The Pirate Family

551 Chapter 542

"When Lorne comes back from Elbaff and learns this news, his temper may turn the sea upside down." The Warring States sighed, Lorne’s weakness was his family. , This is something the whole ocean knows. At this critical moment, why would anyone choose to touch that little girl from the Charlotte family?

Although she is the hub that connects the two big families of Wien Hill and Charlotte, will the marriage of the two Pirate families end if she is moved?The Warring States period was deeply suspicious.

"The woman from IWC has begun to clean up the pirates in the surrounding waters. This incident happened next to her lair, which made her lose face. If you don\'t get the messenger behind the scenes, she will definitely not give up."

In the meeting room, a thin old woman sat on a chair next to the Warring States Period and said calmly.She is the highly prestigious Lieutenant General Crane in the Navy.

"According to Xiaozhuyuan’s report some time ago, Lorne has already returned from Elbaff. Just after crossing the windless zone, Lorne learned of the news from Newsbird. Plus the Wienhill family two days ago The movements of high-level cadres, according to Ron’s temper, may directly start a war if they know who is behind the scenes."

"At that time, another island will be annihilated from this world."

The news that the Veenhill family controls weapons of mass destruction is not a secret among the top navy. Whether it is the unnamed island in the waters of the Flower Country or the isolated island in the Rocksor waters, they have disappeared from this world. .

The former is the former king Qiwuhai, Moonlight Moriah captured his sister, and the latter is the duel between the four emperors Kaido\'s men, Yanbanjin and Lorne.

"But the most important thing right now is the Bislan incident. I have a hunch that the force that claims to be a spiteful trial is brewing a major conspiracy."

"After all, those few people are in that photo."

The Warring States period took out a photo, which was the negative of the Bislan incident that the Navy bought from the big news Morgans.

A sturdy man sitting on a mahogany chair, carrying the head of the famous great pirate, sea knight Seia, declared to the world.Behind him, there were several faces with different looks, but they all showed a playful smile, looking at the camera.

"These people are all our old friends. The threat of their gathering together will not be inferior to any force in this sea."

"Go all out, this is the duty of the marshal that Big Brother Kong said before." Crane stood up and pushed away the chair.

"Of course I understand the truth." The Warring States also gradually calmed down. After thinking about it carefully, although Lorne is a madman, he must be a sane madman. He will definitely find the master behind the attack on the girl in the Charlotte family. .So Ron\'s matter can be set aside for now.

"Pay close attention to the movement of the Weinhill family, and if you find anything, notify me immediately!" Warring States said to a soldier standing next to him, and walked out of the meeting room in the light of the sun.

Countless navy soldiers are already in full gear, standing neatly in the school grounds, dazzling sunlight shining on their white shirts, emitting a soft light.

The word "justice" behind the cloak was shining.

The Warring States period helped his reading glasses, his eyes became firm.He stood on the high platform, shouting at the soldiers below.

"The justice of our navy cannot be desecrated. Let this group of evil spirits crawling out of the infinite hell to see our enlightenment!"

His body seemed a little frustrated because of his old age, but at this moment, his figure became taller.At this time, he must not show his cowardice, because they are the navy!

They represent the justice of this world!

"Justice wins!"

The navy soldiers below shouted in unison.The sound pierced through the clouds and lasted for a long time.


The great route, the White Sea, there is a fortress floating in this white sea.

In the center of the fortress is a magnificent palace, and on a dark iron throne on the main hall of the palace sits a black-haired man. There are several people standing around him. There are men and women. They all exude a lot of momentum, but at this time , These people are standing next to the black-haired man with a trace of anxiety in their eyes, as if waiting for something.

"I\'m back." The black-haired man suddenly opened his eyes, and a terrible aura spreading around him.

"Boss, you are finally back. There is something to report to you." A bald man stepped forward suddenly and said anxiously to Ron.

"I know." Lorne said faintly, a trace of killing intent flashed through his calm eyes, "Xiao Jia was attacked in the world, I know this."

"How is the investigation now."

He didn’t know until later that he used his perception ability to control the clone at a limit distance. When the clone crossed the windless zone and headed to Elbaff, the consciousness of the ontology became weaker and weaker. Choose to sleep and focus all energy on the clone.

So when Garrett was attacked, there was no immediate decision.

"According to Dark Moon’s intelligence, the group of pirates who attacked Xiao Jia was the Black Sail Pirates who had just arrived in the New World some time ago. The leader of the Black Sailing Captain Jerome Orlando is offering a bounty of 190,000,000. (190 million) Bailey’s Great Pirate is also the one with the highest bounty among their supernovas in the same period. He has two masters, both of whom are good at bounty of 150 million Bailey."

A black-haired woman holding a document stepped forward and slowly said that she was the second princess of Dresrosa, Violet.However, at this time Violet had completely adapted to his secretary\'s identity, and gathered all the information together during the time when Lorne was sleeping.

"Jerome Orlando?" Lorne chewed on the name, there was no information about this person in his memory.

"You mean this person attacked Xiao Jia?"

Lorne was a little uncertain. He knew Xiao Jia\'s strength. She was born with the blood of the Charlotte family. Her physical strength was far superior to ordinary people. Whether it was physical skills or two-color domineering, she was extremely good. The blood and blood of Pope Ratzinger of Truth is extremely powerful.

An ordinary supernova cannot be her opponent at all.

For example, the group of arrogant and domineering pirates in the Chambordian Islands before could not walk through even one face in her hand.

However, because of his status as Qi Wuhai, the king, Xiao Jia was not offered a reward, but according to Lorne\'s estimation, if the Navy were to issue a reward, Xiao Jia\'s reward would never be less than 300 million Baileys.