The Pirate Family

543 Chapter 534 Four Sins

"Give up, Wang Zhi is a legend from the previous era, and Yaluru in his twilight years can never be his opponent."

"After Yaluru, the only obstacle is cleared, the entire Elbaff will completely belong to me."

Elbaff’s Kingdom Island, the Dark Iron Castle of Loki was transformed into a huge prison by Thor, imprisoning his original master.

Thor sat on the Dark Iron Throne that originally belonged to Loki, lowered his head and looked down at his brother.

"Although I don\'t know where you found those humans, their strength is still too weak compared to Wang Zhi."

"Manpower has limits, and Wang Zhi is one of the few men who have reached the limits of mankind."

Thor seemed to admire Wang Zhi so much, even if he faced Lorne, who instantly defeated Iwashan, who was awarded the title of "hero", he thought he would not be Wang Zhi\'s opponent.

After all, he had witnessed the event that shocked the world with his own eyes and knew what kind of monsters these seemingly small humans were.

"What if Lorne has also reached the limit of humanity?"

Loki was bound by chains.Imprisoned in a huge steel cage.

He was covered with scars, and pus was constantly flowing out of the untreated wounds, exuding a disgusting smell.

Laura sat next to Loki and carefully helped him wipe the blood and pus from his body.Although Rocky may have a very perverted hobby, he stood at the gate of the giant prison, even if he was madly beaten by Thor, he still had to protect his scene, which completely touched the soft heart of this girl.

"You don\'t know Ron at all. Why do you think he is weaker than your Wang Zhi?"

Loki said loudly.

"So do you know that human kid? What kind of earth-shattering career has he done in the open sea?" Thor asked rhetorically.

Rocky was speechless. He only knew the two humans, one man and one woman, allies belonging to Albuff and the naval department of the world government. Besides, he knew nothing about their overseas information. .

But I don\'t know why, that human man seems to have a strange magical power that makes Loki firmly believe that anything, as long as that man wants to do it, he can do it!

"Hehe, stop your unreasonable delusions, do you really think that tiny human being will be your savior? When the news of Yaluru\'s death comes back in a while, the charge will be added In your body, you will become Albuff’s sinner and die with sin."

"You, fell in love with the daughter of Elbaff\'s mortal enemy. This is one of your guilt."

"Before the Fasting Day, knowing that the father\'s heart is not good, but colluding with others and robbing the prisoners of the Giants Prison is the second crime."

"After being imprisoned in the Giant\'s Prison, you did not want to repent and destroyed the defenses of the Giant\'s Prison, and released those prisoners who were extremely sinful. If it weren\'t for where I was, it would cause incalculable destruction. This is your responsibility. three."

"Master Yalulu came from other places and was attacked by the Neptune group. Unfortunately, this is your fourth guilt!"

"Such four crimes will be completely nailed to your Loki\'s name. Even if you die, your name will be linked to humiliation."

"And I will personally cut off the head of your rebellious person, and then become Albuff, and even the god of the whole world."

Thor is enthusiastic, his ambition is not lost to anyone!

Loranu snorted, trying to say something, but in the end he didn\'t say it.Thor\'s behavior was a superficial framing. When she was in the world, she saw the kings under her mother\'s fight for power and profit, doing much better than Thor!If Thor was doing this kind of thing in the new world, he would be spotted at a glance.

But after all, this is Elbuff, the simple and honest Elbuff. The simple giants will only believe what they see before their eyes, and they will only believe that Rocky is the culprit of all this!

Moreover, there is a loophole in Thor\'s words, that is,

Lorne has never been an unknown person in the open sea!


At this moment, the ancient bell hanging over the hall suddenly rang, and a smile appeared on Thor\'s mouth.

"The time is almost here, Yalulu has no chance to come here to save you, your life is over, my dear brother."

Several fanatical giant soldiers worked together to lift the iron cage holding Loki onto a Thunder Dragon carriage.

"This carriage will drag you on the streets, and after traveling around the capital of the kingdom, it will send you to the top of the palace pyramid."

"Don\'t worry, where I have placed a few sound transmission horns, your wailing before you die will spread throughout the entire Kingdom Island, and even the entire Elbaff!"

Thor said, and then put away the gloating expression on his face, and turned to become sore. He looked at the residents of Kingdom Island standing on both sides of the road with a trace of sadness in his eyes, as if he was trying to help the king Ji felt sad for such a scum.

The giant residents in the unknown place looked angrily at Loki, who was being held in a cage, killing his father and killing the king. In the eyes of the relatively simple folk style, Elbaff, this is quite a rebellious thing.Odin used his mighty force to guard Albuff for nearly a hundred years. Even when the pirates were rampant several decades ago, not many people dared to offend here and were loved by everyone.Loki\'s behavior is undoubtedly standing on the opposite side of all giants.

"Unexpectedly, Prince Rocky is such a scum!"

"I heard that the guy from the old Luke\'s house on the next street joined Rocky\'s guard a few years ago. Now it seems that he is blind! What a good pirate, why did he follow? Bastard!"

"Fortunately, Prince Thor presides over justice. Otherwise, if Elbaff falls into Loki\'s hands, the consequences will be unimaginable!"

"I heard that when Loki was in the Giants Prison yesterday, he wanted to escape and almost released all the prisoners. He was lawless!"


The voices of the giant inhabitants reached Rocky\'s ears, and he stared straight ahead with no expression on his face.Laura wanted to speak and argued for Loki, but the former shook his head slightly at Laura.

Lola heard this, and then lowered her head in frustration.

She remembered what Kata Kuri had said. Many times, she could not explain clearly with just one mouth.The more humble a person is, the more he believes only what his eyes see.

Even if the truth is right in front of them, they will not choose to believe.

At this time, the figure with black hair could not help appearing in Laura\'s heart.

Brother-in-law, where are you?