The Pirate Family

563 Chapter 554: Exposed Agent

Luca\'s face changed drastically, and his emotions finally became flustered.This panic is even far better than when the axe hit the boy\'s neck.

Is the information given to me by the organization wrong?Or was it that Lorne was testing himself?

The woman thought crazy in her heart. In the end, she chose to believe in the organization, trying to make herself see more natural, with a confused expression on her face.

"Sir, what are you talking about? How can a mother remember her child\'s name incorrectly."

"Is that so, maybe my information is wrong." There was no fluctuation on Lorne\'s face. The little boy\'s name was indeed called Xiaoan. He just cheated this woman.

However, this deception achieved the effect Lorne wanted.

Lorne had to admit that the woman\'s facial expressions were managed very well, whether it was the anger before, the helplessness when facing him, the tension when the child was about to be killed, or the confusion now.All perfect.

If she met other people, she might be able to lie to him, but she just met Lorne.But Lorne\'s ability is to be able to read the emotional changes of others.

The woman whose child was about to be killed and who had no mood swings became flustered when she heard that she said her child\'s name was wrong.

Lorne knew that these two children were not the woman\'s weakness at all, so he waved, and the soldiers dragged the boy and girl out.


"Do not leave me!"

The little boy and the little girl cried.The woman turned her head to see this scene, unable to do anything but said worriedly to Lorne.

"Anything is directed at me, none of this has anything to do with Xiaoan and Xiaoyi, they don\'t know anything!"


What an image of a mother who is worried about her children.If there is no perception ability, Lorne will almost be fooled by this woman.

He coughed slightly, and a man like a Roshan came out of the shadow, the moment he saw this man like a Roshan.

"Panghu, use your power with this lady. Let her forget something."

Hearing that Fat Tiger could make himself forget something, the woman’s pupils shrank, and a horrified expression appeared on her face.

"Who are you, don\'t touch me!"

Speaking of wanting to break free of the bondage of soldiers.

This time, the woman\'s expression and inner emotions are finally the same, which means that she is not afraid of herself, but is afraid of forgetting something?

Lorne glared at Luca and directly took over Luca\'s five senses, staying in place like a stone statue.

"Boss, what do you want her to forget?"

Fat Tiger grinned and said with a smile.

"Let her forget her most important memory."

After Panghu heard Lorne\'s words, he directly grabbed Luca\'s arm, and a trace of a trace was drawn out of Luca\'s mind, and her eyes became blank.

"who are you?"

After regaining control of his body, Luca raised his head blankly and asked Lorne, who was sitting on the Dark Iron Throne, suspiciously.

"Why am I here?"

The fat tiger\'s ability is the lower fruit of the fruit of Kina\'s memory. The fruit of forgetting can make people forget some important memories. After his tireless training, he can already control the other party to forget certain memories.

After Luca was recruited, she couldn\'t remember Lorne, that is to say, her most important memory was related to Lorne!

"Now you can tell me about your identity, right?" Ron squinted and looked at Luca.

With an amazing sense of oppression, the woman\'s pupils shrank, but she calmed down and talked about her identity.

A completely different identity from the flower girl Luca.

"I am a pirate, offering a bounty of 148,000,000 (one hundred and forty-eight million) as Bailey’s parrot killer Jim’s navigator. I don’t know what your identity is. If you know it, just Let me go, I might say a few good things in front of Jim so that he won\'t torture you."

At this moment, she had a hint of domineering in her tone, as if she was quite proud of being a sea pirate crew member.It is very different from the previous flower girl Luca\'s Wei Wei Nuo.

"Really?" Lorne nodded at Fat Hu, who heard the words and touched the woman\'s arm directly.


After the memory returned to his body, the cold sweat couldn\'t stop flowing from Luca\'s face.

"Why is it different from what you said before?" Lorne\'s index finger tapped lightly on the armrest of the Black Iron Throne, squinting slightly at the woman who claimed to be Luca.

When pushing the city in the past, a pirate who was proficient in psychology once told a theory that people\'s micro-expression can talk and betray their own ideas.A person who is proficient in psychology can even judge your thoughts by the micro expressions on your face.

If you don\'t want others to see through your thoughts, the best way is not to pretend, but to keep your face straight.

Forcibly control the muscles of your face so that it does not change.

Over time, Lorne fell in love with this expressionless feeling, especially when he had the advantage, his expressionless face could give people a stronger sense of oppression.

"I, I, I." At this time, the woman\'s emotions finally disappeared and everything was under control, and she became panicked.

Finally, she gritted her teeth.It seemed to be willing to go.

"Sure enough, I can\'t hide anything from Lord Ron\'s eyes," the woman seemed to let go of the burden in her heart."But there is nothing wrong with Lord Lorne about this matter."

The woman took a deep breath, and then said slowly.

"I am an agent of the CP-9 department, playing a different role, just to perform a different task."

"Speaking of which, Lord Lorne and I are still on the same front." A smile appeared on the woman\'s face. "Everyone works for the world government, so why bother with each other?"

"Is that so?"

Lorne pondered for a moment, then raised his head, a trace of killing intent appeared in his eyes.

"In other words, was it the world government that did it on Garrett?"


"What happens next?" Agatha asked softly after the soldiers dragged the woman away.

If the murderer behind the Garrett incident is the world government, then the next thing is very troublesome.That means that the world government already has an idea of ​​doing something about the family.

She didn\'t have the idea of ​​persuading Ron to stop. If he stopped because his opponent was too strong, then Ron would not be Ron.

Moreover, since the world government has the idea of ​​taking action against the family, if Lorne stops, there is no difference between sitting and waiting.

Violet stood in the shadows behind Lorne without saying a word.Although she was Lorne\'s personal secretary, she tried to make her presence weaker when Agatha was there.

"No one is an idiot, we are not, and the people of the world government are neither."

After Lorne pondered for a while, he finally said a word.