention the family now after being hit hard by the navy.

"Then I will pass first and enjoy the fruits of victory first."

The gentleman said so, but when he first walked to the gate of the canyon, he suddenly stopped.Then he drew his long knife and raised his head horizontally.

A dark shadow fell from the sky, holding a long knife and slashing towards the gentleman.


The two long knives collided, making a harsh metal rubbing sound.

The ground under the gentleman\'s feet seemed to be unable to withstand the tremendous force, cracking every inch.At this moment, the gentleman gritted his teeth, his body slightly retracted, and rolled towards the side.The black shadow\'s long knife slashed heavily on the ground beam, leaving a crack spreading tens of meters.

"I didn\'t expect you to be alive." The gentleman waved his hand, his right arm felt tingling, and he looked at the cracks left on the ground with lingering fear.

Almost, it was him who was cut in half.

A cloud of smoke rose on the ground, and a man with a long knife walked out of the smoke.

Ordinary, this is everyone\'s first impression of this man, ordinary appearance, ordinary dress, ordinary temperament, ordinary figure.You can\'t find any advantages in him.

But at the first moment when he saw this ordinary man, the gentleman cleaned up the frivolous face and turned into extremely dignified.

"What\'s more unexpected is that even you have become the dog of the Wienhill family."

The gentleman paused, then slowly said the name of the person who came.


"Lawson." The man called Rong called out the name of his old opponent.

"With your character, you never have anything worthless, so you took the task of the Wienhill family?" Lawson asked with his long knife clenched tightly.

He doesn\'t want to fight with each other, because the fight between killers is the deadliest, and there is often only one person who can come out alive.

Lawson was not sure that that person was himself.So he wanted to instigate opposition.

"En." Rong nodded, "They asked me to kill all the pirates who invaded the Vennhill family."

"So what\'s the reward?"

"My freedom."

Lawson smiled, and Rong also smiled.Lawson put aside his thoughts of instigating rebellion. He knew that this pedantic man would not give up as long as he accepted the task. There were always only two results, success or failure.

And until Bisilan, the task that Rong took over had never failed.

Therefore, he is a legend in the killer world.