The Pirate Family

500 Chapter 493: The Pirate Who Doesn't Know What the Color of the Sea Is

Great route, new world, cake island.

In the cake castle, Garrett wearing a red dress was enjoying this rare afternoon tea. At the main seat of the hall, Charlotte Lingling threw a lot of desserts into her mouth and smiled openly.

"Well, my daughter is really capable! If other brothers and sisters can remember like Xiao Jia. In this way, whether it is the guy Kaido or the old man with white beard, they will quickly treat me Bow down and claim your court!"

She was very happy, because Garrett came back this time and brought her good news.

The New World has a small island called the Kingdom of Gigi. The citizens here are brave and good at fighting. It is one of the few forces that can deal with the pirates after the navy leaves the New World.Moreover, this island is rich in a special kind of sugarcane, and the refined juice is so delicious that Charlotte Lingling has always been greedy.

Because there is a Loxo Sea between IWC and Gigi Island, the old man with the white beard is watching, and he dare not march forward and seize the dominance of this island. Ruoyi has never tasted the delicious food as he wished. Sugarcane juice.

But when little Garrett came back, he even told himself that Lorne had gained the right to rule Gigi Island.And wanting to transfer this ruling power to the nations, which makes Charlotte Lingling very happy, and has always praised Garrett.

"In order to defend against the pirates, King Gigi kept buying weapons and equipment from the Vennhill family. When the navy re-entered the new world, the amount of Bailey owed to the Vennhill family by Gigi Island had reached an astronomical number. Lette put a small and cute cake into his mouth and chewed it carefully.

"If this is okay, after the navy returned to the New World, the situation on Gigi Island finally stabilized, and they can slowly repay the money. But the good times did not last long, and King Gigi, who was ready to show his skills, suddenly disappeared. , The entire Jiji Kingdom collapsed and fell into a melee. In order to repay the debts of the Wienhill family, the last successor had to divide the ruling power of Jiji Island and give it to the family."

Garrett whispered, in fact, there are many such islands in the four seas, and the Vennhill family is also willing to sell weapons to these people on credit, anyway, the account will definitely be recovered in the end.

Some people may say that the Vennhill family is a war fortune, but without the family\'s weapon support, these countries would have been overwhelmed by the surging waves of this era.

"Anyway, so the Gigi Island will pay me tribute next, right." Charlotte Lingling thought of the deliciousness, and her saliva couldn\'t stop flowing down.Her eyes started to turn red slowly.

"Mom, note that eating disorders." Garrett reminded.At this time, Charlotte Lingling\'s eyes became clear. She wiped off the saliva from the corner of her mouth and said with a smile.

"It\'s okay, I can already control it!"

After eating the engagement cakes of Lorne and Garrett, Charlotte Lingling\'s schizophrenia has obviously improved a lot. Although she still suffers, it is not as uncontrollable as before.Six relatives did not recognize the illness.This is why Charlotte Lingling likes her daughter more and more.

She grabbed a cup of black tea placed on the table and poured it into her mouth, then wiped her mouth dry, as if thinking of something, and said to Garrett."By the way, that little guy Lorne should be in the whale waters now, right?"

Why does mother ask this?Although Garrett had doubts, he nodded.

"Lorne seems to be looking for something when he goes out to sea this time. At this time, he should still be in the whale waters."

She didn\'t dare to tell her mother about Lorne\'s going to Elbaff, because that had always been her mother\'s heart disease, and the term giant was a taboo in all nations.

Fortunately, Charlotte Lingling didn\'t notice this either, she said while eating.

"The old man with the white beard didn\'t know what was going crazy, he started to chase down the pirates who appeared in the waters of the giant whale, and many pirate groups were destroyed there."

"But it has nothing to do with me," Charlotte Lingling put a piece of cake into her mouth, "but some time ago, little Lola who passed by the giant whale water suddenly disappeared. If little Lorne meets If so, please bring back Lola."

"Is that so?" Jia Lei nodded characteristically "I will tell him."

Garrett remembers Lola, and like himself and Poval, Lola and Chiffon are also a team of twin sisters.However, because the Charlotte family is too large, she and Laura are not very close. In Garrett’s memory, Laura is a little younger than herself and did not inherit the beauty of her mother when she was young. It\'s not good-looking, so it didn\'t get the attention of mother.

Otherwise, if Garrett disappeared before, Charlotte Lingling was furious, and even dispatched Kata Kuri, just to get her back. Now that Lola is missing, she just mentioned it symbolically.

