The Pirate Family

661 Chapter 649 Prisoners

"There are large pirates who have appeared near the Sea of ​​Sdio."

In the dark iron castle of Sdio, Violet was reporting to Garrett with a document.

"The defected pope of the Church of the Holy Truth is Gonitz, known as the violent wind. He is a natural wind and wind fruit capable person, extremely powerful and capable of destroying the world."

"The silver knight Ody is not very powerful, but he has the fruits of the Superman wall, which can greatly strengthen his own defenses. Even if the attack of shells hits him, he can\'t leave the slightest injury. Many opponents are He was alive and well."

"Gentleman, Alva Lawson, the number one killer in the underground world, a man who can match the legend of the Bounty Hunter League, Dragon Flame Killer, no one knows how he fought, because everyone who has seen him fight , All dead."

Violet looked at these materials and said with lingering fear.

"And this," she turned the pages of the document, revealing a picture of a man in savage animal skins.

"The brother of Adam, the Son of God, Barbaric, possesses a monster-like physique as strong as him. He is extremely bloodthirsty, and he can\'t stop fighting at all. He has already caused many terrible disasters. This time he came here, It should be blamed on us for Adam\'s death."

"And," Violet saw the last photo of a sluggish-looking burly man with a string of white crescents on the corner of his mouth.

"The man with the title of Whitebeard II, Edward Weibull, according to the previous description of the navy, he has the physique like the white beard when he was young, he is extremely powerful, and his mind is extremely simple. He is under the orders of his mother. People are doing evil together in the new world. But for some unknown reason, Baibeard has not talked about it publicly. So his identity has always been a mystery."

"This time they have taken a fancy to the huge wealth of the family and gathered here."

"It seems that the family really provokes an incredible group of people." Garrett took a deep breath and said.When she was young, she often heard her brothers and sisters mention these names. Each of them was a big name.

Unexpectedly, this time, they gathered here.

It can be said that the strength and scale of the pirates gathered in Sdio is not inferior to Bislan before.

"Any group of them doesn\'t matter. I can deal with it. The most scared thing is that they united after seeing Joyce\'s death." Garrett took a deep breath and said solemnly. .

Suddenly she felt that she was too stupid to kill Joyce with thunder, and showed her strength prematurely. It made those who knew that they lost to the Vennhill family and were unwilling to give up this piece of fat thought. A joint.

In fact, Garrett had been worrying too much. These people, as early as the beginning, thought of uniting together and swallowing the entire Wienhill family.

"About the Sky City..."

Garrett wanted to ask anything else, but a projection phone worm placed in front of her suddenly rang.

Garrett nodded at Violet, the head-shaped phone bug opened his sleepy eyes, and an image of the head-shaped on the wall.

A man wearing animal skins laughed presumptuously in the image, and there was an undulating wave around him.

They were sailing on the sea, and Garrett squinted slightly. She could see the shadow of a small steel island through the image.

This is what this man specifically let her see.

"Are you going to die, pretty." Garrett said coldly to the phone bug.

"Hahahaha, you killed my brother, then there is nothing wrong with me as a brother to take revenge." The brawny man laughed presumptuously, and then made a cut of his head at Garrett.

"Are you ready to give up all your wealth? My uncle is here!"

The phone worm interrupted, and Garrett\'s face was completely gloomy.

Arrogant, lawless!

This is quite the impression that she has attacked other people\'s territory and made a phone call in advance. Is this for fear that others will not know?

This savage behavior did not take the Wienhill family into consideration at all.

"I\'ll kill him." Garrett said, but when she just got up, Violet suddenly grabbed her clothes and shook his head slightly.

"This savage behavior is really against common sense and cannot be acted rashly."

"Leave it to Fat Tiger and the others first, you just sit here, if there is any accident, it\'s not too late to leave."

This is what Violet said. After all, she knew that Garrett\'s physical condition was not as optimistic as she imagined. The continuous overloaded battles had already pushed her body beyond its limits.If her will was not firm enough, she would have fallen into a coma long ago.

"Moreover, Lawson\'s appearance reminded me of one thing, we might be able to take advantage of it."

"What\'s the matter?" Garrett asked suspiciously.

"The killer in this world is not only Lawson alone," Violet said, pointing to the sky.

"In the family cell, the most famous bounty hunter on this sea is locked!"


SKY, in the northern prison, a young girl walked to the door of the prison. She was lively and had short hair, shoulder to shoulder.

After the two soldiers guarding the prison door distinguished the girl\'s identity, they let go. The prison door slowly opened, and a decadent smell came out from inside.

"It smells really unpleasant, it\'s like motor oil that has expired for ten years, plus the smell of bad beer." The girl frowned, but she still pinched her nose and walked in.After all, she now has an important responsibility.

The prison was extremely dark, and water dripped continuously from the eaves. After the door was closed, no trace of sunlight came in.This design was requested by Lorne in order to make the prisoners imprisoned here feel desperate.

The despair he once felt in the infinite hell of Advance City.

"One hundred and fifty-seven, one hundred and fifty-eight." The girl was counting as she walked, and when she came to a cage, she suddenly stopped.

"Finally found you." The girl said excitedly. She snapped her fingers, and the two kerosene lamps in front of the cage suddenly burned strangely, and the faint light illuminated the surroundings.

A sign hung in this cage, and a person\'s name could be vaguely seen through the light of the kerosene lamp.


"I have a reward here, are you willing to accept it?" The girl looked into the eyes of the caged person and said word by word.

"The reward is your own words."