The Pirate Family

524 Chapter 516

Is this the strength of a giant with the title of "hero"?For the first time, Wulai felt how ridiculous his previous decision to challenge the "Trial of Heroes" was.

But the blood flowing in his bones made him never give in. He let out a low roar, got rid of all the giant soldiers who had caught him, and then rushed towards the rock mountain.

"A true soldier will never yield, a true soldier will always be tenacious!"


Yanshan hit Wulai\'s abdomen with a punch, Wulai\'s body arched back, and then flew out tens of meters, hitting the wall of the black iron castle heavily, and could not get up again.

"Courage is commendable, but courage without power is meaningless."

Yanshan said slowly, at this time Jeno stood up and looked at Wulai firmly, with resentment in his eyes, "Master Yanshan, please allow me to get rid of the remnants of Loki by myself."

Wulai bit one of his ears, absolutely unforgivable!

He drew a sharp sword from the waist of the giant soldier next to him, and walked towards Wulai with a killing intent, "Don’t be afraid, I won’t kill you right away, but will take the flesh on your body Cut it down with one knife, and then in front of you, enjoy your favorite Jasmine."

The face of the knife shone with cold light, reflecting Wulai\'s eyes.

With eyes full of disdain, he looked at Jeno coldly.

"Death in your hands is the greatest shame of my Wulai!"

"Haha." Jeno sneered, raising his long knife high and aiming it at Wulai\'s eyes. First of all, he wanted to remove these annoying eyes.


A loud noise rang in everyone\'s ears, not the sound of a sharp sword piercing the flesh and blood, but the roar of something hitting the wall.

Qiang Qiang!

A few white slashes pierced the wall and hit the rock mountain. Yanshan frowned slightly. His hands were on his chest, and his arms were covered with dark domineering.

The slash hit Yanshan\'s arm heavily, causing him to back up a few steps before stopping. On his sturdy arm, several light white white marks appeared.

"Who!" Yanshan said coldly, his voice roaring like thunder and lightning.


After being slashed, the wall could no longer withstand the impact, and a hole was knocked open. Numerous black bricks fell to the ground and smoke was everywhere.

In the thick smoke, a fat mouse walked out slowly. On its back, two people, one man and one woman, were sitting.

The woman was holding a short knife and was slowly pulling it into its sheath.The shocking waves of slashes just now came from her hands.


Iwayama\'s pupils shrank slightly, and he felt that the development of the matter was beyond his control.

Of course he knew these two people, but he was arrested and thrown into the Throne of Giants when he was invited to the banquet by Loki before. Is there something wrong with Your Majesty Thor?

"Hehe, I didn\'t expect the two of you to dare to come here," Jeno said with a twisted face. At this time, he hated Ulai and everything related to him.

"But this is just right, I will kill you in front of him."

The giant mouse walked forward slowly, and neither Lorne and Zhuan Yuan, who were sitting on his back, looked at him.

Jeno felt that he had been insulted and screamed and rushed towards Lorne.

"Kill you!"

"What\'s going on?" Ron asked slowly when the giant rat walked to Wulai\'s side.

"Jeno betrayed Lord Loki!" Ulay spit out some minced meat that was chewed by him, that was Jeno\'s ear, and said coldly.

As a soldier, the thing he hates most is betrayal.

"Understood." Lorne nodded, "You have done well enough, and I will leave the rest to me."

He came to this place originally to look for clues left by his father, but this Thor dares to shoot himself, so don\'t blame yourself for shattering his ambitions and dreams.

"Less arrogant!" Jeno was furious when he heard that Ron dared to despise himself like this, "When I became a soldier, you didn\'t know where to breastfeed!"


The long knife fell, and the cold light shone.But the moment he touched Lorne, Jeno\'s expression suddenly solidified.

"The frog is silent, and the summer insect is silent." Lorne said slowly, "Only when I haven\'t seen how big a bug this world is, will I be complacent because of a little power."

Jeno didn’t speak. This was the last voice he heard. He just wanted to refute, but found that he couldn’t say anything. His world was spinning around, Jeno saw a head through the bright face of the knife. Spin in the air.

Why is this head so familiar?


Jeno\'s headless corpse collapsed, and blood was splashed on the wall.

"Among the humans I have ever seen, you are the strongest." After seeing this scene, the Yanshan on the side said slowly. Just as Jeno was about to take a shot, the woman moved and a cold light flashed. , And then retracted the knife into its sheath, and almost everyone present did not react, and Jeno\'s head was cut off.

Is this really the power that humans can have?

"Are you interested in joining us to create a great empire together." He stretched out his arm towards Lorne and said slowly.Although the woman\'s strength was terrifying, Yanshan still felt that the man was the backbone of the two.

It is absolutely impossible for a person with this kind of strength to be an unknown person.Perhaps their reputation overseas is even comparable to that of the old man in the giant prison, Wang Zhi.

With the help of these two people, Lord Thor\'s plan may be much smoother.

As for Jeno\'s hatred?A traitor, who cares.

Yanshan was absolutely sure that the man would not refuse him, because the stronger the person, the more hesitated his life.After seeing the power of His Majesty Thor, they could not have the thought of resistance.

"You might not catch what I just said." Lorne jumped off the giant rat and walked slowly towards the rock mountain.

"Only if you haven\'t seen how big a bug this world is, will you be complacent with a little bit of power."

"Let me join you, are you worthy?"

Lorne said word by word, every time he said a word, Yanshan\'s complexion became ugly, and after all he said, Yanshan\'s complexion was completely gloomy.

"So you are rejecting us?" A killing intent erupted from Yanshan. Anyone who knew him knew that Yanshan was really angry.

"Do you want me to continue?" Lorne said slowly, an overbearing aura spreading around him centered on him. After the people around felt the aura, their eyes couldn\'t help but look towards him. Lorne.

"This is the egg of the overlord?"

Yanshan said in surprise, the Overlord\'s Egg is very rare, and even the entire Giant Kingdom has very few owners. I didn\'t expect a human being in this area to have it.

But Iwayama didn\'t care about this at all, and squeezed to death the owner of the "Overlord\'s Egg", which made him feel very fulfilled.

"Then, I can only kill you."

"Just try it."