The Pirate Family

557 548 Enough to burn the entire world's anger

The fire is burning, people are wailing.This place is called Frefans, originally a country of wonderland, but at this time, it has become a purgatory.

The soldiers shot at innocent civilians with guns.

A boy with white hair was walking in the flames with eyes blankly.His mother, just to protect him, died under a collapsed stone pillar.

"Why, why should war break out. Isn\'t everyone\'s peaceful life bad?" He asked doubtfully as he walked.But no one can answer his question.

"Go to hell, you albino monster!" A heavily armed soldier in a gas mask saw him, then raised his weapon and fired at him.

The bullet passed through the boy\'s fragile body.The boy fell to the ground, his vision gradually blurred. The last scene he saw was a scene of a group of soldiers shooting at a group of unarmed innocent women and children.

And the symbol on their weapons, the misty moon.

"Reporter sir, no survivors have been found!" A soldier walked up to a soldier who was dressed differently from other soldiers and saluted and reported.There were three slashes on the soldier\'s shoulder. It was a grassroots officer. He nodded, and then spat at the pile of corpses in front of him.

"This white monster should have died long ago. I hope that their disease will not spread to our country."

"But this kind of weapon is so easy to use, I don\'t know where the military came from." The officer raised his hand with the gun marked with the misty moon and said triumphantly.Just now he used this weapon to kill more than a hundred civilians.

"I heard that it was bought from a major arms dealer on the Great Sea Route. It was called the Wienhill family."

The soldier touched his head and said in a daze.The matter of the great route is too far away from them.These things are also known from the newspaper.

"Wynhill?" The officer heard the name familiar, but it took a long time to realize it."A few years ago, wasn\'t the boy who planned the incident to advance the city with the surname Wienhill?"

"Then it should be him. This last name is relatively rare. It sounds like the name of a noble grandfather."

"This damn Wienhill family, if it weren\'t for him, the prisoners would not have escaped from Pushing City, and the sea would not have been so chaotic." The officer spat again, but it was different from the previous one.

Before spitting at the gray-haired residents, with a feeling of disgust, but this time, it was hatred and a trace of... fear.

After all, the things that the Vennhill family have done are really notorious, and even comparable to those done by Roger, the Pirate King.

"I heard that the family sent people to our Beihai. No wonder they have been hearing about which country in the North Sea is at war with which country. It turns out that the demon is operating behind the scenes." The officer said slowly, and then tremblingly took it from him. A cigarette came out, lit tremblingly, and then took a sharp sip.The smoke was lingering, the firmness in his eyes gradually disappeared and he became confused.

"When will the war end?"

As everyone knows, the white-haired little boy did not die completely. He silently noted the "Vinhill" family mentioned by the officer. The seeds of hatred had taken root in his young mind, as long as he had the opportunity , It will germinate.

When the soldiers left, he struggled to get up from the ground, then covered his wounds and walked forward.He felt that his vitality was constantly passing by, but he didn\'t know where he was going.

The thing that supported him to go on was the desire for revenge in the depths of his soul.

Finally, he couldn\'t go down anymore, he fell to the ground with a plop, confused, and saw a man and a woman two people in cloaks coming out of the fire, the woman said in surprise after seeing him Scream.

"It\'s not dead yet, what a tenacious will this is."

But the boy could not hear the woman clearly, his consciousness was confused, and he muttered to himself.

"Venhill... Revenge..."

"Is this another child whose family was ruined because of Weinhill?" The woman chuckled and gently lifted the boy from the ground.

"Let me see how strong your desire for revenge is." After that, she took a fruit from her arms.

A fruit with a strange spiral pattern.



Great route, some small island.

On the surface, this is a famous tourist city, but in the very center of the island, there is an underground fortress. A white-haired boy with a naked torso woke up from a nightmare.

"Did you have nightmares again, Elinis."

A girl with purple hair, about seventeen or eighteen years old, asked with concern.The girl behaved very tenderly, as if she had received a good tutor since she was a child.She looks well-behaved, but there is a trace of fire on her left face, destroying the overall beauty.

This is a girl with a story.

"It\'s okay, Omone." The boy took a deep breath and said softly."I just remembered some unpleasant things."

It was already evening, but the boy had just woke up.Because of something, he hated the moon that hung above the sky very much. Every time he saw the cold waning moon, he would remember the memory that he couldn\'t bear to look back.

But he forced himself to face this waning moon, because every time he saw it, the boy\'s anger would become stronger.When the flame of anger burned to its peak, the blazing flame was enough to swallow the entire world.

The girl named Omoni nodded and did not continue to question.Instead, he took out a document and said slowly.

"The plan went smoothly. Sister No. 0-74 has successfully sneaked into the CP department. If the Wienhill family continues to track it down, the CP-9 department will be found in the end."

If someone hears the girl’s words, they will be shocked, because CP-9 is already the world’s top secret service organization, but now they have been infiltrated!

"Let them bite the dog. I would like to see that the arrogant and never-willing Wienhill Lorne can raise his arrogant head after encountering the direct department of the world government. "

The boy named Elinis had a sarcasm smile on his face, then put on a single coat and walked out of the room.

"By the way, how about the woman who uses blood."

