The Pirate Family

512 Chapter 504

When everyone returned to Loki\'s castle, there was still some grievance between Loki\'s eyebrows, but after seeing the crowd came back, he stretched out his face and said in a pleasant tone.

"You came back so soon, yes..."

"Fortunately not insulting my life." Lorne said lightly. At this time, Wulai fumbled for a while in the pocket of his battle skirt, and finally caught a weak woman.

"Little Lola!" After seeing the human woman in Wulai\'s hand, Loki walked to him excitedly, and after taking it from Wulai\'s hand, he carefully held it in his hand, as if carrying a rare gem.

In the eyes of the lover, his lover is the most precious thing in the world.

"Brother Rocky?" Lola opened her misty eyes and said in disbelief.She wanted to squeeze her face to confirm that she was not dreaming, but she did not dare to squeeze it down, fearing that the dream would break.

"It\'s me, it\'s me, you\'ll be fine if you come back!" Rocky put Lola on his shoulder, and then solemnly said to Ron, "This time I really thank you, and you will be my Rocky\'s from now on. My friend, the distinguished guest of Albuff!"

"Don\'t forget the agreement between you and me." Lorne said lightly. He didn\'t want to have too much contact with this country. He just wanted to find the man with straw hat in his father\'s letter quickly.

If possible, print a copy of the historical text treasured in the giant palace, and then leave the country.

He had a hunch that soon, this sea will undergo earth-shaking changes.

"Of course." Loki clapped his hands, and Jeno walked out of the shadows. He was holding a heavy animal skin with the words of the Kingdom of Giants written all over it.

"On Kingdom Island, the files of all the people who made straw hats are recorded here. I have sent someone to invite them. You can see them tomorrow evening. I just don’t know if there is any People looking for."

"That\'s enough." Lorne nodded. This is the advantage of the earth snake, they know the country far better than themselves.

"But just like this, it cannot repay my gratitude to you." Loki sat on his dark iron throne again, "Tomorrow, it is fasting day, tonight the palace will hold a grand banquet, I invite You, as my friend of Rocky, join this banquet."

He took out three invitation cards, which were sent by the plaited giant before.

"Fasting Day is a traditional festival in Elbaff, similar to the Shalong Festival in the New World, it is the most solemn festival of the year." Admiral Jasmine, who was next to him, saw Lorne puzzled and explained.

"On Fasting Day, every giant will pray at home for the blessing of our ancestors. The duration is twelve days. However, it is difficult for giants to not eat or drink for a long time, so on Fasting Day Before and after, the giants of Elbaff will hold grand banquets."

"Is that so?" Lorne lowered his head and thought for a moment.Anyway, it won’t be until tomorrow to see all the people who make straw hats on this island. Why not come to visit Albuff’s customs today, so he nodded slowly towards Loki.

"Then thank your Highness first."

"Hahahaha! You helped me so much, as I should." Rocky laughed loudly, and arranged for a few giant soldiers to take everyone to the castle room to rest for a while.He took Laura back to the bedroom.

At this time, there was a long table in his bedroom. The table was covered with a white cloth. The white cloth was covered with all kinds of exquisite food. A pile of candles were lit at both ends to illuminate the whole room.

"You have been imprisoned in that dark prison for so long, you must be starving." Rocky said affectionately, "These are all I ordered the chef to make specially. You try it quickly."

Laura was really hungry. She sat at the other end of the long table, regardless of table manners, picked up the meat on the plate closest to her and started to eat.

The meat is dark yellow. Although it looks a little weird, it melts in the mouth. It is different from other meats that Laura has eaten. It has a strange aroma.Laura couldn\'t help eating a few more.

But after all, she was still a human, even if she was extremely hungry, she was somewhat full after eating a few pieces.She raised her head and looked at her lover looking at her affectionately. She asked before she could even swallow the food in her mouth.

"Woo, won\'t you eat it?" You can\'t enjoy such a delicious thing by yourself!

"Yeah," Loki showed a perfect smile, then picked up the meat in front of him and ate it slowly.At this time, Laura finally swallowed the food in her mouth. This piece of meat was delicious but not greasy, she asked in surprise.

"What kind of meat is this, how can it be so delicious!"

As a child of the Charlotte family, although she did not get the attention of her mother, she also grew up in a beautiful food. She has never eaten this kind of delicious food even on Cake Island.

"This is my love." Loki wiped his mouth and said with a smile.


As dusk approached, Loki reluctantly bid farewell to Lola in the castle,

"Don\'t worry, I will convince the father this time and let him fulfill us!"

"En, I believe you!" Laura\'s eyes were filled with tears. In her life, no one had ever cared about her so much. She had decided to live a good life with Rocky.

There is a huge Thunder Dragon creeping outside the castle, and a futon is installed on the back of the Thunder Dragon for people to sit on.

After bidding farewell to Laura, Loki sat on the futon directly, at which time Ron and others had already sat on it and waited for him.Due to personal reasons, Jasmine and Wulai did not go with them.

The back of the huge Thunder Dragon was like a small square. Lorne and Zhuan Yuan sat in one corner, feeling very broad.

"It seems that he likes the little girl from the Charlotte family." At this time, Zhuan Yuan said softly to Lorne next to her, her brows frowned slightly, she did not give any blessings to the lovers, but rather more. A trace of sorrow.

After all, the Charlotte family is one of the craziest pirate families in this sea. If they were helped by Elbaff, the kingdom of giants, even the navy and even the world government would find it extremely tricky.

Had it not taken into consideration the covenant between the world government and Albuff, Zhuan Yuan would have been unable to help.

"That\'s true. After getting help from Elbaff, the last defect of the BIG·MOM Pirates will be filled." Lorne was playing with his fingernails at this time, and after hearing what Zhuan Yuan said, Said somewhat playfully.

"But have you forgotten one thing, I\'m also a member of the Charlotte family."

Zhuan Yuan was startled, but then shook his head.She looked at Lorne seriously.

"No, you are different from them."

"You are Wien Hill, not Charlotte."