The Pirate Family

488 Chapter 481 Hijacking

Yaze\'s face was uncertain. The appearance of this little girl here meant one thing, that is, the master of the Vennhill family, the man called the demon, is likely to be nearby.

In other words, they are likely to be trapped!

"What should I do, Master Yaze!" Suo Lang asked in a trembling voice. Of course he knew the harmless girl in front of him, and he also understood the weight of the girl in Ron\'s heart.But he had completely betrayed the family, and he didn\'t expect Lorne\'s forgiveness.Yaze is his last straw. If Yaze loses or abandons him, Lorne will definitely let him know what cruelty is.

What is more terrible than death is betrayal.

"Shut up!" Ya Ze reprimanded, and the black air current around his body became more vigorous!He looked at Jody with cold eyes.

"You don\'t think you have recovered from your injury, you must be my opponent!"

"An ant like you, I can easily crush to death!"

The appearance of the girl named An Qian is a crisis and an opportunity.As long as you catch her, you can take her hostage and escape.

"Then try." Jody clenched his fists and looked at Yaze confidently.

Needless to say, the two of them acted at the same time, and their figures disappeared instantly and appeared in the middle.The black fists collided with the hideous ghost hands!


A shock wave spread from the position where the two met, forming a shocking wave.Suolang was unstable and fell to the ground.

Bang bang bang!

The ghost clung to Jodi\'s arm and exploded suddenly.However, most of the explosive power was blocked by Jodi\'s arrogance, and only a small part of the impact penetrated through the skin and penetrated into Jodi\'s body.


Jody snorted coldly, without changing his face, with his other hand clenched into a fist, from bottom to top, he hit Yaze\'s face with an uppercut.


Yaze\'s jaw was shattered, but his face remained the same. He turned sideways and bent his arms. With the help of his body sideways, he hit Jodi\'s chest with a fierce elbow.


The spike on the ghost hand pierced Jodi\'s chest directly!

Two men actually chose the most tragic melee at the same time!

The two are separated, their bodies are bloody and not human.Yaze\'s face has been completely distorted, and the white bones are exposed from the flesh and blood, matching his dim skin and tattoos, plus the two horns on his head.It\'s really like an evil spirit coming back from hell.

And Jody was even worse. A big hole was opened in his chest, and various parts of his body were burnt. Someone who didn\'t know thought he was hit by several cannons.

"Hehe, this life will be given to you, I don\'t know how many times you can kill me." Ya Ze grinned, he felt that this body was already overwhelmed, so he decided to commit suicide, and the black air current Once condensed in midair.

"Master Yaze, why are you doing this?!" Suolang next to him was unclear. Didn\'t it mean that he could not communicate with the puppet outside? Why did Master Yaze blew himself up.

However, when he saw these black air currents flying towards him, his pupils shrank, and an incredible flash of light flashed in his eyes.

"Master Yaze, don\'t!"

The black air current seemed to have not heard his call, and went straight into Suo Lang\'s body. Suo Lang felt his flesh and blood swallowed clean by an inexplicable force. He was extremely weak and fell to his knees.


He shouted in despair, didn\'t he take refuge in Lord Yaze?Isn\'t he going to help Master Yaze solve Lorne\'s big trouble?Didn\'t Master Yaze value him very much?

Why give up on him?

Yaze\'s body gradually condensed in front of Suo Lang, Suo Lang seemed to understand something, before turning into a mummy, his eyes widened, and he looked at the man in front of him who was surrounded by black air currents with bitterness.

He wants to see with his own eyes how he died!

From beginning to end, Yaze did not answer Suolang\'s words.

"Is it so vicious? Didn\'t this Suolang take refuge in you?" Jody teased. When Ya Ze was resurrected, Xiao Ansi had already come to Jodi and used her white feathers to recover from her injury. .

After Yaze was resurrected, Jodi\'s injuries were almost restored.

"Do you need a reason to solve the traitor?" Yaze said coldly. In this sea, a person\'s reputation is very important. Even a strong person will be crowned if he has betrayed others. The infamy of the slaves of the upper two surname

Yaze thought that it was an extremely magnanimous thing to take in this Suolang, but he didn\'t expect this idiot to betray him!

Yes, Yaze attributed himself to this trap, which was entirely blamed on Suolang\'s "betrayal", otherwise there would be such a coincidence that he was surrounded by the sky as soon as he arrived.

"Indeed, there is no reason to solve the traitor." Jody nodded. In fact, Yaze blamed Suolang completely.This great craftsman was just a bait thrown by the boss of Lorne.

When he was released before, he used Fat Tiger\'s ability to erase part of his memory, preventing him from revealing the core secrets of the Venn Hill family.He also installed a signal monitor on his scalp and knew his movements well.

Originally wanted to lure Huo over, I didn\'t expect Yaze to be the bait.

"Little Anqian hide behind." Jody whispered to the white-haired girl, and then the dark, armed color domineering once again possessed, and once again fought with Yaze.

The white-haired girl was obediently hiding on the side, looking at the two men with fists, a trace of anxiety flashed in her eyes.But at this time, she suddenly felt an inexplicable sense of crisis behind her.

Domineering is a compulsory course for the cadres of the Weinhill family. Although An Qian did not practice armed domineering because the body is still developing, she has received the careful guidance of all the teachers in that future college.

She is domineering, she ranks in the top three among all the students!

Almost at the moment when she felt the sense of crisis, An Qian moved.The girl\'s body was very soft, she turned sideways, her white and slender legs were bent, and she kicked her behind her at an incredible angle.


She felt that she had touched a soft place, and a woman with a double dagger behind her gave her a surprised look.

"But alertness, or yes."

"Did you learn how to be domineering at a young age?"

But after all, An Qian is a 13 or 14-year-old girl, with a considerable difference in physical strength compared to Oya. The assassin ate An Qian\'s attack with his body, and a dagger was stretched to An Qian\'s chin. .Against her white slender neck.