The Pirate Family

652 Chapter 640 Crazy Family

"What a madman, don\'t you want to die?"

Lola turned her head while controlling the machinery in front of her, complaining to the big ice block in the cabin behind her.

"But, is this the pirate?"

However, after complaining for a while, she seemed to remember something again, and a smile appeared on her face.

"So funny."

When Lorne brought her out of the mechanical island before, she had never seen what the outside world was like, and had never imagined it.

At that time, her greatest wish was to expel the villain who occupied the island.

Therefore, after Lorne rescued the entire island like a savior, she chose to follow in Lorne\'s footsteps without hesitation, and take a look at the outside world.

Although the outside world was dangerous, even if it was as strong as Lorne, it almost turned around, but it was really interesting.

This short year is even more interesting than the total of the eighteen years before her.

"Don\'t do this in the future." Lola said so, and then she said without paying attention to whether Garrett heard her.

"If something happens to you, Lorne will be very sad when he wakes up," she added softly after a while.

"We will all be very sad."

The submarine sailed forward, and Garrett’s mission was better than expected. The naval fleet was completely blocked in this area, even if the two main combat forces, Kuzan and Sakaski, could continue. After fighting, he couldn\'t get to Adela in time.

When they regrouped and arrived at Adela, all that was left for them was an empty city.

This event that attracted worldwide attention came to an end.

At least, Lola thought so.

As everyone knows, when Laura turned her head, Garrett, who was frozen in the cabin, showed a shallow smile.

"You have to wake up soon." Lola muttered to herself as she looked at the deep ocean ahead."We can\'t last that long."


As Lola wanted, after all the warships were destroyed, Sakarski\'s advancement speed was greatly hindered, even if the blue pheasant forcibly sealed the sea and created an ice road, the remaining naval forces took a day. It took half a time to get to Adela.

When they arrived at Adela, the entire country of flowers was empty, and a flag of the misty moon was stuck in the harbor alone, floating with the wind, as if mocking the navy\'s incompetence.

Sakaski snapped off the banner angrily, then roared.


His voice resounded throughout Adela, but the city was empty and no one responded to his roar.

When this incident passed through the news agency of Morgans covering the entire sea, all the watching forces were silent. They did not expect that this incident would end in this dramatic way.

It is worth mentioning that through this incident, Garrett completely walked into the eyes of these great heroes.

The label placed on Garrett is no longer the daughter of Charlotte Lingling of the Four Emperors, the fiancee of the Four Emperors Weinhill Lorne, or the witch who caused the two Four Emperors to fight.It is a tycoon that has risen rapidly.

The Queen of Blood, this is Garrett\'s new title.


"What a shame, you two were actually stopped by a little girl." In a certain area of ​​the New World, a middle-aged man wearing a light yellow suit, a dome hat, and a cigarette in his mouth. The man laughed at the phone worm.

Behind him, the cloak symbolizing the admiral was shining in the sun.

The other side of the phone worm seemed to be wrong and did not refute Huang Yuan\'s ridicule.

"The Wienhill guys have the ability to cross most of the sea. If I go to Bubble Island or Sdeo at this time, I\'m afraid I will fall into a besieged by a group of Wienhill family officials."

Huang Yuan said,

"It\'s terrible, it\'s really possible to die there."

His tone was frivolous, not sure if he was joking or serious.

"Well, you can withdraw, and I will bear all responsibilities. When necessary, I can resign from the post of admiral."

On the other side of the phone worm, a resolute voice said slowly.

"I am fully responsible for the failure of this mission. If it were not for my contempt for that woman, the expeditionary fleet would not be destroyed, and this mission would not fail."

Sakaski said so on the other side of the phone worm.Polusalino also put away the frivolous smile on his face.Of course he understood that Sakaski was not joking. In fact, his old colleague was in the Navy, but he had the same style of talking.

"I\'ll go to the waters of Bubble Island to see if I can save the Navy a little."

Polusalino said that the navy’s failure this time is a doomed fact. The conquest of a newly-rising four emperors has suffered such a heavy loss. After the execution war, the navy son, the power that has finally been established will follow. It is destroyed.

Polusalino wanted to see if he could regain some dignity for the navy.

"It\'s up to you," Sakarski said, and then hung up the phone worm.

Polusalino\'s warship moved forward, and half a day later, a small island appeared on the sea level.From afar, there are several towering trees standing on the island, and you can vaguely see countless small bubbles floating around the trees.

Bubble Island is called the Little Chambord Islands, but due to the decline of the navy in recent years, the control of pirates is stricter than before. Therefore, compared with the Chambord Islands near the naval headquarters, the pirates prefer it. With this bubble island controlled by a pirate.

Guarding Bubble Island is a senior cadre of the Wienhill family, a swordsman known as the black sword, Moorman.This is a powerful swordsman, defeating countless pirates who coveted the wealth of Bubble Island.

It\'s just that Mooreman\'s strength is really not enough in Polusalino\'s eyes. In fact, the swordsman who can be regarded by his admiral is only two or three in this sea.

Moorman is obviously not among them.

"Little Chambord Islands." Polusalino said to himself, looking at Bubble Island.This is a big piece of fat, and countless pirates are watching this island. If the Vennhill family falls, these jackals will not hesitate to rush to take a bite.

"Give me the telescope."

Porusalino said to the adjutant, but when he just picked up the telescope, he found that what appeared in the lens was not the scene of Bubble Island, but a pirate group.

A huge white whale, flying a skull flag with a crescent-shaped white beard.

A tall man with a big sword in his hand, standing on the bow of the boat, looking coldly at Polusalino.

"It\'s a bit difficult." At the moment he saw this man, Polusalino put away the frivolous face, and turned to become extremely solemn.