The Pirate Family

532 Chapter 524: Lorne's Trump Card

The two figures flickered quickly, and every time they collided, there was a earth-shattering impact, either pitch black or transparent armed colors intertwined and scattered, destroying the entire island.


Lorne used the "ROOM" ability to swap positions with a tree. At the moment that tree was shattered, a blow wind struck him across several tens of meters, and Lorne quickly covered the dark domineering arm on his arm. It was just enough to withstand this attack.

However, judging from his weak hand hanging down and the blood dripping, the price to resist this attack is definitely not small.

"Good learning ability, able to master the switching of the two armed colors so quickly." Wang Zhi stood on the wreckage of the giant tree and commented lightly.

This is an advanced use of armed colors, Liu Ying\'s domineering and destructive power, the pitch black domineering and incomparably hard, by constantly switching during the battle, it can greatly enhance their combat effectiveness.

But I didn\'t expect that just after he demonstrated it once, Lorne learned it, maybe give him some time, he can really become a character like Roger.

But it\'s a pity that such a genius is about to die in this place.

"But there is no chance. Although you still don\'t understand the mechanism of your ability, no matter what kind of ability, it can\'t be generated out of thin air. It needs the physical strength of the ability person. Now you should be on the verge of your limit."

Wang Zhi kept touching the ground with his legs, and a spider-web-like crack appeared on the ground under his feet.Then his body disappeared before Ron\'s eyes again.

This is the experience he gained after fighting with many capable people.In fact, he guessed it correctly. Every use of Lorne\'s "Surgery Fruit" required a lot of his physical energy. At this time, his physical energy was almost exhausted.

The speed of light is 300,000 meters per second, and Wang Zhi\'s speed is so fast that the light can\'t catch his shadow, even for only a moment, this is terrifying.And the most terrifying thing is that he did not use a technique similar to "shaving", but simply relied on his own physical power!

Is this the strength of the top physique expert!

In the next moment, Wang Zhi appeared in front of Ron, and hit Ron\'s chest with a horizontal kick.

So fast, Lorne subconsciously wanted to use his arm defense.


Lorne couldn\'t dodge and was kicked into the air.

With one hit, Wang Zhi did not sit and wait for death. Instead, he took advantage of the victory to pursue his attack. His legs suddenly exerted force, and he flew out like a spring. He had already caught up with Ron on the way.

"It\'s all over!"

Wang Zhi appeared above Luo En, Liu Ying\'s domineering covering one foot, and then stepped on Luo En\'s waist heavily.


The touch sent back from the toes was not the feeling of broken flesh and blood, but a hard stone. When Ron\'s body was completely out of control, he once again replaced his body with a distant stone.

The stone shattered in an instant, and Ron also got a chance to breathe and struggled to stand up.

"Will you be dying to struggle? You don\'t even fail to understand this, right? That\'s you now, you don\'t have the strength to fight me at all." Wang Zhi shook his leg, and then gasped involuntarily. Rude, even though his physical stamina is at the monster level, he is a twilight old man after all, and his physical stamina will inevitably decline.At this time, he was also approaching his limit.

Must fight quickly!

"Cough cough," Wang Zhi\'s little gesture did not escape Ron\'s eyes, and Ron stood up slowly, spitting out a mouthful of blood.But there was no trace of despair in his heart.

Although he was on the verge of his limit, Ron had mastered that technique!

Without an accurate estimate of the physical limits of both parties, this is the second step of Wang Zhi\'s defeat!

Lorne\'s appearance made Wang Zhi frown slightly. He hated the appearance of those young people screaming Faith, Companion, and then standing up to fight with him in blood. It was obvious that the strength gap between the two sides was so obvious, and he accepted it with peace of mind. Is your own destiny bad?

"Die!" Wang Zhi\'s body disappeared again, leaving a black shadow in the air, rushing towards Lorne.

His speed slowed down!Everyone on the scene could see that even though the naked eye still couldn\'t catch it, this meant one thing, Wang Zhi\'s physical fitness was close to the limit!

With a terrifying aura dancing with a violent wind, Wang Zhi instantly slammed in front of Luo En, his arms and legs full of murderous aura.

But when he shot, Wang Zhi was still careful about the scalpel Lorne hid on his body. If he loses another arm, the balance of victory may be reversed.

"It\'s useless!" A glint flashed in Lorne\'s eyes. What he had been waiting for was this opportunity!A lavender aperture centered on him, spreading everywhere, and merged with the "ROOM" space of the fruit of surgery, turning into a brand new field.

"Welcome to my world!"

"Here, it\'s called Hell!"

Domineering is the ability that only one person can possess among every million people, and is known as a symbol of the strong.

After fighting with Jhin, Lorne awakened the overlord, but never knew how to use him. He regarded it as a skill to clean up trash.It wasn\'t until later in the Battle of Slaka that he saw the "Overlord Territory" of the red-haired Shanks, that Lorne truly understood the real use of the overlord\'s domineering.

In that overlord territory, Shanks\' physical stamina has always been at its peak, and every gesture has great power.

Later Shanks told Lorne that the essence of overlord color is a kind of belief. As long as you believe that you can do it, even if your physical energy has been exhausted long ago, you can also use power beyond the limit. Anyone who possesses overlord color, As long as his domineering aura has not dissipated, he will never fall due to lack of energy.

In other words, as long as the overlord color is turned on, one\'s own physical energy is equivalent to unlimited.At that time, Lorne nodded faintly, but later when he practiced it, he realized that things are not that simple.

When using the domineering look, I did feel that I was full of power, and all my exhaustion disappeared.But to maintain the domineering look, you need to always maintain that kind of self-respect mentality.This is why, the overlord and domineering owners in the original work can only use it for a short time each time they use it, or simply use it for an instant to clean up the miscellaneous soldiers.

Because people are not machines after all, it is too difficult to maintain the same mentality in battle.This is why Lorne has never heard that apart from red hair, other people can use the territory of the overlord.

So Lorne took a different approach, combining the domineering look of the overlord with his own "ROOM" space, and his mentality requirements were far less stringent than the "overlord\'s territory".Although it is not as abnormal as unlimited physical strength, it can also greatly reduce the physical energy consumption of the operation fruit.

With Lorne\'s current physical condition, the time he can fully maintain this "hell space" is ten minutes.