The Pirate Family

595 Chapter 585: The Real Purpose!

This is the first time a woman has been injured since the fight.

Her cut-off hair shows one thing, and that is that she is not truly invincible, she can also be injured.

"It\'s a perfect match, have you found a way to restrain me?" But even so, the woman was still very calm.She looked at Lorne and said slowly.

But Lorne didn\'t answer her words. In the "Reaper" state, Lorne\'s mind was so clear that he didn\'t need to think too much, he just had to entrust the fight to his body.

He rushed in front of the woman again, and the woman raised her hand again, but this time, the dark green halo disappeared from her palm.

She deflected her head slightly, avoided Lorne\'s punch, and then swung her slender arm directly at Lorne\'s abdomen.

This time, does she want to fight Lorne in close hands?

Lorne\'s body moved at the moment the woman shot her. In the "Reaper" state, Lorne\'s body would instinctively fight and evade, even if it was a quick attack, appeared from a tricky angle, as long as there was still a hint of evasion , Lorne must be able to hide.

Among the possibilities of one in a million, the only way to find success is for destiny.

Lorne is destiny!

But just as Lorne was about to hide, the woman\'s hand disappeared. The next moment, her fist hit Lorne\'s abdomen hard.


Covered with armed and domineering fists, they hit Ron\'s abdomen firmly!

This was not over yet. When the woman hit Lorne with a first blow, the whole person disappeared again, and then appeared behind Lorne, an elbow hit Lorne\'s neck fiercely.

Cough cough, Lorne suddenly coughed out a big mouthful of blood. The woman\'s movements were so fast that he didn\'t give him time to react.In the mist, Agatha\'s figure emerged, trying to rush over to help Lorne, but at the moment her figure appeared, a dark green aperture appeared in front of Agatha, Agatha\'s actions Become extremely slow.

Lorne was like a meat sandbag, letting the woman beat him, without a chance to fight back.


Lorne\'s clone roared, replacing Lorne\'s body with the position of a fainted Pongel soldier next to him. The woman punched the soldier\'s body with a punch, almost piercing him through!

There is quite terrifying power in her petite body.

But after Lorne\'s replacement position was too late to adjust, the woman appeared directly in front of him, and then punched Lorne in the chest.

He directly knocked Lorne into the air and slammed into the wall of Pangel Castle. The walls of Pangel Castle cracked every inch, and finally could not bear the huge crisis and collapsed.

Lorne flew into the small garden behind the castle, lying among a bunch of flowers that the Heavenly Dragon people cared for.

The blood flowed along Ron\'s body and into the soil in the small garden.

The flowers are tender and the blood is red!

From beginning to end, Lorne didn\'t have the slightest ability to resist.

The woman\'s movements were like ghosts, and the moment she shot her, the attack had hit Ron\'s body.

This feeling was like cutting off the movement in her, it was impossible to avoid it.

"The fruits of my years can not only speed up the passage of your time, but also speed up my own." The woman seemed to see through Lorne\'s doubts and explained carefully.

"I just raised my hand very simply, and then hit you. The whole action is about a second or so. However, in this second, I can accelerate to almost nothing."

"That\'s why it\'s impossible for a strong body to beat me, because no one in this world is faster than me."

As the woman said, she didn\'t mind exposing her own weakness to Lorne. In fact, if someone could defeat her and free her from that contract, that would be what she wanted most.

"You are very strong." Lorne struggled to get up from the ground, he had already retreated from the "Reaper" state.

"But, you lose!"

Lorne raised his head, looked at the woman\'s eyes, and said slowly.


The woman said in surprise, she turned around subconsciously, and found that she had been surrounded by a cloud of mist long behind her, because she could not see the situation in the front hall of Pangel Castle because of the obstruction of her domineering look.

"My goal is never to defeat you!"

As Lorne said, in the hall of Pangel Castle, because there was no interference from a woman, the blood cocoon lay there quietly. The clone of Lorne easily replaced the blood cocoon through the "ROOM" space. In front of myself.

His purpose in coming to Marijoa was never to defeat this monster, but to rescue Xiao Jia.

"Sanchuan Road, erect a gate to Sdio!"

Lorne yelled, and then the man covered in the black cloak slowly raised his hand, and a void door appeared in the hall of Pangel Castle. The other end of the door was connected A small island like a steel forest.

Sanchuan Road, the man hidden behind Kaido, the man who once had extremely lofty ambitions, has now become Lorne\'s puppet.

Because it takes great talent to develop the fruit of the door to the point where it can cross the entire sea at will, Ron has been reluctant to kill him and plunder his fruit.I just want to brainwash it and turn it into my own use.

However, San Chuan Lu\'s will was extremely firm, and even though Ron had spent many methods, he did not waver.In this regard, Lorne has nothing to do.

However, after the Elinis incident broke out, Lorne had a foreboding that he might use the ability of Sanchuan Road, and directly entrusted Quina to modify the memory of Sanchuan Road and turned it into a dead member of the Venn Hill family. But because of the hurried modification, Lorne had not had time to read the secret between him and Kaido, and the memories of Sanchuanlu\'s past turned into a pile of chaotic fragments.

This person on Sanchuan Road has completely disappeared on this sea!

At this time, the warriors of the Vennhill family gradually woke up from the faint, without asking anything, directly carried the blood cocoon into the door of the void, obeyed the order, it was Lorne carved on their personality The first discipline.

Jodi and Agatha also recovered from the limit of the dark green aperture. Agatha looked back at Lorne anxiously, and also gritted his teeth and entered the Void Gate.

This was Lorne\'s order. After knowing the woman\'s ability, Lorne had the consciousness to die here.

And to die for the things you treasure is the glory of every pirate!