The Pirate Family

521 Chapter 513

"It\'s like the shell of an egg, the whole egg is extremely strong, but as long as there is a crack, the whole egg will be broken instantly."

"Farewell, my dear brother."

As Thor fell for the last time, there was a chaotic sound and a little wind.

"Did you run up after you?" Lon touched the giant mouse\'s head and asked.

"Squeak!" The giant mouse nodded, and then looked at Ron with watery eyes, his eyes full of prayers.

"Good job, this is what you deserve." Lorne praised. He was certain that Thor would come to "visit" after he sent Rocky to prison, so he wanted to get some useful information through a special phone worm. , I didn\'t expect to get such a burst of news.

He waved his hand at the giant mouse. The giant mouse felt that an important part reappeared on his body, then subconsciously stood up, looked at his lower body, and saw his baby finally returned to him. On his body, tears filled his eyes and danced.


Zhuan Yuan widened his eyes, and said slowly after a long time.

"Perverted, disgusting." Then, as if thinking of something, he retched against the wall for a while."This giant royal family is abnormal. Maybe the world government cooperated with this group of abnormalities, it was a wrong decision!"

"There are more disgusting things in the sea," Lorne said slowly, surprised at Zhuan Yuan\'s ability to accept it, "You are still a lieutenant admiral, don\'t you even have such a ability to accept it?"

In fact, when Lorne came out of Loki\'s palace for the first time, he had a little speculation, but because all this had nothing to do with him, he didn\'t think much.

"But, this Loki, he actually likes to refrigerate the body of his lover, and then when he misses, he cuts a piece of meat from his lover and makes a big meal."

"Oh." Thinking of the strong smell of formalin in Rocky\'s room, Zhuan Yuan felt her stomach overwhelmed. Fortunately, she didn\'t eat any strange meat when she was a guest at Rocky\'s castle.

People cannot eat people. This is the bottom line, and it is also a taboo that applies to everyone.

"When your hungry body can\'t move, don\'t say it is human flesh, even if it is a lump of shit, as long as it can be eaten to survive, there are countless people rushing to eat it."

Lorne said lightly. At this time, he recalled that many years ago, when he and Xiaojia were trapped on the island, he had thought of drinking human blood, when the endless hunger hit like a devil. , The human will seems extremely ridiculous.

Zhuan Yuan didn\'t argue with Lorne, she didn\'t know what happened to Lorne, so she didn\'t know what Lorne thought.

People can never feel the same way as another person.

"This is not the time to talk about this." After retching for a while, Zhuan Yuan said with some collapse."What should we do now? Should we continue to help Rocky or take refuge in Thor?

"Are you sure Thor will continue to work with you after he takes office as the Giant King?" Lorne asked back. Zhuan Yuan was startled, then he was silent when he remembered Thor\'s conversation with the old man.

Thor\'s ambition is to conquer this sea as a giant. How can he cooperate with the world government?

The cooperation between the world government and Elbaff must not be interrupted, at least not because of itself.Zhuan Yuan was a little discouraged. Is he really going to help that cannibal demon seize the throne?

For the first time, she had doubts about the word "justice" engraved on her cloak.

"And the most important thing is not that Rocky likes to eat people," Ron said slowly, "but his brother, Thor."

"I always thought that the giants were brave and insidious. I didn\'t expect this Thor to be so calm that he could wait twenty years for a plan."

"Although the plan is still rough, Thor is more qualified to hold the title of that wise hero than his brother."

"To be valued so much by Thor, the man called Wang Zhi must be a big man," Zhuan Yuan grabbed his head, thinking hard, but couldn\'t think of a great pirate named Wang Zhi in the sea.

"The history you know is not necessarily a complete history. There are countless unknown strong men in this world." Lorne said slowly, like the smile that saved his life, the man who can fight the admiral. , Has remained unknown until now. There is no legend about him in this sea.

Boom boom boom!

At this time, there was a slight vibration on the ground, and Loki grabbed Lola and rushed up from the bottom of the giant prison, just passing by the cell of Lorne and the others.

"I\'m going to kill you! Thor!"

Loki’s voice resounded like Hong Zhong, ringing throughout the prison, but the two of Ron, who was held at his feet first, did not notice. The other prisoners saw the mighty Loki, followed him, and wanted to follow him. rush out,

But then, a giant cat came out of the shadows, licked its own pad, and said coldly.

"I allowed you to leave your cage, meow!"

A faint coercion, centered on the cat, spread everywhere. Some of the weaker prisoners couldn\'t bear this coercion and directly fainted on the ground.

"This cat will be overbearing?" Lorne said in surprise. It seemed that he had made the right decision not to do anything with it before.Creatures with domineering colors are born kings.

The cat also noticed the two of Lorne in the cage, and said in surprise.

"You didn\'t run away Meow?"

It looked around, and then its tail swept across the cage, and the strong steel bars broke apart. "Then quickly follow Loki and get out of here!"

"How do you manage the prison?" Zhuan Yuan asked in surprise.She was also going to explain to the cat, but the cat\'s words made her swallow all the rhetoric in her throat.

"Loki told me that if I don\'t help him, he will take care of me after he inherits the position of the old man!" The cat said with a guilty conscience, scratching his head, "So please hurry up Leave home here!"

After speaking, the cat rushed to the prisoners who were scattered and said, "Don\'t want to run away!"

Zhuan Yuan came to the aisle of the prison with a dazed expression. At this time, the entire giant prison became a mess. There was a fierce battle between the jailers and the prisoners, and no one noticed a few "tiny" humans.

"Now let\'s help Loki?" Zhuan Yuan asked tentatively. At this time, she had no idea what to do.

"No," Lorne shook his head, "the most important thing now is that one thing,"

"The giant named Yaluru."