"The blood cocoon still hasn\'t disappeared. No matter what method we use, we can\'t destroy the blood cocoon. We can only put her in a stone cage in the sea tower. In this way, even if she wakes up, it is because of the ability. It can\'t pose the slightest threat to us." Omoni shook her head and said slowly.

"I hope that Lorne really cherishes his companion as much as the rumors do, otherwise when we send the head of that woman to him, if there is no angry howl and helpless curses. There will be no climax in this opera."

Elinis walked out the door with a smile, followed by Omonie.The two of them patrolled the underground fortress, surrounded by a group of workers in black uniforms. These workers showed respect after seeing Elinis.

"By the way, does the 0-91 replace the identity of the woman named Luca?" Elinis suddenly stopped and asked.

"Yes." Omone nodded.

"With her awareness, once she got into that family, she didn\'t plan to come out alive."

"Hope, she can bring back some good news." Elinis said slowly, then suddenly raised his head and looked somewhere, as if he was going to pass through the barriers of the sea and see that high above the sky. The misty moon above.

At the moment when he thought of the moon, Elinis\'s calm eyes were suddenly occupied by hatred.

He said word by word.

"Wait for me, Veenhill."

"Wait for me, Lorne!"

"Wait for me, lofty pirates, I will let you know that the anger of the weak is also enough to start a prairie fire!"


A great route, a paradise, a silver-white three-masted sailing ship is floating on the sea, and its sides are brand new, and it looks like a new ship just launched.This kind of ship generally has a lot of oil and water.

But when these eager pirates were ready to take action, they suddenly saw the misty moon pattern hanging on the ship, and they turned the bow of the ship, as if avoiding the plague god.

After all, the forces represented by this banner are too loud in this sea, even people who have never been to sea have heard of the name of that family.

And, more importantly, this family is on the verge of anger, and no one wants to be the last fire to ignite the volcano.

In the interrogation room of the silver-white warship, a woman in a red dress, while playing with the quill in her hand, casually questioned a woman with long red hair in front of her.

This is a kind of trial technique in psychology. The more you care about things, the more you have to show carelessness and firmly grasp the initiative of trial.

"What are you talking about, I really don\'t know." The red-haired woman said blankly, "My name is Luca, and my husband is a seaman who goes out to sea. I don’t know anything. We have two children together. They are named Xiaoan and Xiaoyi. These are all my information, you will know when you check."

"I really don\'t know anything else!"


Agatha crushed the quill in her hand, and the ink ran on the table, shocking the woman named Luca.

"I scared you," Agatha took a deep breath, calming her mood."You\'re all right, go back and rest first."

"Oh," Luca stood up slowly, and when he was about to walk out of the door, suddenly turned his head and said worriedly."Excuse me, if you want money, I have saved a little money over the years, and I can give it all to you. I only ask you to let us mother and child go back."

"It\'s not about money." Agatha shook her head."Someone wants to see you and take a look at the voyage. They should be there in a few days."

"Oh oh." Luca nodded blankly, but the moment she walked out of the room, the doubt on her face disappeared completely, and she became gloomy instead.

Calculating the route, there will be one or two days to reach the end of the paradise, Chambord Islands.In other words, is this ship going to travel across the red earth continent to the new world?

You know, the new world is that guy\'s lair!A trace of hatred flashed in Luca\'s eyes, and she was almost ready to burst out the man\'s name, but in the end she held it back.

The day of revenge is near.

And after Luca left the interrogation room, Agatha sat alone in the closed chamber, thoughtful.

"Lorne really cares about you, Xiao Jia." Agatha smiled self-deprecatingly, "I can almost imagine how he was fidgeting after learning that you were missing. This way, only the last time he was there. When I learned that you were going to get engaged, I showed up when I decided to go to Cake Island."

"You are really happy." After all, she was alone, and Agatha hardly concealed the deep jealousy in her tone.

It would be great if he had met Lorne first.

But at this time, a thought flashed through Agatha\'s mind.

If Garrett disappears forever...

The moment this thought flashed, Agatha suddenly slapped herself.Lorne regarded himself and others as his family, but he had such nasty thoughts.

But after this thought appeared, it seemed to have taken root in Agatha\'s mind, and could no longer get rid of it.


Today is December 17, 1509 of the Haiyuan calendar. It is five days before the mysterious force that killed the sea knight Zea and invited the pirates from all over the world in Bislan.

Five days have passed since Charlotte Garrett\'s disappearance.

Two things are constantly fermenting in this sea. At this time, the pirates of the new world stopped the war with each other by coincidence, waiting for the results of those two things.

Everyone has a hunch that these two things are enough to change the pattern of this world!

At the same time, more and more large pirates discovered that someone had planted spies in their forces, and as more and more spies were dug out, they were then beheaded in public.All the pirates realized one thing.

In this surging undercurrent, there seems to be a pair of mysterious hands, hiding in the dark, pushing everything.Through the sporadic confessions of the spies, the pirates learned the name of this mysterious force.

"The darkness of the world."

Roger used his life to start the era of the pirates, which reached a climax through the hands of Lorne.But in this chaotic and crazy era, he became calm because of a force.

Because the pirates don\'t know if the subordinate they usually trust is played by a spy or an agent.For a time, everyone in the Pirate World was in danger.

And this is exactly what Elinis wants to achieve. He wants everyone to know that the anger belonging to the weak can also ignite the entire world!