The Pirate Family

598 Chapter 588 The Dark Side of History (3)

After all the air of life flowed through the clone to Garrett, Lorne\'s clone also lost all the life aura, turned into a dead bone standing on the ground, then turned into fly ash, and drifted away with the wind.

Because there was no time to retrieve it, the fruit of the operation was reborn somewhere in this sea.Lorne, lost his longevity dream.

However, if a mere mere immortality can exchange Xiao Jia\'s life, Lorne would rather die.

After undergoing an incomplete immortal operation, Xiao Jia\'s aging speed slowed down a lot, and Ron\'s perception was ten thousand times slower than before.

There is a fart!

The previous seven or eight seconds turned into fly ash, and the delay of ten thousand times would only delay this time to one day!


Lorne slammed a hammer on the ground, and the earth trembles slightly.

If you are stronger, you don\'t need to run away when facing that woman.If you do better in your intelligence work, you can know the woman’s abilities in advance and deal with it well. If you are more cruel, you will make Elinis and his like afraid of themselves and can’t afford revenge. Enough.

If, if...

But there is no if, things have happened, everything is the result of Lorne\'s incompetence!

He hates himself who is helpless.

"Don\'t be angry, you are not good when you are angry!" Garrett said with a smile, she touched Ron\'s face, "I slept for a long, long time, and vaguely heard the voice of Ron\'s brother, so I came out. ."

"I now seem to know how Ratzinger plundered others\' abilities before," Garrett gently wiped Lorne\'s wound with his hand, then stained with a trace of blood, and put it in his mouth to taste.

"Brother Lorne\'s blood is delicious."

Lorne felt that his perception ability was fading away, as if his perception ability was robbed once again during the decisive battle with Ratzinger.

This was the ability Xiao Jia had always wanted to possess before, but now she finally awakened, but Lorne was not happy at all.

"It\'s all my fault. If I were stronger, I wouldn\'t be defeated by the pervert who could lock people. By the way, how is Porval? She is in the same boat as me."

"Sister, I am here!"

Poval tearfully walked to Garrett\'s face. Before, Lorne had repaired the scars Sanchuanqi had made on her body through the fruit of the operation. At this time, she became that beautiful girl again.

However, she could no longer show her innocent smile.

"Lorne, this time, maybe I have to leave first. It\'s just that Sister Agatha will accompany you in the future, I guess you will not be alone." Garrett touched Ron\'s face and said with a smile.

This was the first time she called Lorne directly, without adding her brother as she always did.

On the island ten years ago, Lorne was not the only one who made the promise.

Garrett glanced at the silent Agatha standing aside, smiled, did not say anything.

She knew everything, she always knew.

"No, no, fate is not like this!" Lorne hugged Garrett tightly, his nails pierced into the flesh without knowing it, this was the first time he was so panicked.After living in this world for so many years, he has already integrated into this world.

He is Lorne, the head of the Vennhill family, a nightmare that shakes the entire sea, and one of the most powerful contenders for the supreme throne.

But now, he is just a helpless ordinary person, an ordinary person who can\'t even keep the life of a woman who likes him.

The whole Sdie seemed to feel the master\'s anger and became extremely silent.In this huge city of steel, all the gears stopped rotating and became extremely silent.

Silence like death.

But at this time, a woman\'s chuckle broke the silence.

"Ha ha ha, is this the scene that Elinis wants to see when he is dead? Your panicked look is no different from ordinary people."

Anna walked towards Lorne with a chuckle. She also passed through the gate of the void just now. This mad woman seemed to regain her sanity, and a smile appeared at the corner of her mouth.

But the moment she spoke, Lorne raised her head and she saw a pair of extremely dark eyes.

In an instant, Anna lost all senses, unable to control her body movements, could not smell the breath of Sdie Steel, could not hear the heartbeat of people around her, and could not feel the sea breeze on her skin.

Only those eyes were left in her world.Those eyes are like an abyss without any emotion.

Anna\'s hands were pinched towards her neck uncontrollably.

"Are you really afraid of death?"

Lorne\'s indifferent voice rang in Anna\'s ear.

Anna was suffocated, her beautiful face turned blue-purple. At the moment of life and death, she finally broke through Lorne\'s perception blockade and slumped to the ground, like a drowning man who finally found the last life-saving plank, breathing greedily Holding the air.

"If you kill me, this woman will really die!"

Anna panted heavily, and said coldly.

"What are you talking about?" Lorne lifted Anna up. The woman didn\'t have any resistance in front of Lorne, and was lifted up like a rag doll.

"I mean, I have a way to save this woman."

Anna said slowly.


When Lorne let go, Anna fell to the ground.

"Isn\'t the person you hate the most? Isn\'t it about letting me understand what is called the anger of the weak? Why tell me." Lorne said coldly, he was already contacting Quina who was temporarily left on the island to let him Hurry over.

Memories cannot lie.

No matter what Anna said, he was ready to read Anna\'s memory through Quina\'s memory.

"The person I hate is you, it has nothing to do with other people, besides," Anna glanced at Garrett, paused, and said, "Do you want to know?"


Lorne said in a strong tone.

"That woman\'s ability is one of the most powerful in theory. In theory, no one in this world is her opponent." Anna took a sigh of relief and continued.

"Because nothing can resist the erosion of time."

Lorne didn\'t speak, his brows frowned, and he didn\'t know what Anna said.

Women\'s two-color domineering is not particularly strong, at least facing the "Reaper" state of Lorne, can not ask for the slightest advantage, but because of her ability, Lorne is in the hands of a woman and has no power to resist.

"However, all abilities in this world have weaknesses, even the years are no exception."

Anna said slowly,

"Through his ability, Elinis has checked a lot of secrets, and even some top-secret files of the world government, which include records of the decisive battle of the pinnacle of the sea attacking Maria Joa in many times."