The Pirate Family

583 Chapter 574 Doors and Locks (1)

In this world, there is only one thing that cannot be avoided. Some people like to call this kind of fate, but Elinis likes to call it destiny.

After walking out of that purgatory alive, Elinis knew that his destiny was to avenge Lorne, and to live and die on the road to revenge against Lorne.

The Avengers are not afraid of death.

"Is it late?" Lorne smiled softly, "I don\'t think it is necessarily."

call out!

A sturdy black figure rushed past Lorne, and his huge fist was instantly darkened by the domineering armed color.He waved directly at Elinis\' head.After following Lorne for many years, Jody knew what he should do without having to get Lorne\'s order.


A thin man stood in front of Elinis, and with a sickly smile, he looked at Lorne.

"I haven\'t seen each other for so many years, don\'t old friends say hello?"

"I\'m not interested in talking to the dead." Lorne glanced at him."If you haven\'t seen each other for so many years, you still have no change, Sanchuanqi. When the Golden Lion was defeated, you were lucky enough to get your life back in that battlefield. Don\'t you know how to cherish?"

"An ordinary life is too boring. I haven\'t turned you into my greatest masterpiece. If you disappeared in this sea like this, I would regret it for a lifetime."

"Besides," Sanchuan paused, "Erinnis can be regarded as my savior, and he shot him in front of me. The plane looks down on me Sanchuan Qi!"


He bowed slightly, then his right hand was suddenly covered by a layer of armed domineering, and then he swung his fist at Jody\'s head.

Jody stretched out his hand, trying to block, but the moment Sanchuanqi\'s fist touched him, the armed domineering covering his arm suddenly disappeared.


Without the protection of the armed color, a clicking sound rang from Jodi\'s arm, the arm bends a little strangely, and the whole person is knocked into the air.

The dense fog in the air condensed a pair of women\'s hands, and caught Jody who flew into the air.

"Just now, my domineering armed color can\'t be used anymore, he is capable!"

Jody shook his arm, there was a faint pain in his arm, and the bone almost broke. It was too reluctant for Jodi to resist the punch with physical strength.

"The Devil Fruit, just like the truth in this world, everything is relative. When there is light, there is darkness, and when there is water, there is fire. There is hope as well as despair. Everything has its counterpart. "

Sanchuan Qi twisted his head and said slowly.

"And my ability corresponds exactly to my brother\'s ability. He is a door that can cross thousands of miles, and I am the lock that can shrink all things in the world, fruit ability, five senses, domineering, and even a person\'s life. As long as I Think, I can’t lock it without me.”

"And now, I have locked Elinis\' life," Sanchuanqi raised his head and looked at Lorne."In other words, before I die, Elinis will never be hurt a little bit."

"By the way, I also locked my own life, and your attacks are meaningless to me before I unlock them!"

"In this field, I am invincible!"

"Why, do you want to challenge me?"

Sanchuanqi\'s tone is respectful like a gentleman, he likes to introduce his abilities to the enemy every time he fights, and then watch the enemy do his best without hurting himself.In the end, either exhausted physically, limp on the ground, or lost confidence, begging for forgiveness.

It\'s just like a dog anyway.

What Sanchuanqi likes to do most is to give these people a chance to live, and then completely destroy them before they ignite hope.

"I was still wondering why Poval was injured like that, she still retains a trace of breath, it turns out that you have locked her life with your ability."

Lorne frowned and said coldly.

He really didn’t know what Sanchuanqi’s abilities were. When he was in prison before, the only thing he knew was that Sanchuanqi liked to torture and kill prisoners, even if he was a big boss at the same level. He was held in a separate room.

"You said that little girl, she is indeed a very good work of art. If I didn\'t use the ability, she might be dead." Sanchuan Qi said, tilting his head.Lorne noticed that San Chuanqi\'s left hand was weirdly clasped, and it hadn\'t spread since the start of the fight.

"You reminded me that the life of that little girl is now in my hands. If I die, she will be buried with me."

"A lot of nonsense."

Lorne said coldly, and Agatha next to him gave a cold shout. The mist in the air instantly became stronger for a few minutes, and everyone\'s figures disappeared in the thick mist.

"What should I do now?" Omone held Elinis\' hand tightly. I don\'t know why. When she first saw Lorne, the flame of vengeance in her heart was still burning, but she didn\'t take a step forward, questioning him. courage.

"Sorry, Elinis." Omone looked ashamed.

"This is the effect of the domineering look of the overlord. People with weak will not even have the idea of ​​being an enemy. Although your physique is good, you have not experienced battles. You have to fight with those who are killed out of the blood. There is a fundamental difference. So don’t be ashamed."

Elinis comforted.

"According to the intelligence sent by the Navy, Lorne\'s ability seems to be able to affect the target\'s vision and cause it to hallucinate, so we must now be careful not to fall into his illusion."

A large part of the reason for Lorne\'s "demon" name is because of his magical devil fruit that is impossible to defend.The method of controlling the human heart is more frightening than the killing of fists to the flesh.

However, what they didn’t know was that when Lorne first obtained the fruit of perception, he once called it the weakest fruit.

Along the way, how many fruit abilities can be called metamorphosis?The angel fruit of the great priest of Bikar Island, the blood fruit of Pope Ratzinger, the shadow fruit of Moonlight Moria, the fruit of Xiannian Huo, the fruit of Ghost-hand Yaze and so on.

These fruits, any one of them can almost be called incomprehensible, but in the end, it was Lorne who won. Some people became the history of this sea, and some people did not even stay here with their names. On the sea.

This is because Lorne believed in a truth when he first got the fruits, that is,

It has never been the fruit of the strong, but the fruit of the strong!

Because the owner of this fruit of perception is his Lorne, it is destined to become the most invincible fruit in the future!