The Pirate Family

472 Chapter 465 Didi Island

The great route, the new world, the edge of the whale waters, Didi Island.

After almost half a month of sailing, Lorne and his party finally came here. This was their last stop in the new world. Moving forward, it was the legendary death zone, the windless zone.Only by crossing this dangerous windless zone can they reach the destination of this voyage, Albuff.

Perhaps because of the long period of stay at sea, Zhuan Yuan felt a little uncomfortable, so I wanted to stay on the shore for one night and supply supplies by the way.It\'s just that Jasmine, the giantess, seemed to remember some bad memories, and said that she would not go ashore.And Lorne just went ashore with Zhuan Yuan, just idle.

At this time, it was the evening. After dinner, the residents of Didi Island finally took a rest after a busy day. They gathered in groups and talked about the length of their home.However, after seeing the two of Lorne and Zhuan Yuan, he cast his eyes on them from time to time, his eyes were full of vigilance.

If it wasn\'t for the two men who didn\'t carry any weapons and they looked quite young, they would have blasted them out a long time ago.

Didi Island is located on the edge of the New World, and it is not on several major air routes. It is rarely visited by people.The inhabitants of the small island got together naturally, so they recognized these two new faces at a glance.

New faces mean outsiders, and in this chaotic era, outsiders do not mean anything good.

Lorne tried to talk several times, and these residents walked away on their own, as if they didn\'t see the two of them.

"Sister, you\'re so beautiful!" A little boy about six or seven years old, wearing washed white suspender jeans and a runny nose walked to the front of Zhuanyuan, and handed her a half-flavored yellow wildflower in his hand. Then he wiped his nose and said with a smile.

"Be my girlfriend!"

"Huh?" Zhuan Yuan just stretched out his hand, subconsciously trying to take the little boy\'s flower.After hearing the little boy\'s words, the whole person was stunned and didn\'t react for a while.

"Sorry, she already has a boyfriend." Lorne calmly pressed Zhuan Yuan\'s outstretched hand and said with a smile."You\'re so young, so you get flowers everywhere, do your parents know?"

"Huh!" The little boy glared at Lorne viciously, and took back his half-hearted wild flowers. "I\'ve grown up, and Uncle Peng Ke on the next street said that only those who have a girlfriend are real adults. I must prove it to Uncle Peng Ke!"

Want to find a girlfriend to prove that you are an adult? Zhuanyuan looks a little weird. What is this strange custom?But Lorne next to him seemed to think of something and laughed.

Just as Zhuan Yuan wanted to continue to inquire, a woman about thirty years old, wearing a washed-down linen clothes rushed over and said apologetically.

"I\'m sorry, Xiaobao has caused you trouble." While talking, she suddenly recognized the identities of the two "outsiders" in front of her, and quickly dragged the little boy behind her with tension on her face.

Is it so exclusive?Lorne secretly said, but each island has its own customs, and if conditions permit, he does not seem to destroy the customs here.

"Hello, the two of us are travelers who accidentally wandered here. We want to spend the night in this place. I don\'t know where there is a hotel like a hotel." Lorne took the initiative to expose his identity as an "outer", but did some A small modification, after all, in this extremely closed place, the combination of the navy and the pirates is a bit shocking.

"Hotel?" The middle-aged woman was a little confused, "Does it mean a place to live temporarily? Sorry, Didi Island does not have such a thing."

"Isn\'t there?" Lorne was a little surprised, but he quickly reacted. This Didi Island is too small. All the residents live in a small area and there are few outsiders, so naturally there is no need for such things as hotels. .

"That\'s really a shame." Lorne said with regret. He didn\'t force it. He was ready to buy some supplies and then returned to the ship to make do for a night.

"That." The middle-aged woman glanced at Luo En and Zhuan Yuan, as if she had made up her mind."If you two don\'t mind, you can stay at my house for one night."

Indifferent on the surface, but in fact it is still very enthusiastic.Lorne just wanted to inquire about Zhuan Yuan, but found that she had nodded directly.

"Thank you."

Is Zhuan Yuan so disgusted to go back to the sea? Lorne glanced at her in surprise and found that the female lieutenant was pressing her abdomen calmly, frowning her brows, it seemed a little uncomfortable.Then I understood, and gave her a weird look.

The middle-aged woman’s home is a dilapidated little bungalow on the edge of the town. She first greeted Xiao Bao back to the house, and then apologized to Zhuan Yuan and Lorne.

"The kid\'s father works at the dock and won\'t be back tonight. The house is a bit small, so I wronged you two."

Zhuan Yuan kept saying no, until he walked into the house did he understand what the middle-aged woman\'s grievance was.The whole small bungalow had only two bedrooms except for the living room and kitchen. The middle-aged woman took the initiative to live with her child, leaving the larger bedroom for two people.

In her eyes, Lorne and Zhuan Yuan are lovers, so there is no relationship between living together.

Zhuan Yuan looked at Lorne with a suffocated smile, as if he had thought of this embarrassing situation a long time ago, and almost took out the pistol he was carrying and shot him.However, the middle-aged woman\'s kindness was not good enough, so she had to live.


The moment the door closed, Zhuan Yuan took out his pistol, patted it on the table, and glared at Lorne.It seems to be saying, tonight you be honest.

Lorne shrugged helplessly. Although Zhuan Yuan is a rare beauty, today even if he thinks, Zhuan Yuan’s physical condition is not allowed. Besides, he raised his left hand and put a blue one on his middle finger. The ring was shining.

After seeing this ring, what Zhuan Yuan originally wanted to say was stuck in his throat.He blushed, it turned out that he was passionate, and then sat on the bed, turned his head, and ignored Lorne.

"But I suddenly remembered one thing." Lorne sat on the side of the bed, Zhuan Yuan\'s legs were really long, and he had to avoid a little bit to avoid touching these long, white legs.

"On the edge of the great route, there should be many small islands like Didi Island. How do your navy manage these small islands? Send a navy to station here?"

"The Navy does not have so many people. It is very reluctant to be able to establish several branches in several key areas." Zhuan Yuan thought for a while, and decided to answer Ron\'s words. He obviously didn\'t want to pay attention to Ron, but after hearing his question, Can\'t help but answer.

"After receiving the signal, the navy of these branches will go to sea to help the island that sends the signal."