But Garrett remembered it secretly, after all, Lola was her sister.

The mother and daughter talked for a while before Garrett said goodbye to her mother. This time she did not return to her residence, but came to the port.I have stayed on Cake Island for such a long time, and it is time to go back.

The Scarlet Rose Yang Fan set sail quickly, and Garrett squinted her eyes slightly while blowing the salty sea breeze. She suddenly thought of Lorne, wondering what happened to Lorne\'s brother now.

The ship quickly left the world. Seeing the colorful sea water under the ship gradually turned into azure blue, Garrett suddenly sighed, and then prepared to return to his cabin to rest.But when she passed a wine barrel, she suddenly stopped.


Garrett kicked the wine barrel, and a girl\'s voice came from inside.

"Wow, stop kicking, so dizzy!"

A girl wearing a panda headgear crawled out of the wine barrel. Regardless of Garrett\'s surprised eyes, she ran to the ship\'s side and retched.


After vomiting for a long time, she came to Garrett with a pale face, curled up and blocked her ears with her hands, as if she would scold if you wanted to, anyway, she wouldn\'t listen.

Seeing her sister like this, Garrett\'s anger was mostly gone.She tapped Beauwa\'er on the head three times, then asked.

"Why are you here?"

"People, they want to go out with my sister to see what the outside world is like," Powar said aggrievedly, "I have grown up so much and I have never left the world."

While speaking, she caught a glimpse of the blue sea and suddenly said excitedly.

"Sister, look at it, the sea here is actually blue," she couldn\'t help but admire as her eyes flashed through small stars.

"It\'s so beautiful."

Seeing her sister like this, Garrett was silent.Indeed, since the accident when she was a child, her mother has become more strict with her children, and she is not allowed to leave the world.

Little Boval grew up in this environment. As a pirate, I don\'t know that the sea is blue. This sounds stupid, but it\'s true.

The children of the Charlotte family cannot resist the mother\'s will.

"I\'ve read it now, it\'s time to go back." Garrett said, she looked at Pauval dozingly. This little girl was one of the very few people she really valued. She couldn\'t bear this little girl being hurt.And according to Lorne\'s opportunity, the Vennhill family will soon become the center of the storm, staying in that place, the flowers in the greenhouse like Beauvais, it is easy to die.

After that incident, only Wan Guo will be relatively safe.

"No, sister." Poval said pitifully when he came to Garrett."I have been in IWC for 17 years, and the flowers and plants there are already familiar with it, so let me see the outside world!"

She hugged Garrett\'s arm tightly and rubbed her head against Garrett\'s arm, like a little cat.

"Sister, I will be obedient! I\'ll go wherever you go, and I won\'t run around!"

"Even if I just turn around in my brother-in-law\'s territory, I\'m very satisfied."

"If that\'s not possible," Poval became frustrated when he saw that his sister still did not agree."Sister, let me go back, give me a boat, and let me go back to Cake Island alone. Accept my mother\'s punishment."

As she talked, her eyes turned red. She understood that her mother would not be kind to any child who did not listen to her own words.

She suddenly envied her sister, who was able to gallop in this sea freely, and she could only be a caged bird.Although unrestrained, but never get a free cage bird.

The more the little girl was like this, the more silent Garrett became. At the end, she touched Boval\'s little head helplessly and said with a smile.

"Alright, alright, I promise you that, but you have to promise me that you must be obedient, after all, the outside world is much more dangerous than you think!"

"Okay!" Poval had no hope, but after hearing what her sister said, he jumped up excitedly.The little chicken said like a peck, "I promise, I promise, I will listen to my sister."

Garrett wanted to say something, but a crew member suddenly came to Garrett and whispered in her ear.Her complexion changed drastically, and then she stood up and looked into the distance. A ship with the flag of Jie Tian envoy was in exchange of fire with several pirate ships.

"This is the banner of the Holy Truth," Poval said. Because of the frequent visits to the Holy Truth Church, she is very familiar with the church\'s banner.

Jia Lei nodded her head. It was not this that really shocked her, but this seaman, who was obviously composed of church civilians, was able to fight against those fierce pirates.Garrett even recognized that among the pirates besieging the church ships, there were a few large pirates with a bounty of over 150 million.

"It\'s really interesting. The pirate doesn\'t know that the sea is blue, and the church personnel will fight." Garrett suddenly said to himself."This sea is really interesting."

And the church ship seemed to have spotted Garrett and others, and directly broke through the pirates\' defense line, and rushed towards them unkindly.
