The Pirate Family

577 Chapter 568: Masterpiece

"But I will still kill her."

Anna said decisively, without any emotion in her tone.

As if the object she mentioned was not her partner, but just an insignificant passerby.

"I don\'t know what she experienced in the Wienhill family, but with Lorne\'s character, she must have a plan to let her return safely. Therefore, I will kill her to avoid future troubles."

"It\'s cruel." The man applauded, "but it fits my aesthetics very well."

"Don\'t compare me to your pervert."

Anna seemed to think of something, her stomach tumbling.

"The Vennhill family ship should be coming soon. Just use that masterpiece of mine as the first gift to them." The man said slowly. He kicked a mechanism on Anna\'s desk. The square box emerged from the floor, like a coffin.

The man sat on the coffin and said slowly.

"If you want, I can turn you into such a masterpiece."


Sparks from the pistol in Anna\'s hand hit the man\'s forehead.But there was no imaginary scene of blood flowing. The bullet seemed to hit an invisible armor and slowly fell off the man\'s forehead.

Did not leave a trace on his body.

"If there is another time, I will be true." Anna said coldly, "At that time, I don\'t know if your damn ability can save your life."

"Ha ha."

After being shot, the man was not angry, got up and walked out of the office.

"Then I will put this masterpiece here, I hope you will not let your master down."


"It\'s a magnificent building."

Agatha squinted and looked at the Judicial Island in front of him. A tall tower stands on the island, white and holy.But this place where the laws of all countries in the world are stored is itself the biggest injustice in the entire sea.

It\'s ironic.

"The front is a place under the jurisdiction of the world government. If you don\'t care, please leave quickly!"

Several warships with blue cross flags symbolizing justice surrounded the Golden Proverbs, and an officer at the head held a cannon and looked at the ship in front of him tremblingly.

If it were other pirates who dared to offend Judicial Island, he would have blasted them to pieces with someone, but the one who came was the murderous Wienhill family on this sea, plus he knew that the naval headquarters next door sent them. A large number of troops dealt with Bislan\'s affairs, so they had to be cautious.

"Is it irrelevant?" Agatha lit a lady\'s cigarette, took a deep breath, and exhaled a puff of smoke.

"So what? Tell Spandane to speak out."

The smoke gradually thickened, and then enveloped the entire sea area, compressing everyone\'s line of sight to within three meters.

"Damn it, what is this?"

A soldier was holding a gunpowder gun and didn\'t know where to aim, and his sight was all white.

"It\'s the senior cadre of the Vennhill family, Agatha, Queen of the Mist!" An officer recognized Agatha\'s identity and shouted."Since she is here, it means that the Wienhill family is really moving!"

Agatha was one of the first few senior cadres to follow Lorne and belonged to the core of the Wienhill family.It is the current emperor of Adela, the country of flowers. Because of her special status, the world government has not issued a reward for her, but it has been discussed within the navy that if one day Lorne leaves the status of the king, Agatha’s The bounty will never be less than 300 million Baileys.

It is worth mentioning that the bounty offered by other cadres of the Vennhill family has been discussed.

Ainilu, a man who claims to be a god, is naturally the power of the fruit of thunder, and is the right-hand man of Veenhill Lorne. Together with him, he attacked the religious state Balan and killed the former archbishop of the Holy Truth.The original bounty of 370 million, stagnated after Lorne became king of Qiwuhai, the world government estimated that the theoretical bounty of Ainilu should be at least 750 million.

Tiger, strong in physical skills, proficient in two-color domineering, some kind of fruit ability that can affect people\'s judgment, the king who advanced to the fifth layer of the city in the cold hell before, originally offered a bounty of 100 million Baileys, and the theoretical bounty should be 400 million Between Bailey and 500 million Baileys.

Carlos Jodi, a strong man in physique, proficient in two-color domineering, without any ability, the king who advanced to the fourth layer of the city’s scorching hell before, originally offered a bounty of 97 million Baileys, but the theoretical bounty should be 350 million Between 10 million and 450 million.

Kofiel, a legendary magician born in the country of magic, committed the felony of stealing the heavenly gold dedicated to the dragon people, but because he hadn\'t done anything in these years, the increase in the bounty would not be too high. In theory There should be only about 100 million Baileys.

Charlotte Garrett, maybe we should call her Vennhill Charlotte, the eighteenth daughter of the four emperors Charlotte Lingling, the king Qiwuhai, the only fiancee of Vennhill Lorne, the original A bounty of 30 million Baileys, but in the dark world, Garrett\'s bounty is more than 500 million Baileys, and even in the Navy, Charlotte\'s theoretical bounty is at least 300 million Baileys or more. .Those with the ability of blood and fruit have many titles such as Blood Singer and Crimson Rose, which are the direct cause of the Vienhill family riot.

Chief Executive Liku Violet.The princess of the Liku clan who previously ruled the New World Dressrosa, later joined the Wienhill family, has extraordinary intelligence gathering capabilities, and is the hub for the Wienhill family to contact outsiders. The original bounty No, the theoretical bounty is about 100 million Baileys.

The great craftsman Lola, the Vennhill family that started with arms, has gained even more wings after acquiring this great craftsman. No one knows how far the highest-grade weapons of the Vennhill family are now, but everyone is seeing When the weapon is painted with the misty moon symbol, it can\'t help but tremble.The body\'s combat effectiveness may not be strong, but considering her particularity, people in the world government believe that her reward should be more than 300 million.

Black Knife Morman, a rare swordsman-level powerhouse, two-color domineering is extremely powerful, without any ability, once the bounty was 33 million Baileys, but after joining the Wienhill family, Morman The strength of\'s has been greatly increased, and now he is alone in another important place of the Wienhill family, Bubble Island.According to the estimates of the world government, Morman is no less inferior to the two big cadres, Jody and Tiger, based on the strength shown by Morman, so the world government decided that Morman\'s bounty should be more than 400 million Baileys.