The Pirate Family

591 Chapter 581: Invincible Fruit and the Immortal

There was a message revealed in the woman\'s words that she would not leave Marijoa.

Although I don\'t know the authenticity of her words, Lorne guessed that the woman should not lie.Because when she was speaking, Lorne didn\'t feel the slightest fluctuation in her heart, as if she was saying a very simple truth.

Moreover, judging from the reaction of the Tianlong people to her and her attitude towards the Tianlong people, she should have no good feelings for the Tianlong people. The reason why she is guarding here is entirely because of the contract to follow.

"Do you want to try? If you leave this place, I won\'t chase it anymore." The woman said slowly.She gave Lorne a choice, if she turned around and left at the moment, she would let him go.

"I\'m sorry, although I don\'t want to be an enemy of you, but my fiancee is in your hands, I can only decline your kindness." Lorne slowly said, besides, if facing a strong opponent If you just bow your head and admit defeat, then he will not be Lorne!

He has always believed in a truth, that is, if he can be beaten or not, he will only know if he is beaten.If you can only bully the weak for a lifetime, you will only dare to show your minions unscrupulously when you encounter a 100% victorious opponent. That kind of life is too boring.

The two said this, not like an opponent about to fight, but like,

Friends who have been away for many years.

"Haha." The woman looked at Lorne, "You are funny, just as funny as the Draco from twenty years ago."

"In return for your fun, then after you lose, I allow you to know my name."

The woman said calmly, she knew that Lorne would lose before fighting.

This behavior can be arrogance or self-confidence. The former is that the frog has not seen the sea, but thinks that it owns the entire sky, and is disdainful of others.The latter is the belief that after swimming across the world and seeing all the ebbs and flows of the world, the mountain is the peak and the sea is the sky.

She is the peak, she is the shore.

She is also heaven.

And the woman is obviously the latter, because she knows that under her ability, even if all the strong men in this sea take a shot together, the best outcome is nothing but losing.

Here is her self-confidence. The demon fruit abilities of the entire sea believe in one truth, that is, there is no invincible ability in this sea. There are only invincible abilities. Any powerful ability, after encountering a weak ability, Can\'t make any waves.

This sentence has been passed down since the fall of that kingdom. It lasted for hundreds of years and was regarded as a standard by all capable people.

Naturally, women have heard of it, but she has always sneered at this sentence because,

She is both invincible and invincible.

"If this is the case, then I will take action." Lorne said slowly, the clone behind him suddenly raised his hand, a transparent aperture once again enveloped the entire Pangel Castle.The "ROOM" space of the fruit of surgery has the ability to cut everything. Even the tyrannical arms and domineering, in front of the "ROOM" space, in a sense, it is not much harder than a piece of paper.

The cutting and slashing of the operating space was Ron\'s most lethal method. Facing this unknown opponent, Ron did his best at the first moment.

Agatha snorted, and countless thick fog came out from the bottom of her skirt and once again enveloped the entire Pangel Castle. After Sanchuanqi gave up resistance, Agatha also got back her devil fruit ability. Compared with other natural fruits, the lethality of the foggy fruit is not significant, but it has characteristics that other natural devil fruits cannot match.That is the fruit of the mist after awakening, which can not only block the line of sight, but also block the domineering of seeing and hearing.

Those strong men who are used to seeing, hearing, and being domineering on weekdays, once they lose this ability to predict the enemy, they often become restrained, even unable to perform at their original level.

At this time, the sun had set in the west, and the red sunlight penetrated the clouds, through the cracked ceiling of Pangel Castle, shining in the thick fog, and staining the thick fog with blood red.

The thick fog that was dyed blood red seemed to surround the sun, and the seducer Icarus flew to the last haze of the sun, beautiful, but exuding a fatal smell.


With a slash, cut away the mist and slashed towards the woman\'s head.The fog can prevent the domineering of seeing and hearing, but it cannot prevent the "micro-sensory realm" formed by Lorne through the perceptual ability beyond ordinary people. In the dense fog, Lorne\'s strength is not affected in any way, but because others cannot use the experience. Color domineering, but has a unique advantage.

Because of seeing and hearing the domineering domineering, the opponents trapped in the mist are like living targets, which can be slaughtered by others, and Lorne\'s body, who has the "micro-sensing realm", knows the whereabouts of these opponents.

Coupled with the top destructive power of the surgical fruit, this is Ron\'s strongest combination of skills!

A huge slash broke through the fog and appeared in front of the woman.

"Can you stop people\'s perception? The use of fruits is very skillful, much better than the previous reckless men."

The woman didn\'t feel the slightest panic on her face after discovering that she could not penetrate the mist with her domineering look.Instead, I started to evaluate with great interest.

At this time, the slash was less than one meter away from the woman\'s head!

In fact, there has always been a misunderstanding in this sea, that is, the more high-end powerhouses, the weaker the effect of the devil fruit, such as the famous Iron Fist Karp, and Caesar, Roger, etc., are all wrong. Those with devil fruit ability.

With their own pair of fists, they have established a huge reputation on this sea.

Other strong men with countless powerful abilities can only condescend and become silver medal players.

The woman doesn\'t know if this sentence is correct, but she believes one thing, that is, no one with strong physical skills can beat herself.Even if you can lose, you will definitely lose in the hands of a demon fruit capable person.

She snorted softly, and a light green light circle appeared in her palm, and then it became bigger.Lightly wrapped the violent slash that Lorne sent.

This slash, the moment it passed through the green aperture, disappeared without a trace.

"What is this ability?"

Of course, Lorne\'s body in the mist noticed this scene. Of course he knew that his slash might not hurt the woman, but he had to force the woman out.After all, the most fundamental thing in a duel between capable people is to guess what the opponent\'s ability is. After knowing the opponent\'s ability and having a way to deal with it, the battle is half won.

However, Lorne couldn\'t understand at all, how exactly did this woman counteract her slash!